Whoops I mean definitions. Haha. Ok
Pupplez: me
Mom: my mom
Dad: come on
grm: grandma
grp: grandpa
Chester: my dog
Lady: Mom in chesterspeak
Guy: Dad in Chesterspeak
Girl: me in Chesterspeak
Teenager: Penguin in Chesterspeak
Chesterspeak: I touch upon how to understand/speak/read Chesterspeak here, although it's very cringey and sounds like someone typing about their OCs and eughhhh.
Cuz 1: kind of gothish and emo but also . . . kinda like ruthie when she became a teenager? Likes Harry Potter. Mom's side
Cuz 2: likes pokemon and soccer. kinda apathetic sounding sometimes. Dad's side
Cuz 3: likes books. very excitable and energetic, a little bit violent sometimes. Dad's side
Cuz 4: i'm not sure what she likes but she's like super cute and friendly. Mom's side
Cuz 5: still pretty much a baby (twins). Likes five nights at freddy's and roblox rn. Mom's side
Cuz 6: also still pretty much a baby (twins). Likes bugs and pokemons. Mom's side
Friend Ko: I met him in 2017, he was in both of my classes at one of the co-ops i go to. He is a gamer, and is into kh, mario, zelda, and d&d.
Classmate Ka: Friend Ko's brother. Was in ASL class in 2017-18
Classmate Is: In ASL class.
Classmate Bl: In ASL class. This year (2018) he is also waiting between classes after ASL class so we chill together.
Classmate Ju: Was in ASL class in 2017.
TDP: The Dragonet Prophecy (book 1)
TLH: The Lost Heir (book 2)
THK: The Hidden Kingdom (book 3)
TDS: The Dark Secret (book 4)
TBN: The Brightest Night (book 5)
MR: Moon Rising (book 6)
WT: Winter Turning (book 7)
EP: Escaping Peril (book 8)
TOP: Talons of Power (book 9)
DoD: Dragonets of Destiny OR Darkness of Dragons (book 10)
L:D: (infrequent) Legends: Darkstalker
JMA: Jade Mountain Academy
KH: Kingdom Hearts
SDG: Sora, Donald, and Goofy
Ansem:SoD: Ansem Seeker of Darkness (Xehanort's heartless)
KHI: Kingdom Hearts/I -- the first game
(betcha thought you knew what came next! NOPE!)
(Re:)CoM: (Re:)Chain of Memories
(CoM[:])Rev/Reb: Reverse/Rebirth, the bonus mode in CoM unlocked after finishing the first playthrough, which shows Riku's journey through the CO basement...s...(??)
KHII: Kingdom Hearts II
Days: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (the one about Roxas, Xion, and Axel)
BBS: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (the one about Aqua, Terra, and Ventus; the prequel)
DDD/KH3D/3DDDD: Kingdom Hearts: (3D) Dream Drop Distance (the one for the 3ds, the one that messed everything up, the one with time travel, the one about Sora and Riku, the one with the Mark of Mastery exam, the one where Axel's Lea, the one with Yen Sid doing things, the one with TWEWY characters instead of FF, etc, etc)
(Re:)Coded: Kingdom Hearts (Re:)Coded (the useless one, the one where we find out about the "mysterious messages in the journal" which wereNOT THERE BEFORE, the one where we learn what the letter said, the one in the datascape, the one with the Blox, the one where Riku is computer-savvy)
KH𝛘/Chi/KHChi: Kingdom Hearts (unchained) 𝛘/Chi (the mobile game that's apparently necessary for plot, the one with the avatars, the one with Chirithy, the one with the Unions (fun story I had to go search up Vulpes on khfriendlyreminders to remember what unions are called. haha. [it was already open, and search engines hate me :-(]), the super-prequel)
Backcover/𝛘Backcover/KHXBC/KHBC: the 𝛘 cutscene movie WHICH IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR THE GAME apparently. I hate you square. Anyway, this is the one in 2.8. (the one with the Foretellers)
KHUx: Kingdom Hearts Union x (cross): The update of 𝛘. (the MMORPG [don't quote me on this], the one with the dandelions, the one with Ven?????????)
0.2/KHFP/BBS0.2/BBSaFP/0.2aFP: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage. (the one about Aqua in the RoD, the KHIII preview)
KHIII/KH3: Kingdom Hearts III (the rumored "Dark Seeker Saga" ending)
YMX: Young Master Xehanort
RoD: Realm of Darkness
TAV: Terra, Aqua, and Ventus
Org XIII: Organization XIII (kinda obvious but)
MoM: Master of Masters
MoM(E): Mark of Mastery (exam) <use context><edit: probably never gonna use it but jic>
Paopu/Destiny/Destiny Island Trio: Sora, Riku, and Kairi
Seasalt Trio: Roxas, Axel, and Xion
Wayfinder Trio: Terra, Aqua, and Ven
Twilight/Twilight Town Trio: Hayner, Pence, and Olette
CO: Castle Oblivion
RAX: Roxas, Axel, and Xion
HPO: Hayner, Pence, and Olette
TWEWY: The World Ends with You (I haven't played it; the characters cameo in DDD like the FF characters do in other KH games)
FF: Final Fantasy (note: any extra letters may be roman numerals designating which FF game. I don't really talk about FF though.)
EM: Epic Mickey
EM2: Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Wasteland: The place where forgotten toons go.
MLP: My Little Pony
MLP:FIM: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
EqG/EQG: Equestria Girls
AJ: Applejack
RD: Rainbow Dash
FIW: Friendship is Witchcraft, a parody series
AT: Adventure Time
PB: Princess Bubblegum
IK: Ice King
F&J/F+J: Finn and Jake
F&JI/F+JI: Finn and Jake Investigations (the video game)
BMO is a character, not an abbreviation
grems: the document where we write wonky stuff like: "Aqua and Qibli shrugged at each other across the circle.
I have, since beginning this Page, written much more on My Own Grems, although we lost one story to the fire. . . (AKA the data corruption)
Click on the image. This will bring it up full-size in a temporary view overlaid on the page. You can then scroll through all the photos in the post! and then click in the grey area to go back to where you were!
To search:
There's a search bar at the top of the sidebar on the right side of the page! use that!
To find more posts about the same thing:
There is a list of tags in the sidebar, you can click one of those to see posts with that tag. You can also find the tags on a post at the end of it.
amv: I believe it started as "anime music video" but i heard it defined as "animated music video". Anyway, it's a catch-all term for clips from a show/video game/movie or original animation (generally for a series/franchise/whatever) set to music. Sometimes altered (pmv = pony music video; gmv = game music video...)
bc/bcos/bcuz: because
BMO: slang for adorable, bc of that AT choose-your-own-adventure about BMO that started by introducing him as "so cute, if you wanted to say something was cute, you might as well say it was BMO"
brb: be right back
btw: by the way
dlc: "downloadable content", a video game term; often specifically about paid expansions or w/e
dnd/d&d: Dungeons and Dragons
fam: ..family.. kinda like bro? i guess?
ftw: for the win
idek: I don't even know
idk: I don't know
iirc: if I recall correctly
ikr: I know, right?
ily: I love you
ilysm: I love you so much
imo: in my opinion
jic: just in case
jk: just kidding
lol: lol (yeah i don't use it as laughing out loud. i don't think anyone does anymore. it's a word.)
mmd: (i just learned this today!! [oct/2019]) stands for Miku Miku Dance, an application used to make animations
MMORPG: massive multiplayer online role-playing game
nvm: nevermind
OC: Original Character (usually for an existing universe/in context of fanfic/idk how to describe it)
ofc: of course
omg: oh my gosh
OP: Overpowered (as of an OC, or a video game mechanic)
rn: right now
rp: roleplay
rpg: role-playing game
smh: shaking my head
tfw: that feeling when
totes: totally
tysm: thank you so much
uwu: I use it as like.. sarcastically superior/smug? just like. . to convey the right tone of my annoyance at whoever for being obnoxiously ignorant or whatev. like ____. It's not reallllly a face in my mind, cuz i can't see it as one, and I read it as "oowoo"
v / ver: (in context) very
w/e: whatever
w/o: without
w: (in context) with
wdik: what do i know
wdyk: what do you know
whatevs/ w/e: whatever
wth: what the heck
XD: a laughing face
omg so if you give in to the darkness/the darkness takes over your heart (naturally or by force [aka what happens at the end of KHI]) you((((R HEART)))) turns into a Heartless. That is as far as we get in the first game!! BUT!! Once you get to the second game, you learn that your BODY turns into a Nobody (do not think about it too hard)! That's all well and good, but then we get deeper into stuff like:
also he's emo as heck
anyway i hate riku
he's like "I choose . . . . . . . NEITHER!!!!!!!!! I walk the PATH TO DAWN cuz i'm SO COOL and I CAN USE THE DARKNESS AND ALSO BE IN THE LIGHT AND NOT GET OVERTAKEN"
and then he's like "am i really fit to be a keyblade wielder?"
gawsh riku make up your mind.
(i haven't finished reverse/rebirth, can u tell?)
Who. now.
btw i'm writing with my head on my left arm so let's see how badly i mess up.
sora. he's an " ordinary boy" that this could have happened to anyone but also . . . he's the chosen one so. y'lknow.ugh i gotta go do other things seeya.
i didn't use = instead of backspace ONCE. whoa.
Penguin: my older sisterPupplez: me
Mom: my mom
Dad: come on
grm: grandma
grp: grandpa
Chester: my dog
Lady: Mom in chesterspeak
Guy: Dad in Chesterspeak
Girl: me in Chesterspeak
Teenager: Penguin in Chesterspeak
Chesterspeak: I touch upon how to understand/speak/read Chesterspeak here, although it's very cringey and sounds like someone typing about their OCs and eughhhh.
Cuz 1: kind of gothish and emo but also . . . kinda like ruthie when she became a teenager? Likes Harry Potter. Mom's side
Cuz 2: likes pokemon and soccer. kinda apathetic sounding sometimes. Dad's side
Cuz 3: likes books. very excitable and energetic, a little bit violent sometimes. Dad's side
Cuz 4: i'm not sure what she likes but she's like super cute and friendly. Mom's side
Cuz 5: still pretty much a baby (twins). Likes five nights at freddy's and roblox rn. Mom's side
Cuz 6: also still pretty much a baby (twins). Likes bugs and pokemons. Mom's side
Friend Ko: I met him in 2017, he was in both of my classes at one of the co-ops i go to. He is a gamer, and is into kh, mario, zelda, and d&d.
Classmate Ka: Friend Ko's brother. Was in ASL class in 2017-18
Classmate Is: In ASL class.
Classmate Bl: In ASL class. This year (2018) he is also waiting between classes after ASL class so we chill together.
Classmate Ju: Was in ASL class in 2017.
WoF: Wings of FireTDP: The Dragonet Prophecy (book 1)
TLH: The Lost Heir (book 2)
THK: The Hidden Kingdom (book 3)
TDS: The Dark Secret (book 4)
TBN: The Brightest Night (book 5)
MR: Moon Rising (book 6)
WT: Winter Turning (book 7)
EP: Escaping Peril (book 8)
TOP: Talons of Power (book 9)
DoD: Dragonets of Destiny OR Darkness of Dragons (book 10)
L:D: (infrequent) Legends: Darkstalker
JMA: Jade Mountain Academy
KH: Kingdom Hearts
SDG: Sora, Donald, and Goofy
Ansem:SoD: Ansem Seeker of Darkness (Xehanort's heartless)
KHI: Kingdom Hearts/I -- the first game
(betcha thought you knew what came next! NOPE!)
(Re:)CoM: (Re:)Chain of Memories
(CoM[:])Rev/Reb: Reverse/Rebirth, the bonus mode in CoM unlocked after finishing the first playthrough, which shows Riku's journey through the CO basement...s...(??)
KHII: Kingdom Hearts II
Days: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (the one about Roxas, Xion, and Axel)
BBS: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (the one about Aqua, Terra, and Ventus; the prequel)
DDD/KH3D/3DDDD: Kingdom Hearts: (3D) Dream Drop Distance (the one for the 3ds, the one that messed everything up, the one with time travel, the one about Sora and Riku, the one with the Mark of Mastery exam, the one where Axel's Lea, the one with Yen Sid doing things, the one with TWEWY characters instead of FF, etc, etc)
(Re:)Coded: Kingdom Hearts (Re:)Coded (the useless one, the one where we find out about the "mysterious messages in the journal" which wereNOT THERE BEFORE, the one where we learn what the letter said, the one in the datascape, the one with the Blox, the one where Riku is computer-savvy)
KH𝛘/Chi/KHChi: Kingdom Hearts (unchained) 𝛘/Chi (the mobile game that's apparently necessary for plot, the one with the avatars, the one with Chirithy, the one with the Unions (fun story I had to go search up Vulpes on khfriendlyreminders to remember what unions are called. haha. [it was already open, and search engines hate me :-(]), the super-prequel)
Backcover/𝛘Backcover/KHXBC/KHBC: the 𝛘 cutscene movie WHICH IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR THE GAME apparently. I hate you square. Anyway, this is the one in 2.8. (the one with the Foretellers)
KHUx: Kingdom Hearts Union x (cross): The update of 𝛘. (the MMORPG [don't quote me on this], the one with the dandelions, the one with Ven?????????)
0.2/KHFP/BBS0.2/BBSaFP/0.2aFP: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage. (the one about Aqua in the RoD, the KHIII preview)
KHIII/KH3: Kingdom Hearts III (the rumored "Dark Seeker Saga" ending)
YMX: Young Master Xehanort
RoD: Realm of Darkness
TAV: Terra, Aqua, and Ventus
Org XIII: Organization XIII (kinda obvious but)
MoM: Master of Masters
MoM(E): Mark of Mastery (exam) <use context><edit: probably never gonna use it but jic>
Paopu/Destiny/Destiny Island Trio: Sora, Riku, and Kairi
Seasalt Trio: Roxas, Axel, and Xion
Wayfinder Trio: Terra, Aqua, and Ven
Twilight/Twilight Town Trio: Hayner, Pence, and Olette
CO: Castle Oblivion
RAX: Roxas, Axel, and Xion
HPO: Hayner, Pence, and Olette
TWEWY: The World Ends with You (I haven't played it; the characters cameo in DDD like the FF characters do in other KH games)
FF: Final Fantasy (note: any extra letters may be roman numerals designating which FF game. I don't really talk about FF though.)
EM: Epic Mickey
EM2: Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Wasteland: The place where forgotten toons go.
MLP: My Little Pony
MLP:FIM: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
EqG/EQG: Equestria Girls
AJ: Applejack
RD: Rainbow Dash
FIW: Friendship is Witchcraft, a parody series
AT: Adventure Time
PB: Princess Bubblegum
IK: Ice King
F&J/F+J: Finn and Jake
F&JI/F+JI: Finn and Jake Investigations (the video game)
BMO is a character, not an abbreviation
grems: the document where we write wonky stuff like: "Aqua and Qibli shrugged at each other across the circle.
"Oh!" Xion said. "We need a flip-flop!" Unfortunately, Xion does not own any flipflops :-( "Here." Sora removed his left flop and tossed it past Donald and Goofy to PB."Thank you, Sora," she said, and threw the flop into the mushpot. It landed face down."It started as us talking about gremlins on Penguin's computer, basically headcanons like
"Jammy: "DUDE CHANGE YOUR STUPID RINGTONE!!!!!" Marky's ringtone is somethin super annoying we don't know yet but it will come to us. The song that never ends? THE SOUND OF A SEER SPATTER NOTICING YOU YES. Jamzo occasionally just SITS up in bed like "SOUND THE ALARM THEY'VE FOUND US- MARKUS YOU NITWIT""it devolved into
"its thanksgiving, and sora has invited All His Friends! Donald has invited all HIS friends!! and GOOFY invited HIISISS FRIends!i'm glad the gummi ship is so big let's get started" . . . "Donald pulled the turkey out of the oven. "SORA!!!!!!!!! tell goofy to get in here and finish his turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We also may have one on grm's computer? and then we started one in a Google Doc, plus I made one on my computer. It's sort of crossover fanfic? but it's not really cuz it's all. . . idk. It kinda is. i gotta be honest. but also. it's:!"sora walked in wrapped in a towel, scrubbing his hair dry. for once it wassn;t in its signature spikes. "donald, u.. holding a turkey... it just looks wrong."
donald stared blankly at him while he shook out his hair and it popped into spikes. s..somehow. "well u could be the one holding the turkey, but NO. you jsut had to go wash up. wait a minute do we even have a bathtub slash shower in the gummi ship-"
sora retreated hastily "WHOOPs don don that's the doorbell!!!!!!"
"DOORBELL?" donald, even though he's the captain, obvs know nothing about the ship's workings. wait does that mean he has literally never bathed? wai-
goofy scooped the turkey out if his hands while he was pondering this anxiously. "okay im gonna take that a hyuck u go get the door because sora ain't wearing anything"
sora had already opened the door. "WHOA donaLD Look who it IS! it's.......... um...... mini goofy?"
"the keyboard smashes are [Pupplez], and I will make words out of themgo:
verify the jalopy 9
uriel (idk??? is that a name of a character in undertale??? idk??????)"
Plus that whole story about what happened when they went to Monstro?:
sora pulled his keyblade dramatically from his .... abyss"donald"More from the Thanksgiving story (I think):
"yeah sora"
"donald you never showed up to my Best Friend's memorial service. prere to die."
"wait what"
sora was crying. this is a very emotional scene. but that's not why he's crying. he's crying because he had planned this speech for years but he justmesed it up. he wa supposed to say like "donald you never showed up to my Best Friend's memorial service. hope you can make it to your own. which will be now. because imma kill you. donald. u gon die." but instead he merely said prere to die. he didn't even say prepare correctly. dang.
donald was very confused. so confused. "what sora what i was Totes There"
sora was sobbing now. he was messing it all up. "no donald you weren't i was there i didn't see you"
donald was v quiet and he finally said "........................................................... ...thundaga"
sora got fried
and donald ran over to him and whispered angrily "what the ever loving heckles sora my dude"
sora was mad now "donald i told you not to say that ever again, donald, donald i TOLD YOU you DON'T sound like a Hip Surfer Dude"
and donald was crying too now
just then fflewddur fflam showed up! what!
he burst into the big clearing they were arguing in and started screaming "HEY GUYS!!! GUYS!!!! A HYUCK IM SO GLAD I FOUND YOU!"
and donald got so happy "GOOFY!!!! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN YEARS!"
and sora got up and got mad "that's fflewddur, donald, who's goofy?"
and the guy was like "im goofy sor i can't believe you're not over having gotten Hit In The Head all those years ago"
donald sighed "that would explain it"
"explain what??????????????????????"
the guy who was probably actually goofy, not fflewddur, was all like "sora remember when we were gonna crash into monstro who is now ded but he wasn't back then? i accidentally slammed my chair into you and you haven't been the same since"
and that's how come even though sora has done many benevelont and wonderful things everyone is crazy worried about him
the end
"man i thought this was about donald, and talkin to sora..." yeah but i forgot what i was doing
"gus was sitting casually on the side of the punch bowl. his feet were in the punch. he was snackin on postage stamps when the prince started smacking against the table. the thing he had in front of him rolled a ways up the table leg, then slammed down and shed a bbunch of toys from it. he tried again and it went all the way up. then he slammed it into the punhc bowl a few times until gus got down. "yes, boy?"The Prince patted the thing and looked up at him with a smile.OH NO wait that's the secret santa story. yeah. Anyway then I made one on my computer, but it's just got like. that first story I put. yeah.
"for me?"
mmhm, the prince sorta... said, ish
gus took the big round thing and began to investigate. was it a katamari? YOU THOUGHT. it's actually. um. a.... catamari. [pupplez] was staring over my shoulder going "what ARE you gonna make it? HA YOU DON'T KNOOW" so um"
Hacks (i guess):
To open images in full size:Click on the image. This will bring it up full-size in a temporary view overlaid on the page. You can then scroll through all the photos in the post! and then click in the grey area to go back to where you were!
To search:
There's a search bar at the top of the sidebar on the right side of the page! use that!
To find more posts about the same thing:
There is a list of tags in the sidebar, you can click one of those to see posts with that tag. You can also find the tags on a post at the end of it.
Tags with the names of characters are mostly only used in posts of pictures or when the character is discussed in detail, due to the fact that i am limited to 20 tags per post. Use the search bar to find more mentions of a character!Some possibly unnecessary meanings of slang (and initialisms) I use:
adorbs: adorableamv: I believe it started as "anime music video" but i heard it defined as "animated music video". Anyway, it's a catch-all term for clips from a show/video game/movie or original animation (generally for a series/franchise/whatever) set to music. Sometimes altered (pmv = pony music video; gmv = game music video...)
bc/bcos/bcuz: because
BMO: slang for adorable, bc of that AT choose-your-own-adventure about BMO that started by introducing him as "so cute, if you wanted to say something was cute, you might as well say it was BMO"
brb: be right back
btw: by the way
dlc: "downloadable content", a video game term; often specifically about paid expansions or w/e
dnd/d&d: Dungeons and Dragons
fam: ..family.. kinda like bro? i guess?
ftw: for the win
idek: I don't even know
idk: I don't know
iirc: if I recall correctly
ikr: I know, right?
ily: I love you
ilysm: I love you so much
imo: in my opinion
jic: just in case
jk: just kidding
lol: lol (yeah i don't use it as laughing out loud. i don't think anyone does anymore. it's a word.)
mmd: (i just learned this today!! [oct/2019]) stands for Miku Miku Dance, an application used to make animations
MMORPG: massive multiplayer online role-playing game
nvm: nevermind
OC: Original Character (usually for an existing universe/in context of fanfic/idk how to describe it)
ofc: of course
omg: oh my gosh
OP: Overpowered (as of an OC, or a video game mechanic)
rn: right now
rp: roleplay
rpg: role-playing game
smh: shaking my head
tfw: that feeling when
totes: totally
tysm: thank you so much
uwu: I use it as like.. sarcastically superior/smug? just like. . to convey the right tone of my annoyance at whoever for being obnoxiously ignorant or whatev. like ____. It's not reallllly a face in my mind, cuz i can't see it as one, and I read it as "oowoo"
v / ver: (in context) very
w/e: whatever
w/o: without
w: (in context) with
wdik: what do i know
wdyk: what do you know
whatevs/ w/e: whatever
wth: what the heck
XD: a laughing face
Characters and things that I talk about sometimes without context:
OK so I'm not writing up the entire story of Kingdom Hearts here (I'll probably post the summary thingamajig I've been working on when I finish it) but ehhhhhhhhhhhhOKOK so
Axel is the Sassmaster and he does lotsa jerky things and umm... let's see he killed vexen and zexion (basically. . . he made rikuplica kill zexion and like. . . y'know) and like . . screwed with EVERYONE throughout CoM (but also. . like he does some great sassmastering. also I haven't played CoM in a while, and i flat out haven't played the last half+ of Rev/Reb so) He kindaaa has bad people skills? At least, he does on the last/second-to-last day of Days when Roxas confront's him . . . like he really should realize that Roxas is upset and is gonna do something Drastic if Axel keeps bein all "that's just not it! you just don't get it. (uwu)" like come on dude.oh yeah i should explain the sTUPID NOBODY/HEARTLESS/SOMEBODY LORE/RULES
**Spoilers for like all of KH below**omg so if you give in to the darkness/the darkness takes over your heart (naturally or by force [aka what happens at the end of KHI]) you((((R HEART)))) turns into a Heartless. That is as far as we get in the first game!! BUT!! Once you get to the second game, you learn that your BODY turns into a Nobody (do not think about it too hard)! That's all well and good, but then we get deeper into stuff like:
- if you have a strong enough heart/will, your body retains its shape (?). if not, you probably end up like this:
- nobodies don't have feelings
- but they do have memories
- so........
- anyway
- then we find out
- in DDD
- but sorta foreshadowed in Days and KHII
- that
- nobodies
- can
- under the right circumstances (basically: have friends??)
- and then
- it all falls apart when you find out that
- if
- you
- kill
- both
- the
- Heartless
- and
- the
- Nobody
- of a person.
- .
- .
- the person
- it's so stupid why does ddd exist
- ok but also it's not explained how Heartless work?
- do they have feelings?
- since they're made from the heart?
- right that makes SENSE
- but then
- there's no game about THEM
- (looks at Days)
- ok and also
- there's like . . . foouuuuuuu-ive forms you could take if you turn into a heartless?
- shadow:
- Darkball:
- Darkside:
- Anti-Sora:
- and AnsemSoD
- so...
- Ok i am aware now that . . there's more. Invisibles are also purebloods according to khwiki.
- so here's na updated list
- (also i don't know why I included anti-sora)
- Shadow:
- Gigas Shadow:
- Mega-Shadow:
- Neoshadow:
- Novashadow:
- Invisible:
- oh ok i guess it includes antisora. this is a very inclusive list, isn't it.
- See Gallery
- ummmmmmmmmmm????????????????????????
- fine. FINE.
- Wayward Wardrobe's branchees Heartless
- Wayward Wardrobe's high-heeled boot Heartless
- Wayward Wardrobe's skirt Heartless
- alright. there we go. there we FREAKING GO.
- now you wanna know about all the other types of heartless
- "Pupplez, i just fought 52 powerwilds in the climbing trees, what are--" I JUST GOT RICKROLLED BY A GOPRO AD??-- sorry "--you talking about, what are they???"
- "pupplez, look at this page in jiminy's journal titled "heartless," there's like multiple pages, def more than five!! (also Ansem's not listed)"
- and to you I say HA
- that is the whole point!
- 1 we don't know that Ansem's a heartless until . . . the second game?
- second numbered game that is. KHII. The third game technically.
- 2 the rest of those heartless are Emblem Heartless.
- They are fabricated heartless used for research . . . originally. . . now they . . are used to capture hearts? and then get killed by the keyblade? to release hearts? to make kingdom hearts?
- xehanort this is a really stupid plan
- omg
- ok
- but who is making them
- the machine is still in hollow bastion/radiant garden
- so
- where they comin from?
- also
- where did all the nobodies in khii come from?
- cuz. . .
- geez
- alssoooo do you really need to have a strong heart/will to keep your form when becoming a nobody?
- cuz
- Demyx?
- honestly?
- he just loves music soo much that he becomes a nobody when he gives in to the darkness?
- anyway also Xemnas can supposedly turn nobodies into dusks? :
- ugh
- ughhghghgh
- um so
- yeah also . .
- nobodies "don't exist, uwu"
- but they obviously do????????????
- where do you get your ideas, xehanemna'ansem? (pronounce: ZAY-uh-NEM-nuh-an-səm)
Heartless that pose as blox, biding their time until careless passersby wander just a little too close.
Riku is stupid
he's all buddy-buddy with the darkness but he's a goood guy now so it's okay
also he's a freaking keyblade master I realize that looks like it's gonna be cursing or something but it's spoilers.
he's a superrebel like oh mannn
his sword evolved into a keyblade?
bc he's that good?
i guess??
also he's emo as heck
anyway i hate riku
he's like "I choose . . . . . . . NEITHER!!!!!!!!! I walk the PATH TO DAWN cuz i'm SO COOL and I CAN USE THE DARKNESS AND ALSO BE IN THE LIGHT AND NOT GET OVERTAKEN"
and then he's like "am i really fit to be a keyblade wielder?"
gawsh riku make up your mind.
rikuplica is the riku replica. um. he's like super emo but like not. really. cuzz. he's more like evil than emu. so(i haven't finished reverse/rebirth, can u tell?)
"Uhhhh guys?" (also the long pause before he says that)(it's not that long but when you're watching it is) (also spoilers lol)
Please shut up mickey mouse i don't need this this bothers me.""""these are hidden truths"""" they are just pictures Namine stop making stuff up.
ok so half the time namine talks to sora and half the time she talks about sora (as in non-data sora) and it's awkward.
also this is kinda passive aggressive.
why does namine sound like she's about to cry here?
You and he share a very special connection" "Yeah" i literally just remembered this weird dream i had as a kid and there was some teenager and i let him live in my heart or something oh my gosh was that real oh no that was stupid why was I a stupid child. (what's probably happening)wait ok i wasn't actually paying attention but I don't think she said that???So did namine do all this junk just on the off chance that King Mickey and co would investigate the empty journal by data-fying it and then going inside the data and then whatever the heck happened in this game????"
Honestly though??? I still don't get??? why??? Namine can't even fabricate memories of Xion???? She did it for herself-- *gaaaassssssssssssppppppppppppppppppp* she'S FAKING SHE'S A FAKER SHE JUST WANTS ROXAS. I BET.. SHE'S SELFISH. Anyway I'm still mad at Namine hbu?""Ok wait though 'what if some of the pieces got lost? there would be no way to finish' - Namine, talking about fixing Sora's memories."'But. . . "I don't actually erase any memories. Just take apart the links, and rearrange them. You still have all your memories.' (ok it's not as contradictory as I thought.)so yeah
ok but then she says this: 'I have to gather up the memories scattered across each of your hearts, and reconnect them.' which... maybe it's supposed to mean Sora, donald, and goofy; but try thinking of it as 'each of Sora's hearts'. it's funnier.
Who. now.
sora is a dorkupine. he's a ball of sunshine. hbtw i'm writing with my head on my left arm so let's see how badly i mess up.
sora. he's an " ordinary boy" that this could have happened to anyone but also . . . he's the chosen one so. y'lknow.ugh i gotta go do other things seeya.
i didn't use = instead of backspace ONCE. whoa.
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