
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, December 25, 2015

Quotes for Christmas!!

On our pajama ride, I spotted a store called "My Smoke Shop", so I said:  "Hey! That's My smoke shop!" Penguin looked over, saw the sign, and laughed. Mom gave me a weird look.

We saw some of my younger cousins earlier, not the gummi-dumb one, the others. I know it's confusing. :-) Too bad. Anyhoo, they said some funny things which I jotted down in the margin of my sketchbook. Oh, right, I do have it right here. :-)
Uncle: [asking Cuz T to help Younger Cousin T clean up the toys he pulled out] Do you know where they go?
Cuz T: Yeah; in the room I don't want to stand up to go to.
Perfect comeback reply! :-D

Later, Cuz P and I were playing an imagination game. We were best friends (except I somehow didn't remember anything about her last Christmas... *shrug*).
"I need to go see what's wrong, my sister's crazy."

So, merry Christmas!! Happy winter! Happy Long Night Moon! Happy Hanukkah (y'know, two weeks ago)! Happy Escaping Peril comes out in 4 days-ness!!!!!!!! Oh, did I forget to tell you that the release date got pushed back/forward a week? CUZ IT DID!! 8D

And go check out the FREAKY AWESOME COVER plus other stuff (like an amazing title) here

Anyway, have a good day! And holidays!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Clue 7:

I may or may not take this down after you finish the treasure hunt, Penguin.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Greetings, Nerds!

Today I have a special guest. Here's a vague idea of what she looks like:
Made with the wolf maker on

I am here with Moonbeam. Hello, Moonbeam!


I'm going to ask you some questions, okay?

Yes, I already agreed.

I know. What is your happiest memory?

Isn't this kind of personal?

Duh... Didn't you know it was going to be?

Well, yeah. Of course. My happiest memory is... When I first helped bring down a deer. That was fun.

Cool. What makes you laugh so hard soda shoots out of your nose?

Um... what?

... Nevermind. What don't you want anyone to find out about you?

I... am incredibly nosy.

Oo, that would be a problem, wouldn't it?

*buries nose in paws, blushing* [moaning] Yeeees

Sorry. What is the best part of your personality?

[immediately] That I'm funny.

... *apparently holding back a giggle*


... *laughs*

Okay, okay! I'm not really funny. But I am sympathetic. 

What shoes do you usually..... *sees Bea's face* Name some things that you are not very good at.

Why should I?

*Rolls eyes* Just do, please.

Fine. I'm terrible in paw-to-paw combat, and hunting birds. *Smiles apologetically* And respecting privacy.

*Blinks* *Looks around* What are you doing?

*Looks to the side sheepishly*

*Rolls eyes* *Sighs* Okay, you know what question I'm going to ask next, but I'ma ask it anyway. How would your best friend describe how you look?

Creepy. My eyes. *Gestures*

*Looks closer* *Pulls back in surprise* They're inverted!

I guess?

Cool!! Okay, what irritates you?

When people notice me in their mind... It's not good.

Anything else?

People whose thoughts drag on so slooowwly. Also those that think in pictures? Ver ver weird.

What are you afraid of?

Umm... Well.. Either frogs or.. *eyes widen* Ehhh!

*Holding back a smile/laughter* Like Sora? <haha. Had to do this to someone, right? I mean; how can you be scared of indecisiveness? I guess I'll find out as I write...>

*nods* I can't decide!!! Gaaah!

Calm down. Mind telling me about your family?

Not at all, but you already know them all. Thunderglow's pretty much just a jerk, especially to Ripple. I don't know why.



*raises eyebrows*

Okay, yes, I know but... It's weird. He just... He has a weird philosophy on life. I can't figure out how it started; it's like he's always had it. I can't find anything in his memories or thoughts that references it. Like, what? He thinks that he's above anyone without powers. And I think he thinks that we're all like that too. Or at least that we should. I mean, we all hang out with Ripple. We share our prey with her... We eat the fish she catches, too. I wish he'd be nicer, but I don't think I can get him to without changing him too much or hurting him. But Ripple beats herself up about it. I wish I could help her, too, but I can't very well extinguish her memories, can I? 
Fireburst really wants to love us all, but just hardly cares. He makes a lot of mental jokes<ltrly wrote jobs. Like, What? Really, me? Really?>.  Ha ha. He does that way too often. The "ha ha", not the jokes. Well... That too, to be honest. 
Let's see... Dewcloud... I try to stay out of her head. I want to help her, but I can't go through that. I don't think anyone could do that voluntarily. And it must be nearly impossible for anyone to go through unprecedented. It's gotta take a majorly tough dog to live with those memories, going over them daily. 
And there's Gale. She... She's the one I listen to if I can't focus or everyone's freaking out. Her mind is soothing. She thinks in an even pace, and her thoughts are always friendly. 
Then, of course, there's Frosty and Sootfreeze... They're best friends. Ree is probably the most responsible of all of us, and she's sort of our leader, even though she's the second-youngest. Frostflurry is the youngest, and she's just sort of ... there. I mean, I love 'er, but she doesn't stick out much. 
Starbubble is the oldest, and he's got a great power. He can make a forcefield around anyone but himself. They're always stationary, though, so he can't protect us when we're moving. He's deaf... it's a long story... Anyhow, he found a loophole to the forcefield problem: he can make forcefields all around and be protected, at least from the sides. 
Mistfur is very honest... Moss grows wherever she steps, growing up as her paw leaves the ground. She does all our bedding and stuff. She's pretty friendly, but she has to watch her mouth to keep from giving things away. She's pretty innocent, but she's polite. She doesn't ask many questions. At least out loud.

Is that everyone?

Uh-hu-- Well, there's Mom, but...


Yeah, so...

What does your den look like?

Oh. Uh.. I don't really do anything to it.. So, empty? There's nothing in it but moss. 

What do you think of yourself when you look in a mirror-- er, your reflection?

Uh.. That it's me? I don't know... I have enough people judging me all the time to judge myself, if that's what you're asking.

*nods head to side* I guess that makes sense. What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?





*purses lips* *raises eyebrows* *looks to the side*


*blushing* I... uh. I... I, uh, happened to be... within range when Dapple was thinking about me.. Like, he likes me... I've been trying to be less intrusive. I mean, imagine you stumble upon a notebook. You open it to see whose it is, and on the very first page... there's a heart with "__+__" in it? And one of those blanks is you. How would you react? Especially if you didn't like them.

*nods* Talk about awkward. How about we move on to a more comfortable subject?... Actually, no, I don't have one. Do you have a crush on anyone <Penguin, I think you know what I'm thinking about as I write this. {No, not my crush. I don't have one. It's an inside joke.}>?


Sorry. I have a list of questions I'm supposed to ask. Only one more after this.

I don't know...

That's cool. And now, last question, what do you really, REALLY want most in the world?

Well... I guess I want to help all of my friends get over their problems. At least I wouldn't have to deal with them all the time.

Awesome. That concludes our interview. Thank you so much for your time, Moonbeam!

Thank you for having me. *stands to go*

*also stands* Bye! Say hi to everyone for me!


I don't know what to quote for you guys. I'm sorry, I haven't been doing it lately. I know that Penguin in particular likes them. But I don't know what to do, so sorry.

NEVERMIND!! My lovely sister has provided me with a wonderful quote today, as I played my new game on Kingdom Hearts 2. I scribbled it down on a scrap of paper somewhere (on the arm of the sofa) lemme go grab it...

"Yeah. I just woke up in a lotus. Sup." (Just after becoming Sora; discussing why I feel safer or stronger or something when fighting as Sora than I do as Roxas, considering the possibility of the influence of battle cries.)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chester Wanted a Turn, So...

Huhwo peopews!

Wait, Chester, let me--

You said it was my tuhn.

Yes but--

*big sigh* Guhl...

Stop whining, it'll be like 5 minutes.

Dat is a-eveh.

No it's just 5 minutes... Like the time it takes between asking Lady to make Parmesan bread and the toaster dinging.

Yah. A-eveh.

Whatever. It's going to be longer the more you argue.


Great. So, the dog has sort of an accent/lisp thing? And to him I am the Girl, Mom is Lady, Penguin is Teenager, and everyone else is their name-dash-whichever person they are most similar to (or person, or man) like Grandma-Lady and Grandpa-Man. But he'll say "Yady" instead of "Lady", and "Guhl" instead of "Girl". He says "yah" a lot... sometimes you have to drag it out in your mind so that it's 'yyaaahhhhhh" and he sounds really happy about it. Umm... Oh, for him "depress" and "impress" are switched, so don't get confused if he uses them weirdly.

Is ih my tuhn yeh?

Almost. Also, he usually leaves off the T's, so.. yeah. Okay, your turn.

Yay! Uhkay. Umm... I have not been feeded uhday...

Chester! You got breakfast.

*Nods gravely* Yah. Yesseday.

No, today.

Uuuuummmmmmmmm Nuh. It was yesseday.

*rolls eyes* We do not neglect the dog. He just thinks that after he sleeps-- for any insignificant amount of time-- it is "a-day" and before he sleeps is "yesseday" and any time in the future other than later today is "mowwow".

Yike Kissmus. Dat is mowwow.

Um... Sure. Christmas is actually in a little less than a month but...

Dat is what I SAID. Mowwow. Mehbe I wiw get a dead howse dis yeaw!

For the hundredth time NO! You are NEVER getting a dead horse. Not for Christmas, or any other day of the year.

Ohhh, Guhhll. Dat is mean.

Also true-- Oh, the dead horse thing? I was telling him about Christmas the first year we had him, and to lessen his fear of "Santa-man" I was telling him about presents and how once, Santa had brought me a big dollhouse. "Did it have a puppy in it??" Chester asked excitedly. "No, but there was a horse." "Wiwwy???" He asked in amaze and intrigue. "Um.. Yes." "Can I smehw him?" (at this point I think I probably made a scrunchy trying-to-raise-one-eyebrow face) "I... guess.. probably..." "Whew is he?" "Probably in the box of hard-animals." "You keep him in a boss?" "Yeah..." "Is he yive??" "No, of course not. We don't have room for a live horse." "He was DEAD?!?!" "What? No!" "But you dsuss said he wasn't ayive. So he muss be dead." "Wh-- No, he's a toy!" "Santa-man bwings dead howses!?!?" *facepalm*

I duno' undewstand. Dey aw dead howses.

Sure, Chester.



I dsuss a-membuhd. YADY is going to be BAD YADY.

Really? How?

SSE is going to GEDSWOHW a POINTment. At dhe VEH!!!

Ohh noo *mock scaredness*

Yes. It IS uh nuh a-cause dhe veh PWICKLES me. And POKES me and BAWWASSES me.

But it's just so you stay healthy.

Um... I duh no' fink. Dat is what walking is fow.

But remember when you hurt your leg, and when you walked it hurt it more?

Nuh. Dat was a-cause you wouldn't yet me walk. When evvybody finawy yetted me go fow walk I gotted bettew!

Chester. That was because we didn't let you walk until you were all healed.

I do'no' fink.

Iiii think this is a good place to stop. Bye everybody! Catch ya later!


The Spyro portal

I am Actually Sane Right Now!

My goodness! If you saw any of my latest posts, sorry!
I wrote all of them at like 4 AM after waking up at like noon. O.0 so..


A RANT ABOUT DEATHLY. AKA Deathbringer. Spoilers for all SEVEN BOOKS. Yes I HAVE Winter Turning, and have since the day it came out, and I'm only HALFWAY THROUGH! I KNOW right? Why am I not finished? But anyhoo, on with le becquet!!!

A Short one Today, Plus Something else Wonderful

So apparently this is a thing:

The Dreamvisitor question:

In book      mentioned that the Dreamvisitors had been created long ago by a SandWing Animus, but in Moon Rising, Moon reads that it was Darkstalker, and he confirms this (I... think...)
The NightWings wrote most of the informative scrolls, right? And the dragonets learned... pretty much all of their knowledge from those scrolls, right? So we can conclude that the NightWings may have written the scrolls saying that it was a SandWing animus who'd created the dreamvisitors in order to A) boost popularity of the SandWings (for Blister) [not very likely] or B) cover up their tracks, about Darky and all. The scroll Moon read may have been from the NightWing library, or been written after the war and everything, and had a NightWing author or information grilled out of a NightWing (like... Mastermind? Hm? Starflight's father AND a major knowledge source? not likely, huh? [<<sarcasm])

Wow. I wrote this in..... June. 6/12. Ok. I don't know, I think I just needed the book and maybe a quote.  Oh, no Darkstalker didn't confirm. :-( I don't know which book it was in. Probably book 5, I think that's what people say. I'll check tomorrow. :-)
Meaning, in about 3 weeks. :-P

Actually, almost EIGHT weeks, since the last time I edited was HOLY COW OCTOBER EIGHTH????? Where have I BEEN? Rather, where has the book been, and the answer to that is: Not in the same place as my computer. And besides that, it's not in book 5 it's in book FOUR when Starflight finds the Dreamvisitor, and that one has been not in my house for a while! (Don't worry! I didn't lose it. I lent it to my friend.) But NEVER FEAR! I have it now and... darn it's not in my room. :-( I shall go get it. HERE IT IS. Finally I shall finish this "short one". Haha, me, nice try. Here's the quote:
"He'd only ever read about these. There were supposedly three of them in the world, all lost --- all created hundreds of years ago by a SandWing animus dragon," (Sutherland, 2013, pg 104, The Dark Secret). Trying to fix my bad citation grammar... maybe just made it worse? I think that's all the info I need in there... unless I need the publisher too? Ack. It's Scholastic. Anyway, I'm fairly sure that you all know that I'm not trying to infringe on rights and everything, because I KNOW you all know how much I LOOOOVE Wings of Fire and Tui T. Sutherland and everything. :-)

(By the way, I'm not sure what happened with my font. :-P)

Alright. FINALLY publishing this thing. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I'm going to Write a Bunch of Posts to Publish Throughout November

Because I'll be busy with NaNoWriMo then!!!

Or, I was, but then I didn't finish my 100th post which turned into my 101st post, but whatever.

Go here to get your own dare. :-) I dare you.

Ok, Pupplez, you are not watching Brother Brother Time season 2 finale until you get to 3000 words. >:-| I mean it. But I did watching "Inside Out" and OH MY GOSH it was awesome I'm leaving before I waste all of my writing energy on this. :-) bye

(BTW, I recommend actually watching season one first, and not just watching "what happened... in 80 sec". Especially watch "Thanksgiving's Weak End". It's perfect.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Magazines are Great, but my Self-Control is Not

I like magazines because they are are easy to read and pick up quickly to read one section. But they're hard to   What?

Anyway, I am not good at making myself write all the time... and there is not enough music in my playlists so I get tired of hearing the same Kingdom Hearts tracks over and over and "they don't fit the mood perfectly they have to fit perfectly I won't write it right and everything will be .. *gasp* WRONG!!" *scream track*. And then I can't get ideas and so I go play video games. Perfect career model right there.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Return of Color Reports!! Color Report #3: Green

          {November 7 addition: You may have noticed something special... I've hit 100 posts!! I was going to do something special, but then I watched that episode and had to get my feelings out. Anyway, I'm celebrating post #101!!!!!
Count. I dare you. (I did not draw this. Just using it to accentuate my point.)

           And what better way to celebrate than by bringing back this old, beloved series... I stopped this post when my grandparents borrowed book 3... Isn't that crazy? Escaping Peril is coming out in January!! Addition end}
           There are many different types of green mentioned in the books. And green is mentioned many, many times. So, I will go through each book, and look at each mention of the color green.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I Hate Restless Legs

Do you have restless leg syndrome (RLS)? Because I do. And I'm going to tell you why it sucks. Written 10/14.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

No. No. No. No. No.

How could you do this?????????? Spoilers for mlp season 5 episode 18

Saturday, October 3, 2015

I've got At Least Four Ideas and I am Editing Today. Thankfully.

So, Penguin. First of all: PREPARE FOR YOUR INTERVIEW! Or your other homework if  you're reading this later. :-) Also: Whoever you are: DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

Friday, October 2, 2015

I was Going to Write a "Cautionary Tale" about something, but I Don't Recall What!

I HAVE A DEATH RING which is probably heat rash, don't worry. <!--more--> (Update 3/26/17: I think that was supposed to be html or something code for a jumpbreak? but I don't think it works anymore)

Friday, September 25, 2015

I Have a Question in Here. And an Episode Review (Spoilers for "Rarity Investigates" at the End).

First of all, please comment me your answer! On the question I'll be proposing in this post. So. Yeah.

Anyone want a Rain-Collecting Umbrella for Drinking from?

I do!!! I think I'm gonna invent an umbrella with a rain gutter around it that goes into the handle and you can pop open the tip of the handle and drink from it. Also you can use the whole thing as a cane when it's sunny. :-) Maybe I should add a water purification thing somewhere in it. Whaddaya think?

I forgot what I was.. Oh right, pangolin. :-P

PANGOLINS ARE COVERED IN FINGERNAILS They are basically a mix of armadillo, skunk, anteater, and ... bear??
Image result for pangolin
Image result for pangolin
Image result for pangolin Image result for pangolin THESE THINGS WALK AROUND ON THEIR BACK LEGS!!  And look what they do with their babies:
Image result for pangolin

"Cooieloo" Mix of "cool" and "good" apparently, according to my brain.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Excitement and stuff idk

There was a car crash outside. O.O I heard the noises and it sounded like a bunch of stuff fell down with it? Anyway, a while later, our awesome new screen (which reflects headlights and stuff and it sometimes looks like a shooting star :-( ) reflected flashy lights. /-:', So I stood up to get on the arm of the couch and HOLY COW THERE'RE LIKE 5 EMERGENCY VEHICLES OUTSIDE! O.0 I hope everyone's okay.
You can't see that very well. :-\

Also, for Penguin's photography class, she was supposed to take pics of things framing other things naturally. We went to the park. We tried to take pictures of each other with our heads turned, but Penguin didn't even try to take pics of me or keep me from doing her so I just got like 14 in a row. Then we tried taking pics of each others feet. That was much better. :-P

"I made cookies with my aunt the other day and she tagged me as a cookie. ? Come on." ~ this video

Sunday, September 13, 2015

More Stuff for Penguin so she'll Draw Something Interesting/Funny for Once

They are thrown in a  I forgot how to do this. Bye for now.
Kay I'm back.
WHY DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND MY CLINICAL CURIOSITY. I need sympathy. Or at least empathy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I have at least three--count 'em, THREE-- bug bites. One on my toe:

Compared to the right foot:

One on my wrist:
and one on the back of my thigh (not pictured)(duh).
Mom recently had a spiderbite on her elbow.

I assume there was an infestation of our allies? They occasionally take a tax...

"He GAVE me FLIPPAHS!!" (an oldie but a goodie!) :-)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

I'm so Sorry!! Today we'll Discuss Underscales.

Underscales... Does that mean:
Like a dog's undercoat.
Now we have convincing evidence of this, and even though it doesn't support my idea (at least, not overtly [vocab word!])  {Oh on an unrelated note, have you seen this yet????? It's the BEST!}, I'm going to share it with you. SPOILER WARNING: This is from Winter Turning, though it's a minor detail.
(Edit Jan 2017: the vid is not available D8 but what was it? what vid was it???)

Today we Found an Enemy Base, and a Few Infiltrated our Camp

We went to Boulder Creek to get materials for school. On the way home, we stopped at Castle Rock and............

The more trailers I see the less I wanna watch this movie (Friendship Games)

This is from 8/19.... Here!

UPDATE, JAN 25 2017: The thing was that there were bugs everywhere and one got in the car and... it would be better if I remembered anything about this.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


I notice this word in books a lot, often mistaking it for the word "feverishly". I wonder what it means. But the story goes on, and I forget to look it up. Until a few days ago.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

In Which I Die a Couple of Times

if you haven't read Winter Turning, and all preceding books, stop now and wait a month after reading them all to read this.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Why Hair is Annoying and How I didn't Pull my Heart

I tried to lay on my back with my legs propped on the back of the couch. I should've done this on the floor with the wall. You know why? I accidentally did a back somersault off the couch. I knocked the jar of jam off the stool in front of the sofa, and, it not only didn't break, it landed right-side-up. The jam knife fell on the ground. It had fuzz on the blade. :-( And I hurt my chest somehow. I think I may have bumped it with my chin, except that my chin doesn't, and didn't, hurt. Hm. So Mom figured I must've pulled a muscle (no, not my heart. When I asked, she said "No. ... You're very smart") But later we decided I bruised a rib. Ow. But it's much better, it doesn't hurt at all unless I twist a lot or stretch really hard.

Anyhoo. So I'm writing stuff. I haven't done much on "Treedogs", but I started a new one about a bunch of made-up mythical creatures. :-) So far I think it's going pretty well.

UPDATE: Today I did some more writing on Treedogs. Also, my bruise/pulled muscle got rehurt today at the dog park (there was almost no one there) when I climbed a tree. It's not that bad though.

Hair is annoying because when it's dry it tickles your back, and if it's wet, it makes a big, damp circle on your shirt.

Live coverage of a so-called dry thunderstorm:

One thunder. Very long and loud. A few lightnings, but no more thunder with them. And raining. I was watching The Incredibles, and there was this plopping outside. Like pebbles or somethin'. RAIN!!! :-D And my weather app gave me a red flag alert for fire storms because of dry thunderstorms. Wow. And it also has a "historical weather" part, and it said that on this day, over the past 30 years, the record rainfall is (or should I say, was) 0.01 inches in 2008. Yeah, not anymore!!


Saturday, July 25, 2015

I'm not Sure What Happened Here.

Um. I... writing something. I... don't know anymore.

__, ,__
 O . O
_  d    _

haha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahha

tiredness. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep can't sleep. too tired to sleep.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm not sure how to entertain you fellas. Whaddaya want? What entertains ya? Huh? I could tell you about dog breeds.

 Cute. :-)

"Why don't you like the floor?" (I was lying on the floor in front of the door trying to take a nap, Penguin was talking to me from the couch)
"I don't like the floor, that's where the volcanoes are."
"Wha-- Yes. there are just little teeny tiny volcanoes in between the hairs of the carpet."
"Is that why our house is always so hot?"
"Uh huh-- Ow!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Because I'm Really Sorry for Neglecting You! I Snuck a lot of Inside Jokes in this when I Wrote it Last Month. :-P They are Still Relevant.

Well. I figured that since I haven't posted anything lately, I'll post a fanfiction-ish --- WAIT WAIT come back. :-P By that I just meant it's the same universe and creatures and stuff. My idea is that it's a story in a scroll in Pyrrhia. Idk. It was a challenge. So. I was supposed to write a story about a secret society and "keep it as secret as you can until the end". I wrote this like last month, so. Anyway. Um. Yeahh....
Oh, so no spoilers (except for how the tribes work a little, and the cure for SandWing poison)
Also; warning; a bit brutal... Sorry. I'll go edit this.

I stumble over a large flat boulder, and land on my side. Scrambling back to my feet, I look back. I had seen that rock, but when I had, it was at least three inches to the left from where it is now. “Weird,” I mutter to myself. Just as I’m shaking the sand out of my wings, the boulder scooches a few feet closer to me. I jump back and fling my tail up, holding it threateningly.
A light orange-tannish dragon head rises up from behind the rock, sand spilling over its horns. The dragon flicks its ears to dislodge any sand from it, and blinks open its shiny black eyes.  This paragraph seems a bit rushed to me, maybe some slowing down, more description, or something.
The dragon’s forelegs come up and grab the rock. It pulls itself out of the hole, opening its wings and staring at me. I’ve tilted my head up to look at it; it’s obviously much older than me.
Without warning, it leaps over to me, expertly dodging my tail barb and knocking it out of the way as the dragon pins me down. “Who are you?” he asks.
“M-my name,” I stutter, my voice squeaking, “is Xylorhiza. Zie-lore-EE-zuh.”
“Who sent you here?”
I blink. ‘Who sent me here?’ “I… I wasn’t sent. I was just… going for a walk.” ‘I can’t tell him the truth, can I? That I was trying to find a place to hide from Peccary?
“Lies.” He can tell in a moment. Is he reading my mind or my body language? “You can tell me the truth. I’ll be honest with you if you are with me.”
I’m not certain, but I’m pretty sure he’ll stay true to his word. “I’m being chased.”
“Why.” He doesn’t ask; he demands. He knows that he has the upper talon here, and he’s not going to let me forget that. His tail stays hovered, right over my heart.
“I-I killed his sister.” ‘I had to. I wish I hadn’t, but I did have to. I’m sorry Peccary. I’m really sorry, Glochid.
“Why.” He says again.
“She’d gone crazy. I saved him, but I had to kill Glochid.” Images flash through my mind. My own tail smashing down into my own sister’s heart. I wince, trying to send away the memories.
“Ah. I’m Bajada. Come with me.” He says, getting off of me, but nudging me up and keeping his poisonous tail just above and behind my head. Bajada pushes me to the hole he’d come out of.
“Uh. Are we going in there??” I ask. “A straight drop doesn’t seem too safe to go into from the top…”
Bajada chuckles. “Take a closer look.” His voice is still deep, but less intimidating.
I peer into the abyss, to see that it’s only about as high as Bajada would be if he sat up on his hind legs. From there, there’s another drop, assumedly the same length. I slither into the tunnel. The sides are very well packed, and no sand crumbles off. When I reach the first landing, I pause, then slip down the next drop, which is surprisingly short. When I land, I’m in a large clearing. There are four other SandWings there. One is standing facing the other three with her wings up. There are dark chestnut freckles on the outer sides of her wings, and she stops speaking when she catches sight of me. “Bajada? Who is this?”
I whirl around to see Bajada’s lower half, as he does something above his head. I soon realize that he is pulling the stone back over the hole. “She saw me leave,” he explains, turning and stepping down behind me. “She was being chased. By him.”
Two or three of the other dragons gasp. “Why are they gasping?” I whisper to Bajada through the side of my mouth.
He ignores me. Instead, he introduces me to everyone. “Everyone, this is Xylorhiza. Xylorhiza, these are: Gypsum,” he gestures to a pale greyish yellow female in the group, “Dunnart,” he motions toward a dusty gold dragon with black diamond patterns along his back, “Coati,” a beige male, “and Creosote,” the pale saffron leader.
Creosote steps toward me, folding her wings in. “You are now one of us, kid. You can’t go back to whatever lame life you had before this.”


My mind is a whirl. I do need somewhere new to live, and I do like Bajada, despite my only just meeting him. ‘Coati looks nice too, and Creosote doesn’t seem like a crazy leader like our queen. But they didn’t ask or anything, just decided. I’m not sure if I like that.
“If you try to run, you should know that my tail is inches from your spine, and you could be paralyzed and dead in a number of seconds,” Bajada threatens.
“Very well. I will join you--I have joined you. Tell me: what is our goal?” I ask formally.
Gypsum steps toward me. “Child, you mustn’t be so punctilious. We are all acquaintances
here, no need to act like an interloper.”
My, she sure has a large vocabulary! Good thing I do too!‘ “Ok. Well… what is your main aspiration? Why was your club assembled?” I ask.
“We prefer to call it a ‘consortium’,” Dunnart growls. ‘This guy’s gonna be trouble for me.’ “We’re rallying forces against Peccary, Singe, Scarab, and Fennec.”
“Wh-why?” ‘My brother? He may be obnoxious, but why is there a whole consortium that’s after him?’ “What did my--” ‘No, best not to mention.‘ “What did he do?”
“Hm.” Creosote considers me for a moment. “No, no. We cannot tell you so soon in your membership. We must know that you will be trustworthy.” She turns abruptly; if her tail hadn’t been coiled up, it would have sliced across my chest. “Bajada? You are dismissed.”
“Thank you, Cree.” Bajada taps his wing over my back for a moment, whispering, “You’ll be fine, Xylo. Watch out for Coati, and stick with Creosote. I’ll be back for the meeting tomorrow.” ‘Coati and Creosote?’ That wasn’t what I had concluded. ‘Just be careful of everyone for now…
“Recently, Singe, Fennec, and Scarab have collaborated on a major oasis siege. They have recruited more dragons to their cause; including: Char, Drift, and Granule, as well as several SkyWings, including Chickaree, Snowflower, Marmot, and Chamois. A few others were involved, but presently unrecognized. In other news, Peccary has not been spotted since the mass murder last month. Has anyone figured out how that happened?”
Was that what happened to Glochid?’ “I believe it was the effect of Animus magic. They were all killed at the exact same time; but at differing locations. Have we resolved what the cause of death was?” Dunnart asks, sounding completely confident with his deduction.
“Yes… Coati, do you have the papers?” He wordlessly trudges up to Creosote and hands her the papers. “Thank you… Ah yes, ‘The surrounding dragons claim it to have been a freak accident: a large rock fell from the wall just above where the victim was standing.’” Creosote reads.
I feel horror encroaching over my calm expression even though I try to hold it back. “How many were killed?” I blurt, practically kicking myself for talking.
“5,” Dunnart says, uninterestedly, at the same time that Gypsum replies, “at least 15!” with a voice full of concern. ‘Who should I believe?
Creosote just seems to recall that I’m there. “We forgot to give her the initiation. Gypsum? Coati?” She steps forward. Coati shuffles forward, sticking something under his wing. Gypsum paces toward me shakily.
“I’m sorry, kid. Regulations are regulations. But listen, you’ll convalesce quickly. I promise, we’ll fix you right up afterwards, but we have to test your trust and capabilities,” Gypsum reassures me under her breath. Coati sidles over to block the passageway.
“Turn to face me,” Creosote calls from the side. I turn to look at her, so that Gypsum is on one side, the side where my tail is coiled, and Coati is on the other side, blocking the exit. Creosote nods anticipatingly, an almost savage glint in her eye.
Just then, a flash of hot, searing pain waves over my body. I try to swing my tail around with a roar, only to find that it’s being held down. I can vaguely make out the sounds of Gypsum whimpering, and Dunnart yelling at me to hold still. My first reaction would be to stabilize my position, survey the surroundings, then attack. But as I begin to pull away from the intense agony, I remember what Gypsum had said before this: test my trust and capabilities. Dunnart told me to hold still… I stop pulling away and clench my talons to restrain the urge to fight back. Gypsum holds down my tail and pulls her own out of the tender spot. Coati takes the thing he’d been holding under his wing and throws it across my back. Gypsum catches it and immediately breaks it in half and presses the open side of one half against the puncture. A bit of the throbbing heat is relieved instantly. I howl as I push down my urge to attack. Gypsum ties the brightsting cactus to the wound on my tail and drapes her wing over mine. I notice that she’s weeping, tears running down her face.
“I’m sorry,” she swallows. “This was my first time. Before Ignite was killed, it was his job. I would just handle the cactus part. But now…” She shakes her head a little. “Are you okay, Xylorhiza? You look a bit wan...” I realize that Coati has left.  
“You could’ve wa--” ‘maybe best not to bite anyone’s head off right now…‘ “I-I’m fine. Um, what was the point of that, exactly?” My head is floating about three feet above my body. I take a step forward, but my legs get twisted up with each other and I collapse. I open my eyes to almost complete darkness.

I can hear muffled voices, as if they are underwater. I decide that the higher-pitched, worried one belongs to Glochid. The deepest one… that must be Peccary. And the deeper feminine voice… must be Mother.
“Did you get some water?” -Glochid
“Oh, good.” -Mother
“Weakling. We should kill her now.” -Peccary
My eyes open blearily. “Glochid? Mother??”
“Oh, the poor thing! Here sweetie, have some water. Coati brought it for you.” Coati-- everything comes rushing back into my mind. Wincing, I take the bowl of water and take a sip.
“Oh, quit pampering her. Some tough ‘love’ will do her some good right about now,” Dunnart mutters.
“Oh, put a sheep in it. She’s younger than anyone else we’ve done this to.. omitting Caliche, but she-” Gypsum clamps her mouth closed.
I’m not sure, but I can guess what she was about to say. Maybe she was going to say ‘left’ or ‘quit’ or something like that, but I have a feeling Gypsum stopped herself from saying ‘died’.
“I… I’d like to go outside,” I whisper. My wings feel heavy, and cold, like they haven’t seen the desert sunshine in years. My legs feel as if they’re made of sand that will crumble away if I put any weight on them.
“We can’t do that. It would be too hard to get you out quickly, we can’t run the risk of exposing our cover. You’ll have to stay in here for a few days.” Creosote turns to continue the meeting.
“Come here, Xylo. You don’t want to stay in the doorway.” Gypsum helps me over to a front corner. “I’ll stay here. Does the warmth help?”
I nod absently, drifting into another dimension.

I wake up when I hear Gypsum and Dunnart arguing.  My tail smarts like being set on fire and then stuck in the Ice Kingdom to die. I force my eyes open to see the flaxen dragon blocking me into the corner. Her tail is arched up angrily. “Wha-” I try to talk, but end up in a coughing fit.
Gypsum spins around and grabs me. “See? I TOLD you she was fine!!”
I can just see Dunnart roll his eyes and turn away. “I’m going home. You can stay here and take care of this runt if you really want to, but I see no point in it. Bye.” He clambers up and out through the tunnel.
“Is.. is anyone else here?” I ask hoarsely.
Coati slides into view. He smiles at me, eyes full of concern.
“I’m going to go get some more water for us all, Coati will supervise you until I return.” Gypsum bustles out with a large bucket.  
Coati flaps his wings. I crawl forward, out of the corner, and stretch out on the floor. Coati walks around to look me in the eye. He lays down to be closer to my level. “Listen,” he sibilates. “You started wheezing in your sleep. Gypsum was worried, and Creosote figured you would be fine, but Dunnart wanted to ‘end your suffering’ if you know what I mean. This must be a lot to take in, but I beg you to trust me. Stick by me and Gypsum. Dunnart is a real psychopath, and Creosote can get a bit bloo-- Oh! Have to go.” He sits up, acting as if he hadn’t said a word, and I begin to wonder if I had dreamt it. Very soon, Gypsum returns, setting the water in first, waiting for Coati to take it, and then dropping down herself.
When she gets in, she looks over at my tail, then gasps. I pull it around to look at it and -- holy moons! The black has spread out, hitting the start of my poisonous barb, and reaching several inches closer to the base of my tail. “Great,” I moan, flopping down again.
“I brought something,” Gypsum says, unfurling her wing. A round, flattish plant falls out, thunking on the floor of the room. “More brightsting cactus!” She breaks off a piece, hands the large part to Coati to store, and comes over to me. She squeezes some juice out of the cactus and onto the injury. I feel a brief relief. Then the pain returns. I sigh.
Coati waves his tail, and I notice for the first time that the barb part is snapped off. I try to ask him questions with my face, and he gestures to Gypsum. “Uhh, Gypsum, do you happen to, um, have a lizard or something around here?” I ask.
“Oh, I’ll catch you one.” She races off.
“What is it?”
“Caliche. Gypsum was saying that she died soon after initiation from the infection. But she was weak, though older than you. You can survive. Also: what do you know about Peccary? I can tell you know something, but I don’t know what it is. Please tell me.” The look in his eyes, staunch, receptive, observational, tells me that he would never lie to me, nor would he ever spill a secret if he wasn’t asked to by the secret keeper.
“Peccary’s my brother. My sister, Glochid, had animus powers, and went insane recently. She hadn’t seemed at all out of sorts until one day when she suddenly snapped. I… I killed her.” I begin to bawl, and Coati comes to wrap his wing firmly around me. “Now Peccary’s after me, and- I don’t know what to do! I was running from him when I bumped into Bajada, and … well, I think you know the rest.” I bury my snout in my talons, shaking with tears. I feel the larger dragon lie down beside me, wing still draped over me like an animal skin. I wonder if he’s going to tell me something, but he hasn’t seemed very talkative. Eyes still covered, I feel my body tipping and swaying with fatigue.


I waken again when Gypsum comes in. “Here you are!” she says too cheerfully, dropping a lizard by my talons. I pull it closer and gobble it down. After that, we all go to sleep in a pile, like a group of dragonets.

When I wake up next, Gypsum is not there, and Coati is back in the corner where I first saw him. Bajada is here, standing over me, frowning. Creosote seems busy riffling through papers up by the front. As I’m sitting up, Dunnart scrambles down the entrance, followed by a new dragon, this one shortbread, with fawn diamond patterns along its neck.
“Hello, Dunnart, Waxwing. Take a seat. We’ll start when Gypsi and Callie get here,” Cree promises. Callie? Waxwing? I surmised that Gypsi was short for Gypsum. I puzzle out that Waxwing must be the shortbread dragon who entered with Dunnart, and that Callie must be someone new.
Then, another new dragon enters, this one has a deep latte coloring, with lighter biscotti on the wing membranes. In their teeth, they carry a very small dragonet. “Caught this guy snoopin ‘round our ‘wasis. Brought ‘im here to be dealt with.”
Creosote marches up to the dragonet menacingly. “What were you doing at our oasis? Well?” She’s practically ready to smash his head in, I can tell.
Gypsum, please come now. Now would be a good time to show up. Please?’ The small blonde dragon is shaking so hard I think he might have a heart attack. ‘Now would be an ideal time for someone to butt in! Before that tail gets any closer to that dragonet’s skull.’ Gypsi isn’t here yet.
With a snap decision, I leap to my feet. Bounding over Bajada’s back and launching off his shoulders, I fly through the air. For a moment I’m soaring, like I’ve never done before. It’s bliss! But it’s coming to an end. Twisting my head ever so slightly, I aim for my shot. If I do this wrong, it could cost one or more lives. Mine, Cree, the dragonet, or Coati. Praying that this will work, my jaws open wide. Forcing my eyes to stay open, I vaguely remember that I have a poison barb on my tail, too. No time to turn back. I flap my shredded wings once, then it’s time. My aim was good, the tender spot of Creosote’s tail is between my teeth. I bite down and veer to the left, away from most of the dragons. Spitting the bloody tail out, I shout curses. “Do you have sheep fluff for a brain?! This youngster wasn’t trying to take your water! He’s dying of thirst. Look at his ribs. He hasn’t had a meal in months!” I turn to the dragonet. “What’s your name?” I ask gently.
“Um. Wulfenite, miss. You-you can call me Wulf if you’d l-like.”
“Ok, Wulf, could you please open your mouth?” He obliges. “Creo- no!” As I spoke, I turned, just in time to notice. I hurl myself just in front of Dunnart as he leaps at the yearling with his claws outstretched for a killing blow.


“DODGE, KID!!” I screech. “COATI--” just then all the breath gets knocked out of my lungs as I collide with Dunnart’s shoulder. Gasping for air, I stagger to stand. Luckily, the blow seems to have gone both ways, and Dunnart looks almost as breathless as I am. I launch myself at him, rolling him onto his stomach. I stand over him, his tail in my teeth. I hold it over his head, accomplishing multiple things in one move. I pin his back legs with mine, and his front legs and wings with my front talons. “If you know wha’s bes’ fer you, you’ll hold SHTILL!” I threaten past his tail. Without looking up, I hear Gypsi slide in, replacing the rock after entering. I know she’s turned when I hear her alarmed squawk.
Without wasting time, she leaps at Creosote, meeting her chest to chest, talon to shoulder in the air.
“COATI” I howl with all my might. “HELP!”  I hear a murmur of reassurance (I assume to Wulf) and then thundering steps as he thrusts himself into the battle.
“Our goal is to immobilize! Not to kill!” I shout over the ruckus.
“Of course!” Gypsi replies.
I look to Coati, and he nods firmly.
Bajada… I think I can trust him; in this situation anyway. “Bajada! Come help!” No reply. I turn to see his near-lifeless body collapsed in the corner. “No! NO! Wulfenite! Get the brightsting cactus! Help Bajada! The deadish one in the corner. Please? Please! Oh, by all the moons, I hope that worm-faced blob of camel-spit is okay - I haven’t found out what he’s up to yet,” I growl. I bite down harder on the tender spot of Dunnart’s tail. I’ve gotten through the scales now. The sandstone colored dragon beneath me vociferates in agony. “If you move one inch, so help me I will dig this barb into the CENTER of your SPINE do you hear? I am NOT joking,” I snarl. I lightly scratch his own tail through the scales on his left shoulder, just breaking skin. Enough to make him yowl again. Carefully I step off of him, tail still in teeth. Instantly he rears up to tackle me. “Sorry. Warned ya.” I swing my own injured tail around between his wings, then stab it in as hard as I can. I shut my eyes as he hollers bloody murder…. ‘literally’, I think grimly. The howls stop abruptly with a thud. Wincing, I pivot. “Where’s that cactus? WHERE IS IT? I need it NOW!” I know I’m panicking, and I don’t care.
“XYLO!” Coati shouts. I turn and reach up, catching the bulbous plant as it flies through the air to me.
Tears streaming down my face, I rip a small chunk off of the cactus. I press it to the hole in his shoulder. “Bajada. Please, please be ok.” I immediately notice the black stop spreading through his scales. His breathing stabilizes at a shuddering wheeze. I laugh through my tears. “WULF!” I bellow. He scurries around the battleground. “Please hold this here, and when it seems dry, break off another piece. I have to go. By the way, My name’s Xylorhiza. You can call me Xylo.” I flash a friendly smile before skidding off to block Waxwing from leaving. “No one is leaving. Until this is straightened out.”
The dusty shortbread SandWing shrieks and throws herself on the ground. She throws her wings over her head in submission.
I look over her head. Coati is deep in his combat with Callie again. Currently he is on his back, but still fighting strongly. Gypsum calls out. I rush over and knock into Creosote without losing momentum. She tumbles over, chipping a horn on a bit of rock jutting out from the sand wall. Cringing, I turn to help Gypsi up. She stumbles and I notice that her right back leg is a bit twisted. “Gypsi! Your leg! Go lay by Bajada…. But.. Not too close, okay? I don’t think he trusts you, and he might swipe you. … Now that I think about it, just lay down here, and keep your leg still.” Creosote roars a few feet away. “I’ll handle her.”
I bound toward her. She pounces, but I’m ready. I quickly crouch, raising my tail. I notice the horror fill her eyes as she heads uncontrollably toward her doom. At the last minute, as tears leak from her squinched closed eyes, I pull my tail down so it will barely graze her chest. She hasn’t prepared for landing, and her eyes are still closed so she won’t.
I grin. All going according to (my last-minute, probably horrible) plan. I whirl to watch as she thuds on the ground. Not wasting any time, I lunge onto her side. After a minute, Cree opens her eyes timidly. It’s amazing, watching realization literally dawn on someone other than yourself. She inhales audibly, and her eyes drift to me. They are filled with fear, disbelief, and terrified hope. Smiling, I step off...
Except for one talon, which I keep firmly placed over Creosote’s heart, just enough pressure that she won’t forget I’m here.
“What are you planning?” I gnarr. “Tell, and you live. Lie, and you die. Simple.”
Cree shudders. “I-we… I ...“ She gulps. “I tried to join the Dragonbites, but Peccary turned me down. So.. so I started this group, against them. I wanted to show them that I was powerful, but… I’m sorry. Please, please don’t kill me. I’m telling the truth.” She is shaking constantly now.
I growl, dig my claws in, scratching along her chest, leaving a few thin trails of beading blood as I lift my talon.
The saffron leader sighs.
“But you’d better not move. An inch,” I warn. “Gypsum may not be able to stand, but she still can and will move her tail with great strength if you try to do anything else.” I turn to help Coati. He’s bleeding heavily from a gash in his side, but still weakly attempting to defend himself.
I creep up behind Callie, and smack her tail right in the sensitive spot (where I notice she already has a scar. ‘Probably from her initiation.’), with my own tail barb. She turns with an enraged howl, “I had to live through that once. I AM NOT SWALLOWING IT AGAIN!” She whirls her tail around harshly, catching me by surprise.

Neon fuchsia pain. That works.
In my head, I snicker. But that’s what this is. Hah. I wonder what narwhals taste like? I’ve heard about them in scrolls. Do sheep have feelings? Wait- does water have feelings? Or thoughts? Wow. Heh, is this what it’s like to lay on the beach? With waves washing over you? Hardly being able to breathe? I never knew there could be so many colors… I’m seeing navy oranges, light blacks, dark whites, yellowish purples. Has Wulfenite seen all these shades? Or Coati? Gypsum? My friends… I may never see them again. I may never tell them that they were my friends. Did they consider me one of their friends? Oh, I hope so. Maybe I’ll get to see Glochid again, at least. What did she think of me? Whoa. Reddish green? I don’t think that should even be permitted. YAH!
Lions? I heard they can kill dragons. Are they supposed to be purplish-yellow? Doubtful, that would’ve been mentioned in the scrolls.
Oh no. Gypsum’s immobile… Coati.. Coati might be dead right now, for all I know! I need to get up. Mentally holding back mental tears, I fight through the neon fuchsia Pain and pale black Darkness. A thread of the sticky Pain sneaks up behind me and latches on, quickly spreading. I spin around -- no gravity, I note, or physics -- lashing out with my talons. I slice through the thread, but the Pain that got to me is still there. I don’t have time to deal with this. I flare my tattered wings, flapping wildly to keep the approaching Pain at bay. It’s coming in waves now, waves of light magenta. Wait a second… No gravity… no physics… Maybe rules of survival don’t count here, either. I duck under a wave and breathe in. I start coughing. So much for that idea. I exhale a plume of fire, clearing a space in front of me for a moment. This’ll work. I breathe out fire, and run forward into the created space. Repeat. Hah, take that Pain and Darkness! Beating you both with one fell swoop! Oh, pain. Forgot. Waving my wings crazily, I dive out of the mass of fuchsia Pain, into a new area.
This one is bright green-purple. Great. Well, hey, at least I can still be sarcastic! Ok. Next challenge seems to be…. Grow 10 yards and explode your brain that way? Wooh nope, hope not. Maybe… Oh, obvious! Wake up.
I imagine myself gritting my teeth. Okay. Okay.. Holler. Shout. Scream. Louder than you can! “WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!” I screech, hurting my mental ears. And throat. What if… Oh, please don’t let me kill myself. I brace myself, then slam my tail barb full force onto my head. Just before it makes contact…. I jerk awake. I know I’m shaking, and shouting, and sobbing. I also know I’m alive. 


No time for joy though. I push myself to a wobbly stand, and step shakily over to Coati. “Oh,” I murmur. No doubt about it, he’s gone. I step back.
Flinging my sore wings over my head, I sit back for a good cry. Soon, I feel a warm wing wrapping around me. I hear another voice sobbing. A warm head leans on top of mine. I distantly hear another choking sob nearby. It doesn’t matter who’s crying with me. Our tears are many and one. Pretty soon, I’m in a blue-orange mindscape. I feel myself … dying? No! I push back, reaching the real world again. “Cactus..” I utter, before drifting back into the depths of my mind.

A large face looms in my line of sight. “Hey there! I’m your big sister, Glochid. I’m going to teach you and Peccary so much!” ~~~ “I hate you!” “Yeah? Well… I hate you too!! You’re a no good, mean brother and I wish I had destroyed your egg before you hatched!” I shout. “That’s it.” Peccary has me pinned down with my snout in the sand. I hear ripping, and the pain doesn’t register through the anger until he’s left. ~~~ A crazed look glazes her eyes over. She smiles deliriously, licks her fangs. I hear the hissing sound that comes before fire-breath, and I duck. Gulping, I plunge my talons into her chest.

I drift in and out of memories, imagination, and real life, often not being able to differentiate, for a week or two. When I finally feel up to eating, I’m starving. Gypsum is sitting in front of me, grinning ecstatically. She nudges a bucket of water to me, sloshing a bit on our talons. I smile gratefully, sitting up to drink down a few portions of the water. Waxwing clatters in, her mouth full with four desert lizards. Gypsi and I turn and laugh. She looks ridiculous. She stumbles over to us and drops the prey. We all grab one, and munch quietly.
“Bajada?” I inquire.
Waxwing nods to the corner and flicks a lizard his way. He’s sitting up, but hardly moving. He looks like a statue. “Is he okay?” I whisper.
“Fine,” Gypsi replies quietly.
“And… Callie?” I ask nervously.
“She won’t be hurting anyone else any time soon,” Waxwing chuckles.
“She’s dead?”
“No, but she has a terrible neck injury,” Waxwing answers mock-innocently.
Gypsi bursts out laughing. “Stop worrying her!” she chokes out to Waxwing. To me she says, “Calescent got a bad laceration on the back, as well as many burns along the neck and chest. She’s presently being counseled by yours truly.”

We spend the remainder of the afternoon laughing and chatting until I have to go to sleep. Gypsum and Waxwing curl up around me, making me feel secure and safe.

Thanks guys!! If you actually read that thing, please give me constructive criticism if you have any,

Quote... hm.

"Quote quote quote \ I need a quote quote quooote.
Quote quote quote \ singin' a quo-o-ote."

I did sing that. Out loud. So it counts. My chest hurts. Maybe I'm having a heart attack. O.O OH NO I'M GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE no I'm 13 It's not a heart attack. BUT IT COULD BE LEADING UP TO IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'll keep you posted.