
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Stuff I did While Punchy

"Wait until 5 to go to sleep," she says.
"then your sleep schedule will be back on track!" she says.
I got like 5 hours of sleep and now I'm not gon be able to go back to sleep, so I'm gonna play . . . Ohhhh you're right this is a good idea, thanks Penguin!!!

Fun things we did today while I was punchy:
Watched "Dancing in the Clouds"
Did about 50 thumb wars
Went to an art museum??????

touched the fishline that was golding the dried lemons above our heads ("don't touch!!!!!")
Wanted to touch the barbed wire on the one piece... it had little balls of barbed wire.
Did a few more thumb wars.
Found the best piece of art: a disc on the ground with spark plugs beneaht it.
a slick painting of droplest
we went outside and had a discussion of What is Art. The virdice:

    • That metal thing is art (it was like a coupol of quadralatirla oid tubls and like a curvy coutner thingish comin off?)
    • What about htat wooden padio you'r standing on?
      That's not art. that's craftsmenship.
      why isn't that art?
      Becasue that (points behind wme at the rock) is art.
    • That is art.
      That's a fan.
      It's art.
    • The statues of puppyes who'd been ravaded like they were all rugged and there were like flaps and chucks missing and there was a pinkingsh on them like blood XD
    • Got some cool sticks
    • keept the one that's a good and lithgt like a good sword
    • played around practising my ventus-sstyle skillz
    • fell down trying to do that spin thing he does somethimes
    • played "if i dye young" (shoot i was gon spell it write and aw mannnnn)
    • on the slide
    • climbed on chrsistina + aww shoot who was it? like i wana say braco but i think thats just cuz we talked about ihmi a little bit today..
    • 's thing (one of those b things w the bwood logs and it curves and u lcil mebe iup?)
    • decided it was fine bc they were probably broken up by now
      what if they're a brother/sister team?
      they're still broken up by now
      are you saying that ur fgoying to break up with me??
      ?? No??? Duh??
    • did asome mad libs
    • oh yeah we went to sporouts and got sushi!!!!
    • and two watermelons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • I <3 watermelon
    • uhh yeah so we did some mad libs...
    • did I mention that we did that pillow fight thing where we put our on hands on the pillow on either side and bput them together through the pillow and then go back n forth howho we hit w the middle of the pillow?
    • we did that
    • we figured out how to tie at thumb war
    • also how to cheat-stay safe at thumb war
    • one of the mad libs said "by (persone in room)" so I put Clementine and proceeded to ask her many questions about her handwrinting so i could make this ghost-written essay m beliveable
    • (Clementine is Penguins pretend school persona)
    • We listened to music.
      what do u wantaoo to lissten to?
      My jam!!
      That one that's like 'baby baby baby OHHH"
      what's it called?
      idk like 'baby" or smth?
      "baby baby bayby oh" wait is by justin bieber???
      I didn't know i nkne w a song my bjustin beienbeoenaowingoie bieber
      oh yeah
    • when i said my jam
      clementine said "hikari?"
      and amber (me) said "waht no idek know how to speak indian"
    • we then ended up listening to a few of our "favorite songs" forexample gangnam style and like... idont remember
    • but it was abmazingnn
good night
so mom was asking about what is art and like is this building art??? (no it's arghicigtecture) and she said 'what about the mona lisa is that are' and i was like. ?? no of course not???" XD

goiingod night. 

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