
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, February 20, 2015

"The Largest Egg in Mountain High, Will give to you the Wings of Sky."

The other day, I read an interesting conversation about how Glory is in the prophecy.



So. "The largest egg in mountain high" yeah, we found it. "...will give to you..." ok. the dragon inside is: "the wings of sky"... right?

What if, the egg breaking was part of the prophecy? They found the largest egg, and it broke, prompting Webs to go get a new egg from the Rainforest Kingdom? That was supposed to happen? And Glory is a RainWing ... so... wings of sky? rain? sky? huh? Or it is referencing the way her wings can (and often do) imitate the sky. what. cool? Ok... hmmm

another theory would be...
How about Onyx?

I've seen some speculation that Onyx is royalty. What? you say. How? you say.

Well. Let's start by seeing who we know that is SandWing royalty.

  1. Queen Oasis
  2. Blaze
  3. Blister
  4. Burn
  5. Smolder
  6. Flower (I guess...?)
  7. 2 unknown brothers of Smolder
  8. Unknown king (possibly)
  9. Queen Thorn
  10. Princess Sunny
  11. King? Stonemover?....?

Queen Oasis- She would have mentioned if she had any eggs in the prologue of The Brightest Night.

Blaze- Uhhhhh... no.

Blister- Um... Having a dragonet would've been ... a problem to say the least... while fighting a war... no

Burn- If she did, she would probably smash it the day before it hatched and stuff the body.

Smolder- How old was he? like ... 17? 19? when the war started. He had a girlfriend remember? Palm? What if they had a dragonet? Like maybe she laid an egg 5 or 6 months before the war started? and then a year later the egg hatched. And the war had just started, but Palm didn't want to find Smolder, and she didn't know which side he was on, so she avoided battle. With her young dragonet, Onyx. Yes I am suggesting that Onyx is the daughter of Palm and (ex-)Prince Smolder. She's 19 years old. By the time of Moon Rising the war started about 18 1/2 years ago. Do you count while you're in an egg in your age? No, huh? So she must have been laid 1 1/2 years before Queen Oasis' death... Onyx would have hatched 6 months (approx.) before this happened: "'Is there a royal crisis? Let me guess--Smolder tried to run off with his girlfriend again.'
   'No, I took care of her,' Oasis said," (prologue, The Brightest Night). Took care of her... so killed her? Or banished her? Or threatened her? Or poisoned her? I'm going with either banished or threatened. She was a fair and nice (well, as nice as a queen can be)(other than Glory :-D) ruler. She wouldn't have killed one of her subjects just to make her stop going out with her son. She would've just threatened to. Oasis wouldn't have known yet that she had a granddaughter, and Smolder might not either.  So Palm stayed out in the desert with her daughter, hiding from soldiers and being depressed. She would've "...told [Onyx] weepy stories {about her lost love, and how she was forbidden to see Smolder, etc} and expect [her] to care..." (pg 243, Moon Rising).  :-) 

As always,
Tell me what you think of these theories, and what I should do next,
Servus (German),

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