
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Kingdom Hearts Vs. Kingdom Hearts II

I can't make a two-column comparison or anything so.

First we'll talk about individual mechanics, then broader things compared game to game. I'm bored so let's add Days and Re:Coded and CoM.
Spoilers will be marked like this. There shouldn't be spoilers for games other than the one that the section is about, and 1 and 2 but. Y'know. Also: be wary of pics and vids; they are likely to be spoilery! Check the words first, and then proceed. :-)

Funny story: I just watched an "Unpopular KH Opinions" video, and like 80% of the points were my legitimate feelings? And about half of them seemed like actual, popular things? So? Idk?
1: Trinity marks are good } Heck yes bruh
2. Manga is better than game } In it's own way, sure
3. Destiny Islands is boring. } NO way. But I have seen people who think this; and I can understand this.
4. Hundred Acre Wood is best part of game. Love unwinding with Pooh and co. } No; but when I was younger this was too true for words.
5. Combat system is bad } N.. I haven't really thought about it, but I don't think so.
6. Cloud looks better in this than FFVII } Idk.
7. Riku's progression to villain was too rushed } I could see that. But. I don't like Riku regardless. So.
8. Picking sword/shield/staff didn't seem to matter by end, they should make it matter more in future installments for replayability } This is true. The first part anyway. Idk if it should make a difference later though.
9. Only good thing about gummi ships is customizing; flying is tedious, and timewasting } I disagree with this; but in my experience, this is actually a popular opinion.
10. Kairi was meaningless } Uh-huhhh. Sure.
11. While summons look cool, but almost never use them. } Yep. Except Tinkerbell.
12. Neverland worse than Atlantica; flying mechanic was bad } No. No no.
13. Swimming and Atlantica were great } Definitely not. No one thinks that.
14. Magic system was clunky and bad } Maybe. But I still like Aero.
15. Story peaked at this game; simplest plot } Oh yes
16. Ice Titan hardest boss; Sephiroth easy once you know his pattern } haha nope. Even if the second part were true, the "hardest boss" would have to be the Phantom. You can just block for most of the Ice Titan fight.
17. Too simple; characters seem like lazy stereotypes. Fixed in later games. } Nah. Inverted. Mostly. Yeah.
All in all I think they mixed up what video they were doing.



  1. Swimming!
  2. (glanced back up and saw swimming and thought I was rereading something from summer, lol) Edging along ledges (lol)
  3. Being able to grab on to ledges even if you can't stand on them. (E.g. doorjambs [like the one to the seaside shack in Destiny Islands])
  4. Roofs and slopes being interactive-- instead of falling slowly along them, there's animation of landing on the slope and sliding down.
  5. Pointless/extraneous exploration (and/or parkour objects/obstacles: e.g. Camp, Deep Jungle; Vines 1 and 2, Deep Jungle; Lotus Forest, Wonderland; etc)
  6. Hollow Bastion's crazy mechanics and stuff.
  7. Climbing poles. Even that flagpole in the Camp, Deep Jungle.
  8. The End of the World: all those parkour things-- poles, ladders, ledges-- are necessary to get around. Not to mention
  9. gliding! Gliding is the best!


  1. Treasure chest list!! Best update to the game. For a completionist like me.
  2. Items can be assigned to shortcuts
  3. All four buttons can be used for shortcuts
  4. Walking around in first person mode--hardly ever do it, but it's nice to have
  5. Switching party members in battle-- feels like a cheat to me, and I hardly do it, but would have been useful in the game with trinity marks
  6. Drive forms! Ehh pretty cool, I guess. But. I wouldn't trade trinities for them.
  7. Penguin: Fun combos! Me: Ooh that's a good one *writes this*
  8. Camera controls with right analog stick! Thus, we have up/down controls!!!
  9. In order to get glide you must:
    1. get Final Form (endgame)
    2. level up Final Form (defeat nobodies in Final Form).


  1. Nope cards are NOT a win. 
  2. No, none of the unique game mechanics in this game are good.
  3. And all of the mechanics in this game are unique.
  4. The only good part of this game is the story.
  5. And also Axel's motives are totally sneaky and twisted and i love it. 
  6. But other than that.
  7. This game isn't that good.
    1. Dodge-rolling sucks
      1. it's unreliable
      2. and awkward
      3. and takes too long to remember what ur trying to do
    2. no dodge-roll in map (which be honest is the only time you really need it)
    3. CARDS
    4. sleights
      1. kill your index fingers
      2. are you supposed to remember all those requirements?
    5. run-away?
    6. If you get all the right cards, technically you probably could go through most of the game without seeing too many heartless. Not to say you should. Rikuplica will kill you. (I just want to say that I right-clicked on "Rikuplica" to add it to my dictionary, and the suggested correction was "Riku Replica". Oh Google, sometimes you understand me so well. Sometimes tho.)
  8. You get to choose what to get when you level up. Nice, I guess, but I would NOT trade that for KHI. (Rereading this it doesn't make sense; what I meant was I wouldn't trade KHI for it.)


  1. The chip system is okay? But I don't like having to take up so much space with my keyblade. The keyblade should have its own spot separate from my items, abilities, and magic.
  2. I like the different types of missions -- especially the bloticles (what are they called? shadow globs?) and Organization Emblems. (Yes, mainly because they're easy. Sue me.)
  3. It's fun to have a differing party, which is also forced upon you. As in, you have to have different parties; one day it's you and Lexaeus, the next you're solo, then you're going with Axel and Xion, then you're going out with Demyx, etc. etc. etc.


  1. An interesting mechanic is the option (automatically start with it on, but you can turn it off, thank goodness for some of those system sector challenges) to jump automatically when you leave a ledge. I used to use this to jump across gaps in one-blox-wide platforms.
  2. The matrix system is quite a bit better in this game, as your keyblade and items are separate. In fact, so are your abilities. Sort of. So, the way it works is: You get chips for things like +luck, +strength, +defense. and +magic, as well as level ups, resistance to magic, and strength of various magic spells. There are also trophy chips, which you get for earning a trophy, that raise I think your level, strength, defence, and magic, as well as blank chips which can be used to get closer to a slot, or as placeholders when moving chips around, as you can't remove a chip from a slot, only replace it. These chips are inserted into a map where they connect to ability slots, extra command slots, extra equipment slots, and CPUs, and when you connect two CPUs, the chips between them get doubled.
  3. A whole bunch of things I forgot! lol thanks KH wiki/Ye olde KH fansite!! I was just looking up what the CPUs are called!
  4. Commands! Interesting. I don't remember if I got the last command yet.. I think I did? not sure.  {3/26/17: You did.} Anyway, not my favorite thing, but it's not bad; for instance you can control what combos or whatever you use. I'm not a big fan of the command "breeding" that you have to do... It's alright, but you have to sort of plan a little bit, and buy commands and stuff. Not my fave. 
  5. Clock system? Honestly, I don't like it. But it hardly hinders gameplay, as long as you go into the settings and make it stop switching screens when you go up a clock level (it was seriously messing with my ability to move the camera angle).



  1. Story adaptations for Disney worlds-- For example, in Halloween Town, Jack is not trying to take over Christmas; instead he is trying something new for Halloween-- Heartless, which are indeed rather scary... especially if one were encountered in real life.
  2. PLOT TWIST!!! You go through this whole game thinking that Maleficent is the Big Bad and PSYCH! THERE'S THIS OTHER GUY POSSESSING RIKU OR SOMETHING!! WHAT!!
  3. Guys. The saddest scene. Well. Okay probably not. But. [Ok guys after I had written this:] In the manga, Sora says something to Donald and Goofy like "You guys can take it from here" and tosses the keyblade [my computer randomly shut off? And the battery says it's all charged??? And my music cut off immediately instead of still going for a minute like it usually does if I accidentally turn off the computer while it's still on? I'ma run a smart scan :-/ Also when I started up again and scrolled down the page on Youtube the scrollbar sort of slid a little bit? But that might have been me overreacting or the computer being sleepy...] toward them and smiles and then he stabs himself w the key that unlocks people's hearts or whatever. Does it have a name? Let's find out! Cuz it's not like I have anything more important to do  <<<<<s a r c a s m>>>>>. We're also gonna look up the exact quote because 
                  • Why the heck not?
                  • And it's always a good time to read KH manga.
  4. Wow. Wow is it really called the keyblade of heart? I can't believe this. OH MY GOSH OH NO OH gosh the Japanese name translated means "keyblade of the human heart" which is DISTURBING my gosh. Ohh okay.. apparently that's just its type. "'Keyblades of heart' are one of the three types of Keyblades, alongside the two kinds of 'Keyblades of Worlds' Hearts' — 'Keyblades of darkness', which only King Mickey uses, and 'Keyblades of light', which the other Keyblade wielders use.[1] Unlike the other two types of Keyblade, this type of Keyblade did not exist until the Realms were altered by the Keyblade War." Apparently this is from Xehanort's Report IV. (See, Penguin? Ansem Reports are important!)(although this is a Xehanort Report)(those are the Ansem Reports of Birth By Sleep)(I wrote answem).
  5. Anyway heartbreaking. Oh right, the quote! "You two can handle the rest." And he is like actually smiling? Here it's adorable. (spoilers lol)
    But the manga loses some points for 
      • Not showing them fighting Riku-Ansem(-heartless) so it seems like Sora is just doing all this while Riku-Ansem(-heartless) is just watching.
      • Extra cheesy Kairi lines: "Sor-- Sora... ...are you really-- No! I won't let him go! I can still feel Sora... ...right now! /Right, Sora?/"
      • Every time there's a shot of Kairi smiling it looks weird.
But also gains points for:
      • Sora-Kairi reunion: "Kairi!!" "Sora!" "How'd you get here?" "I don't know, one monetn (I'm leaving that lol but it actually says moment) I was with-- Ah!" and then they go into the whole I'm always with you blah blah. 
      •  Look at Donald XD
      • shoot this was a bad idea why am I doing this this was a bad idea oh man. 
      • No crummy "This time, I'll protect you!.. NO WAIT I AM NOT CUT OUT FOR BATTLE HOW ABOUT THE POWER OF HUGS THAT'LL WORK RIGHT OH GOSH I HOPE THIS WORKS!" instead it is one lone heartless which Donald, Goofy, and Kairi are confronted with. Which happens in the game too. But then a mob shows up.
      • We're stopping here bc otherwise this will take 10 years.
      • Wait one more thing: 
        Sora are you sitting on the counter with the control panel? You got a chair, bruh! 


  1. Ehhhh?
  2. Second visits!


  1. Great story man!!!
  2. It's not quite explained too well exactly what the organization members are trying to do in the game (at least Sora's story, I haven't finished Reverse, Rebirth), but the story is great.
  3. Namine's story
  4. Use of magic in cutscenes. (Well. Attempted use of magic.)
  5. Use of items in cutscenes. (I guess. How did they [Donald and Goofy, not the items] get there..?)


  1. I love the recurring joke in the manga where Roxas got a bunch of potions from the Moogle on special, and keeps giving them to people and explaining that they were on sale and he hopes they still work. 
  2. Very lovely story overall, I've mentioned some of the great things about this game before.
  3. Okay I've watched a few "Everything Wrong with KH" vids, including 358/2 Days, and one thing complained about is that if Xion can't use her keyblade, she shouldn't be able to use Roxas', and using Roxas' shouldn't help her figure out how to use hers. But she just says that she can't summon her keyblade, not that she can't use it. So. Anyway this is adorable.^ Although in the manga she asks to hold Roxas' hand which is supremely adorable.
  4. Still not sure why exactly Xion turns into a monster and fights Roxas before dying? Well, she fights Roxas to get him to kill her.... at least that's what I've gotten out of this nonsense? Ugh.


  1. Whyyyy does this game exissst??? ughhh
  2. Same rehashed worlds as you've seen a hundred times before.
  3. However, when Maleficent takes your keyblade and just. You don't know if you'll ever get it back? And for the earlier half of Hollow Bastion you are forced to do what I have done all my life ... at least until I stopped being scared of any enemy that crossed my path, standing out of the way while Donald and Goofy fight all the monsters for you, because you don't even have a wooden sword and you can't even block?? Awesome.
  4. The Castle Oblivion level. Oooo
  5. Okay so the game is inside Jiminy's journal, because it went blank after Chain of Memories (for some reason?), and in Castle Oblivion, Jiminy did write in his journal. So if this game is the data from Jiminy's journal which was erased (how did that happen exactly??????), then the Castle Oblivion data should be in there as well. Which it is.
    • And everyone is SURPRISED BY IT. BECAUSE THEY FORGOT ABOUT IT. It didn't come out of nowhere. And it was the only good part of this game. Storywise. Other than that Maleficent thing I mentioned before ^.^



  1. PUPPIES!! That little thrill of excitement you get when you see that this was a puppy treasure! And the happiness you get when you visit their house and . it slowly fills up with puppies and each time you come back there's more and it makes you SO HAPPY and they don't talk cuz they're dogs but they give you presents and you're like no, you have to take care of 99 puppies how will u afford but they're like :-) take the present, thank u so much and so you're all well ok but lemme know if i can help u get some more food or smth? I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!! :-D And also you can't use commands in there bc it is a Safe Space full of Innocent Children!!! <3 
  2. TRINITY MARKS!!! When u see a mark u can't do yet and you file them away in your mind like ok when i get the green trinity i have a LIST of where we're going!! And then you still have a few more to find bc some of them are hidden Pretty Well.
  3. POSTCARDS!! Oh, man, as a young child I NEVER got all the postcards-- the most I got was probably around 5 or 6. I still went up to the mailbox pretty often though. And man is finding postcards rewarding! Potions! I... don't actually remember exactly what else you get.. But it feels SO GOOD to deliver each and every postcard-- and the game forces you to pace yourself.
  5. Coliseum Cups! *shrug*


  1. Skateboard challenges! Easy, except for the checkmark ones, which are only so so. meh
  2. Treasure chests. I mean
  3. Challenges- Phil's Training. ughhhh
  4. Coliseum battles-- I mean. They're ok. 
  5. Present wrapping? eugh


  1. What?
  2. There is nothing.


  1. Mission Mode: Fun. Not the greatest innovation, but fun, and easier than challenges. SPEAKING OF:
  2. Challenge mode! Very difficult. Cool, but eventually repetitive. I have gone through and completed almost every challenge for emblems/shadow globs at 3 stars I think.


  1. System sectors! Fun and not too repetitive/boring if you're having trouble.
  2. Trophies. Not at all necessary, but fun for completionists.
  3. Whatever the link mode is? I can't do it. There's no one else who has this game and plays it near enough to me at the same time. I am occasionally tempted to, like, buy a second DS and copy of Re:Coded and have Penguin play with me just to get the trophies for avatar costume collection XD. But that's ridiculous. [[[By the way does anybody know how to get other debug devices???]]]
  4. Boss battles. I mean, fun, but! Not something you want to go through hundreds of times trying to get a high score.



  2. The pages are hidden in unique places-- for example: In between books on a shelf {PUPPLEZ CHECK THIS CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK} {Lol, yes, Pupplez, that's correct. ~ Pupplez from 3/26/17}
  3. Fun easter eggs-- Pooh's chimney for example.


  2. Sighhhhh. Ok. I can accept Pooh forgetting about Sora. I can accept Pooh forgetting about his other friends. I can also accept Pooh randomly remembering his friends after a honey-collection minigame. But I cannot reasonably accept Pooh not being able to learn Sora's name from hearing others address him as such. Does he have no room in his repertoire for recollection?
  3. And why doesn't Sora introduce himself to Pooh, for the sole purpose of having him call him "Sora" which is so much easier to say that "somebody I don't know" or "dear somebody"
  4. I still think it would be funny if the acronym for what Pooh calls Sora be "SORA." "Somebody Of Renowned Anonymity??" XD "SomeOne Relatively Alien?" "Somebody Obscurely Referred About?"
  5. Many of the minigames are enjoyable, but a few, and many of the challenge scores, are extraneous.


  1. Sure took a while.
  2. Creative but difficult.
  3. Was it really necessary?
  4. I feel like they just wanted 13 floors.


  1. Nonexistent.


  1. Nonexistent.



  1. Actual storyline.
  2. Well-paced.
  3. EVERY TIME you go through the Coliseum Gates, you look at that white trinity and WAIT for that moment when FINALLY you can unlock it. I don't remember if it's worth it or not. Sure is sad after you do though. The floor looks so empty without it. :-(
  4. I like the leaderboards in the Coliseum Gates.


  1. Okay the joke is getting old and by gosh if they call us junior heroes one more time I am shoving footage of me 
    • Defeating:
      • Ansem
      • Ansem
      • Ansem
      • Marluxia
      • Vexen
      • Luxord
      • Riku-Ansem
      • Saix
      • Larxene
      • Axel (when he was an antagonist)
      • Rikuplica
      • Rikuplica
      • Rikuplica
      • Sephiroth
      • Sephiroth
      • Xemnas
      • Xemnas
    • Sealing the keyhole in:
      • Traverse Town
      • Wonderland
      • Olympus Coliseum
      • Olympus Coliseum/Underworld
      • Deep Jungle
      • Agrabah
      • Agrabah
      • Halloween Town
      • Halloween Town
      • Atlantica
      • Neverland
      • Hollow Bastion
      • Hollow Bastion
      • Land of Dragons
      • Beast's Castle
      • Port Royal
      • The Pridelands
    • SEALING KINGDOM HEARTS (wait is that what we did? oh shoot we just sealed the Realm of Darkness huh? OH NO)(wait no one made Kingdom Hearts yet.) (except. Didn't Xehanort do that in BBS?) (idk) in their face.
  2. Did that second visit with Auron actually happen?
  3. Why?


  1. CLOUD SUMMON is all I remember from this early in the game. 
  2. (Did I mention that I spent about a year leveling up in I think Destiny Islands?)(No wait come to think of it I think it was in Twilight Town because I think I had already fought Vexen.)


  1. Nonexistent.
  2. WAIT A SECOND. Pupplez. Tsk tsk tsk. 
  3. Did we ever find out who Phil was waiting for?
  4. Oh yeah. Wasn't it Hercules? Wait. That's... That's a total continuity breaker. Cuz we saw him in KHI, he was already Phil's hero by then. So. I would like an explanation please!!!


  1. Interesting.
  2. Real-time-combat mixed with turn-based. 
  3. Fun but repetitive.
  4. Ughhhh 3 different options. Each with their own high score reward thingies. And they all start the same, just different lengths. Do I have to?? 
  5. No but.
    • BONUS: KHCoded C.O. Coliseum level!
      1. Fun
      2. Oo it's satisfying to get the ... idk green maybe card??? idk for getting above-and-beyond scores on everything.



  2. Sometimes Sora is sad/hopeless/doubtful about finding his friends.
  3. Can I get a 5 stars for Kairi's getting up animation? 10/10 would watch again and again and again. (skip to 1:50)(spoilers)-->


  1. Hm.
  2. Kairi goes to look for her friends. That's doing something anyway.
  3. Riku   w   h    y    ? ?


  1. NAMINE.
  2. AXEL.
  3. Everything Axel does in this game is great. Playing both all three (or four???? He kind of neglects Roxas and Xion when he's at CO.. But he's still on their side too, right?)(wait he wasn't rly friends w Xion at that point) (whatever) sides, and turning people's words against them, double-crossing everyone.. Hooray for snarky antagonists/pre-heroes!
  4. Naminé. Like, her story and her character are great.
  5. The idea of a character who can manipulate memories by drawing... is awesome.
  6. And she goes against Marluxia and Larxene (who are keeping her... captive?) to save Sora and remind him of Kairi when she could have let Sora save her and . . . idk what exactly would have happened after... especially after when they leave the Castle . . . . wait how do they leave the castle?? OMG HOW DO THEY LEAVe???


  1. Is it possible for someone to be more adorable than KHI Kairi? If so, it's Xion.
  3. The organization obviously has no respect for their feelings, as they force Roxas to plant one of the devices of his destruction. Wowww.
  4. Roxas' naiveté in everything, not just liike who people are, or whatever; he doesn't know what ice cream is, for example. 


  1. Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to see Riku expertly using a computer? Cuz it's great.
  2. And Roxas-- MAN Roxas is AWESOME in this game. (spoilery link-->) He is so passive-aggressive and self-deprecating (hmm not quite the right thing... mmmmm snarky/snippy/ sarcastic?? Umm ironic?). Why is he there tho? He wasn't in the C.O. data, right? Or KHI?

Bad Things:


  1. (Penguin's) Unbearably long cutscenes.
  2. Not ver good voice-acting half the time :-/
  3. "He can't be. I won't let him go!" >>infinite cringe<<
  4. Even during emotional scenes, characters will just have their speech-bubble animation. EXHIBIT A:
    HALF of this video. Thereabouts. Anyway.


  1. (Penguin's) "ROXAS"
  2. Lame storylines for Disney worlds.
  3. Why the heck is the King confused about what a password is? XD
  4. I am so glad that they don't have separate outfits for Christmas Town in the original version because I would NOT be able to take ANYTHING seriously while running around with a snowman-Donald.
  5. Story strung out a little bit much.


  1. CARDS
  3. uggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhh
  4. There's never a Moment's Reprieve when you need it
  5. Or a moogle room
  6. You have to go to a whole nother screen for battle
  7. Sleights are like index-finger-death.


  1. Those challenges are HARD
  2. Seriously Roxas? Your bff dies and you say "who will I have ice cream with?" YOUR OTHER BFF WHO YOU STARTED EATING ICE CREAM EVERY DAY WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE. Sheesh!
  3. Bad graphics... When Axel rubs the back of his head with a perfectly stiff and straight hand which also glitches through all of his hair 😂. Or in the mission mode screen with a taller member and their face is blank XD. Or when you see another member in the ... whatever the main room is called from a little farther away, even having a conversation, and their face (especially noticed this with Axel, possibly because of his make-up, maybe bc we talk to him more) is blank except for a black pixel? XD


  1. This game is pointless.
  2. It's fun. But utterly pointless.
  3. ALL NEW RECORD for most times rehashing a world in a single game:
    1. Original visit
    2. Riku's Datascape
    3. Castle Oblivion (technically you could call this 3 visits; if you want to get each ending)
    4. Plus there's those "quests" which you have to revisit worlds to do; as well as completionist stuff like bonus system sectors and the like.
  4. Good gameplay! Bad story. REALLY bad story.

KH in general: So what do you think it was like for the apprentices (and Lea and Isa) (and what does Ienzo count as idk) to agree to Xehanort's plan. 
Like, "Hey, guys, I have a plan!!!! Ok here: We're all going to kill ourselves, but we'll come back as these beings with no hearts and thus no emotions. We will have memories though, and we'll get our hearts back eventually. Don't worry! It's totally safe."
WHY WOULD ANYONE AGREE TO THAT??? Did he explain his intentions? "Hey guys, there's a cool thing called a Ï‡-blade, and I want to find it. So we're all going to split ourselves into heartless and nobodies and  then form this organization. Then I'll make you all my vessels and we'll fight against some other people and then I'll have the ultimate weapon." "Yeah, no dude."
And what even happened to Lea and Isa? How did they get roped into this? they were thrown out of the castle... wait is it a castle? Research facility? Idk? last time we saw. So. How did all this go down? And how did they find some other people whose hearts were strong enough to become people-nobodies? Did they go by their old names until Org XIII found them? Did they automatically name themselves an anagram with an X? Did the Organization find them as soon as they were made, like with Roxas? Who were they? I want answers! Rumalai? lol Arlene? Hm an actual name? no way. More like.
No that's too normale.
Much better.

"Paaarrrmesan is deliiicious. I love parmesan, parmeesan is my life." -- A song I just sang about parmesan. 2/24/17 9:30 PM

Hoo boy. I started downloading the zip file of kh2 cutscenes from and it started at 5 hours. Now it says 12. lol.
And we are at 0.1/2.9 GB!! 20 hours-- 1 day -- 2 day- 1 da- 2 hours -- 2 days- 1 day-23-21hour-19-16-15-16-15-17-16-21-23-2 days.
WE ARE UP TO 1.1/2.9 GB with 3 hours left!! Pretty steady too oops. 4 hou 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 434
On the other hand, I've got a single cutscene (bc the zip for kh1 is broken) due to finish in ~ 7 mins
1.2 GB with ~3 hours to go.
And I started the Days zip file. So. They're both saving at about 130-150 KB/s
ALL DOWNLOADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In less than those initial times btw)

So my understanding is:
  • Anyone can hold a keyblade for a minute, but that is not the same thing as wielding it. (see: Leon, Jack Sparrow, Riku [passing Sora his keyblade, so bearing 1 more keyblade than he can wield for a minute])
  • In order to wield a keyblade, one must be given the power by a keyblade wielder...
  • One may hand down the power through a ceremony.
  • However they may still be able to use a keyblade after handing down the power (see: Aqua, Terra, Ventus)
  • Riku got the power from Terra, along with a keyblade to go with it (?????)
  • Kairi (somehow?????) got the power from Aqua when she touched the keyblade (really?)
  • Sora got the ability to wield from Ventus (see: heart refuge)
  • However he didn't have his own keyblade.
  • His keyblade was originally Riku's, but as Riku went to the darkness, it decided Sora would be a better wielder.
  • How did Riku get another keyblade..?
  • Is Kairi's keyblade from Aqua, or does Riku just have an anonymous supplier?
  • Aqua got Master Eraqus' keyblade when he died? I think?
  • But she already had one so?
  • WHOA WHAT. Apparently: Sora's keyblade looks like half of the χ-blade because of Ventus' heart inside him... huh. 
  • This game makes less sense the more you think about it.
  • Roxas can use two keyblades (except when Xion's around) bc he is made from Ventus and Sora (both of whom can wield a keyblade) (except Sora can supposedly bc of Ventus so?)
He-hey! I just found someone who understands what I'm saying!:
btw i did not realize: THEY TOOK AWAY TECH POINTS????????? WHAT????????????
white mushrooms... I love all the mushrooms (well. Rare truffles are... debatable...), but really missed white mushers in khii.
Honestly I hope that they put more attention to worldbuilding, puzzles, hidden spots, etc etc, than they do to "customizing" which is a thing in KHχ, KHCoded, and 2.8 (no I don't have it yet!) in future games.

Wth, why did I stop this?? It was last edited on the 6th?? Whyy??? Sigh.

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