
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I Promised ... SkyWing egg and.... Oh Yes! Book 9!

First off: Spoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilersspoilers!!!!!

Next: I'll start with the SkyWing because I don't really want to, but it's pretty short so:

Hvitur caught the egg while he was falling... it caught on a tree and he flew past it and grabbed it or something, I don't know. Then he curled around it. Then when they hit the ground, the force jarred them both (of course, Hvitur was already dead but...). The egg was, regrettably (or not?...) set to hatch a few hours before the others- not quite on Brightest Night, but close enough, and it fit the description ('largest egg in mountain high'), so Hvitur decided it would work. So anyhoo- the egg was going to hatch in about... 6 hours? from when Hvitur was bringing it back. "Some time later, far below, a large dragon the color of rust crawled over the rocks to the broken body of the ice dragon. She nudged his tail aside and lifted a shard of eggshell from underneath it, then slipped back into the labyrinth of caves under the cliffs," (Prologue of The Dragonet Prophecy). "Some time later" can mean anywhere from 10 min to 3 hours later. So. When Hvitur landed, still curled around the egg, the impact jarred them, causing the egg to hatch early. That's only 5-8 hours early! My bet is that dragons (like scavengers) can survive hatching up to 3 weeks early, more with proper medical equipment. So, the dragonet hatched about 30 min later, and, judging by the personality of most of the SkyWings we have met so far, walked over, because that would be a normal-hatched SkyWing's instinct. When Kestrel came back 2-3 hours later, the dragonet was already hatched and gone. She found a shard of the hatched egg. 8-O
Also I just saw something that says it might be Queen Scarlet's because it was from the palace. I haven't checked the book yet to see if I agree with that, but Harpy is always saying "shouldn't we change this to what the characters presume?" "isn't this something for the fanon wiki?" "THIS IS NOT CANON AAAAAGGGGHH" No offense HarpyoftheRainwings, we really appreciate that (mostly) so our wiki is in tip-top shape!

Now for the good one!! Book 9: Turtle Snapping or Turtle Hiding or something like that... Unless it turns out to be about Anemone... ?

So... Book 9 is probably going to "rip out our hearts and stomp on them" according to Tui's blog, and there has been much speculation about why.
Many suggest that it will have something to do with Moon's vision in Moon Rising;

   "Darkness flashed before her eyes, and then a strange image, in bits and pieces like a puzzle whirling together.
   A beach.
   And Turtle pinning Anemone to the sand as the white-pink dragon writhed in pain," (pg 8-9, Moon Rising).
Since it will be Turtle (or possibly Anemone)'s point of view, we can assume that this might be a part of this book. Why? is the question everyone is asking. Probably the most popular explanation is that Anemone went insane from her Animus powers. Yeah, that's possible... but maybe Turtle went insane. Maybe he has Animus powers too! Just imagine it... and he supported this theory himself!!
"I don't know him at all.
   'So,' he said slowly, without meeting her eyes. 'I guess you must know my secret.'
   'No,' she said, stopping him before he could say too much," (pg 199, Moon Rising).
ANIMUS POWERS RUN IN THE SEAWING FAMILY! I literally just came up with this 2 minutes ago, and am making it up as I go. :-P :-) His secret. What is it? What is it?! What is it? What is it?! What is it? What is it?! What is it? What is it?! What is it? What is it?! What is it? What is it?! What is it? What is it?! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?! :-) ok I'm done. ... oh wait. WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?!
ok now I'm done.
OHMIGOSH!! I just figured it out. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Moon recognized one of them as Sora. The MudWing was doing some kind of breathing ritual where she imagined mud pouring over all her fears, burying them, so all Moon could see was ripples. Another dragonet was reading, but couldn't concentrate on the words; he kept thinking, Everyone will know I don't belong here," (pg 64, Moon Rising). Wait. Back up. "Another dragonet..."."Everyone will know I don't belong here." ...

"Another dragonet" ANOTHER DRAGONET

She doesn't know who it is. Yeah, I know she doesn't know more than half the students, but she figured out Sora right? She found Qibli and Winter; Kinkajou and Carnelian were in the cave with her. Other dragons she would have recognized (I assume) are:
  • Pike
  • Bigtail
  • Mightyclaws
  • Mindreader
  • Fearless
  • Anemone
  • Coconut
  • Fatespeaker
  • Clay
  • Sunny
  • Starflight

And we would have known (most likely) if it was:
  • Flame
  • Tsunami
  • Webs
  • Onyx 

It couldn't have been:

  • Peril
  • Icicle
  • Kinkajou
  • Carnelian
  • Qibli
  • Winter
  • Sora
  • Glory, Scarlet, or any other grown dragons excluding Webs
It probably wasn't:
  • Ostrich (too young to read anyway)
  • Siamang (RainWings wouldn't worry about that)
  • Boto ("")
  • Tamarin ("")
  • Marsh (she was there with Sora and Umber)
  • Umber (he was there with Sora and Marsh)
  • ... the other two SandWings seemed fine too, so I'll add Pronghorn
  • and Arid
Also, the caves might be far apart--meaning some of the dragonets wouldn't be in Moon's range. We know that 1/2 the dragons in her winglet are in her range (we can assume the rest are too), and we can hear Sora and Icicle, which we can assume means that the rest of her winglet is close by too (Bigtail, Pike, and Flame ... [talk about a bad combination!] and Onyx and Tamarin).
But, she did act as though she could hear everyone:
Oh, wait... she doesn't really... buuuuuut;
"Along the passage, she could sense four dragonets still awake, each in a different cave, their brains circling nervously," (pg 63, Moon Rising). "... each in a different cave..."

SO. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that in that one tunnel, there are only two winglets. 3 caves for each one, each cave having 2-3 clawmates. AND we have the clawmate pairings! For these two groups anyway! 

Definitely asleep:
  1. Carnelian
  2. Kinkajou
  3. Winter
  4. Qibli
  5. Icicle

Definitely awake:
  1. Moon
  2. Sora
That leaves 3 winglets completely unaccounted for, which gives turtle a 50% chance of being awake,
and giving him a 16.66% chance of being the one who doesn't belong.  Let's see:
Oh. Oh! OH!!! He! HE HE HE!!!!!!!!!!!IT SAYS THAT THE DRAGON THINKING THEY DON'T BELONG HERE IS A HE!!!!!!!!! THAT RULES OUT.. 1 group. Great.  But still, that changes it to 20% that he's the one that doesn't belong!

The rest of them will fall in 3 categories:
"Of the sleepers, several of their dreams echoed with images from the war..." (pg 64, Moon Rising). [Asleep, dreaming about the war (6-9 of them)] [Asleep, not dreaming of the war] or one of the 5 (since I'm including Moonwatcher) who are awake, [Awake].
Let's start easy:
  1. Moon- Doesn't really count, but awake.
  2. Carnelian- Dreaming about a battle.
  3. Kinkajou- Dreaming of sunny, colorful things, with a hint of anxiety around the edges.
  4. Winter- Asleep with no dreams.
  5. Qibli- Other sandwings throwing... snakes?... at him? Is that a war memory? Or a bad childhood memory? hmmm... Ok. Now I've finished my list- The Outclaws weren't involved in the war; this is probably something else.
  6. Sora- Awake; doing a breathing exercise.
  7. Icicle- Quite possibly dreaming of the war when Scarlet showed up... but who knows. Done with the rest of the list, and I have to say that Icicle was probably having a war dream. We know she fought in the war, and I have no doubt she thinks about it often.
  8. Onyx- Probably not dreaming of the war, but I doubt she would think she didn't belong here. She actually seemed to be enjoying it here later, thinking "That's right, admire me, fear me, wonder about me. You all have no idea who I am or what I'll be one day. One day soon," (pg 241, MR). And "I don't see why I have to care about dragons from other tribes, but it seems to be expected, for some reason. At least Tamarin was a quiet, agreeable dragon to share a cave with... Uch, I hope they don't give me another clawmate. Perhaps if I act totally shattered, they'll let me keep the cave all to myself," (pg 243, MR). ... Of course... she did say this: "This is a tiresome distraction from my plans. Perhaps I should go back to the desert and try another approach. Or... She tipped her head and gave Qibli a speculative look. They say this one is practically Thorn's third wing," (pg 245, MR). ... but that's a theory for another time (although I do particularly like that topic!). So... I'd say maybe, but whoever said it in the book seemed anxious about it... but regardless it was a 'he' so it couldn't have been Onyx! I don't know what category to put her in though... I'll see later. Again; done now, let's see... Well she does mention battle when she's explaining the diamonds on her wings, but I don't think she's ever been in battle. Uhhhh... After I decide for the rest of them. Ok. She has to be mid-battle in Dreamland.
  9. Tamarin- We don't know much about her, but if I had to say... well she definitely isn't dreaming about the war, and she wouldn't be reading (due to being a RainWing, and being blind...) but I think she might actually be the awake one in that cave. Why? Well. It said "several" were dreaming about battles, and so far we only have one. Only if everyone else was dreaming of war would we reach the "several" mark (which I have officially deemed as 6-9, though I may have to change it to 5-9) and Tamarin couldn't dream about war. For Onyx it would be possible, even if she wasn't fighting, just watching, or even looking from afar or at the aftermath. So. Awake.
  10. Flame- He might feel that way, but I don't think he would say it like that. From the way he was thinking later, at the assembly, we can assume he thinks like that all the time.  And in case you hadn't noticed... "...he kept thinking..." like that one thought was circling his mind. That's not the kind of dragon Flame is. He couldn't be dreaming of the war though... Unless he ended up watching a battle or seeing some debris on his way to the Talons of Peace camp, in The Brightest Night. If he was awake and just doing something else, I doubt Moon would have been able to avoid his fiery rush of thoughts. I'd say he's probably in a dreamless sleep, like Winter. No wait... we need the last 2 to be war dreamers. 
  11. Pike- Despite the fact that Moon probably would've recognized him as the dragonet who was fighting with Carnelian earlier, we can still rule him out because of the way "His thoughts rampage[d] around like wild rhinoceroses; half of them beg[a]n and then trail[ed] off as he jump[ed] to another," (pg 225, Moon Rising). Also, he could be one of the dragons dreaming about the war. 
  12. Bigtail- we don't know much about him other than that he didn't give his fish to Anemone when she wanted it and that Pike was mad at him about that...  So it's possible, especially since his parents don't like Secretkeeper and avoid her, causing Moon to be unfamiliar with him. Probably the one in this cave who is awake.
  13. Umber- Almost definitely one dreaming about the war.
  14. Turtle- This leaves Turtle to be awake in this cave. 
Now you're probably going "But Pupplez! You forgot that Turtle and Onyx have skyfire! Their minds can't be read! And to you I say: Pshaw! Whether they have skyfire or not doesn't matter at all right now! It's nighttime. They would've taken off their respective amulet and anklet. Especially Onyx! Can you imagine sleeping with a big rock on a chain-thing around your neck?? And Turtle I think would take it off because he wouldn't want the stones to fall off or anything. So you see? Dead end!

Now. We are left with the question of which. Bigtail? Or Turtle? It seems to be a stalemate... except. In Tui's books, important-sounding things are important. Which leads me to believe that Turtle is the one who started this whole thing... which I started this whole thing... um... Ok my mind just broke, so I'm going to bed. I hope you will tell me what you think of these theories in the comments! Oh! That reminds me- I have more to add about the SkyWing egg! It involves Glory and that's all I'm going to say for now!

Hamba kakuhle (go well)
Sala kakuhle (stay well)

:-P I just thought it was funny- go well, stay well :-)

Good Night!!!!

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