
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Return of Color Reports!! Color Report #3: Green

          {November 7 addition: You may have noticed something special... I've hit 100 posts!! I was going to do something special, but then I watched that episode and had to get my feelings out. Anyway, I'm celebrating post #101!!!!!
Count. I dare you. (I did not draw this. Just using it to accentuate my point.)

           And what better way to celebrate than by bringing back this old, beloved series... I stopped this post when my grandparents borrowed book 3... Isn't that crazy? Escaping Peril is coming out in January!! Addition end}
           There are many different types of green mentioned in the books. And green is mentioned many, many times. So, I will go through each book, and look at each mention of the color green.
So here we go:

  • "Tsunami flipped onto her back, gazing up at the stone roof with her translucent green eyes," (pg 9, The Dragonet Prophecy). 
  • "Not only were her scales too golden, but her eyes were gray-green instead of glittering black," (pg 13, TDP).
  • "Her long, delicate snout, glowing emerald green with displeasure, rested on her front claws," (pg 16, TDP). 
  • "The pale green flecks under her dark blue scales shimmered as she swam upriver," (pg 29, TDP).
  • "Morrowseer studied Sunny, from her harmless tail to her weirdly golden scales and moss-green eyes," (pg 39, TDP). 
  • "...but Clay could tell he was angry from the way his long blue-green tail lashed on the floor," (pg 40-41, TDP).
  • "She paused and looked up at him with shocked green eyes," (pg 44, TDP). I am done with writing out every mention of eye-color, so yeah.
  • "The dragonets all looked at Glory, whose scales had turned pale green," (pg 56, TDP).
  • "She was still lying in relaxed loops around the tree, with waves of emerald green and peacock blue drifting through her scales," (pg 216, TDP).
  • "Glory had abandoned the color of the river for a muted green, like grass dotted with morning dew," (pg 272, TDP).
  • "'But the prophecy,' Riptide said. He pointed at Glory. 'It calls for a SkyWing. She's not a SkyWing.'   'It's a little complicated,' Tsunami said as a hint of sea green rippled across Glory's scales," (pg 43, The Lost Heir).
  • "'We're not,' Riptide objected. 'Afraid of RainWings. Pfft. What a thing to say.'   More streaks of pale green appeared along Glory's scales and then faded away," (pg 46, TLH).
  • {I was TRYING to do my MATH, but suddenly, in the middle of a problem... : ... Oh my GOSH I can't even put in a PHOTO right now. I said I wouldn't do much other stuff, like blogging or anything but now there is nothing ELSE to do...... and when you think about it; I am doing literature, with citations and research and analysis... AND WHO CARES I WOULD RATHER BE DOING MATH, BUT NOOOO. 7-:< sorry.}
  • "Glory looked down her nose at Webs, dark green zigzagging through her wings," (pg 215, TLH).
  • And that was it for The Lost Heir... I had thought there would be something when they got thrown in prison... or when they got out, but during the Attack on the Summer Palace... but no.
  • On to The Hidden Kingdom. Also: In the earlier books (TDP and TLH) light green and orange seem to be switched.
  • [Oh GUESS WHAT. I was doing my math, and THIS happened: 
  • "Glory's ruff flared in fear and pale green stripes zigzagged through her scales," (pg 10, The Hidden Kingdom).
  • "Glory let her scales turn whatever color they wanted. A shimmery beetle green spread all over her, touched here and there with curls of amber. She liked the feeling of matching the trees and sunbeams," (pg 12, THK)
  • "A few streaks of orange and emerald flashed through Liana's scales and then vanished into dark blue again. Orange and emerald . . . if their scales worked the same way, then that meant Liana was feeling a little surprised and a little irritated," (pg 30, THK).
  • "She shifted her wings and froze.   Something was curled in the gap between her shoulder and her wing. ... Long silvery gray fur draped over her green scales," (pg 36, THK).
  • "'We do care,' he said, dark green distress flickering in his ruff," (pg 42, THK).
  • "Her newfound brother looked horrified. 'We don't use our venom on other dragons," he said, bright green flaring across his ruff. 'Who would do that?'" (pg 45, THK).
  • "Mangrove blanched from horns to tail, turning a pale sickly green.   'Don't panic,' Glory said quickly. 'I'm sure it's not her,'" (pg 75, THK).
  • "'I think I have to go into it,' Glory said.   'You say that like you're not terrified,' Starflight said, 'but I can see your scales turning the same pale green that Mangrove's just were. That means frightened, doesn't it?'" (pg 79, THK).
  • "But now there was something else --- something stamping slowly on enormous feet.   Stamp. Slither. Stamp. Slither.   The sloth had a stranglehold on Glory's neck. She could feel it shaking. She was sure her own scales were turning green with fear, and she had to force all her energy into staying black," (pg 84, THK).
  • "By the time the other dragonets arrived, Glory had wiped out any trace of green fear from her scales," (pg 86, THK).
  • "The RainWing slowly materialized in a dull green, unhappy color," (pg 139, THK)
  • "A bolt of green panic shot through Glory's scales. Trapped between the IceWings and Burn, with an assassin out hunting them, was not how she wanted to spend the night," (pg 156, THK).
  • "'Every other RainWing we've picked up has turned instantly green --- the color that seems to indicate fear,'" (pg 189, THK).
  • "'It's not very complicated,' Glory said. 'We fight. Whoever survives gets to be queen.'   The other RainWings in the room all gasped.   The queen's scales shimmered white and green," (pg 221, THK).
  • "Mangrove was an unexpected dappled mixture of bright yellow and lime green. Excited and terrified, she thought, but more complicated," (pg 235, THK).

       So... can RainWings make pictures on their scales? Because Glory made a tree frog during the camouflage contest...

       Aww, last time I edited this was May 20th. FIVE MONTHS AGO!!! I hope y'all remember Color Reports. :-) Let's keep goin'!

  • "Glory studied the outside of the mango and let het scales slowly turn a dull green with black speckles, shading to warm red around her wings and tail," (pg 238, THK). (You know I had to.)

  • [I'm writing this next part after the MR part, because I wanted to do this more quickly and had MR right with me]
  • "Kinkajou came up beside her, fidgeting excitedly and spilling deep purple-blue bubbles through her green scales," (pg 256, THK).
  • "[Tamarin] stood very still, with waves of pale green rippling across her scales," (pg 257, THK).
  • "Tamarin stepped forward. Her wings trembled, and her scales were rippling with pale green again," (pg 269, THK).
  • "'We'll see,' Kinkajou said bravely, but anxious streaks of green flickered in her ruff," (pg 283, THK).
  • Aaand we're FINALLY done with The Hidden Kingdom!!!!

  • Turtle is green...  Turtle is green... someone has green eyes... Oh, finally! 
             'This happens when I'm happy,' Kinkajou said, unruffled. 'But if you'd prefer something                      more sedate--' She turned a vibrant shade of lime green splashed with violet spots. Moon                  nearly choked on her goat.
                          'Aaaah!' Qibli yelped, covering his eyes.
                          'I don't actually know you,' Umber said to Kinkajou. You might be totally                               serious right now.'
                          'No, I'm just kidding,' Kinkajou said with a giggle, bumping Moon's side again. 'I                  can be totally ordinary and boring, don't worry.' Her scales shifted again, rippling to the                  same quiet brown as Umber's, and she gave him a wide-eyed, 'see? boring' stare.
                          'Boring hasn't exactly made it onto my list of words to describe you,' Moon said,                  
(pg 108, Moon Rising).
  • "'No!' Kinkajou said, flaring green and purple and white and yellow in dizzying spirals. 'I thought that's what you would want to do. But chasing after him to see what's happening is MUCH more exciting!'" (pg 133, MR)
  • "The blind RainWing was not as badly burned as Carnelian. She was unconscious--but she was still breathing. Kinkajou bent over her, white and green patches pummeling each other across her scales, and carefully lifted one of her friend's talons," (pg 182, MR).
  • "Winter...watched as the gray melted and shifted, like dragonets bursting out of the snow, into nine dragons in shades of red and gold and green," (pg 104, Winter Turning). (Okay, this is useless.)
  • "'Kind of an ordinary lime green all over,'  Bullfrog answered, [describing the color of a RainWing with a snout deformity which prevented him from sleeping for more than an hour, which prevented him from changing his scale colors]" (pg 110, WT)
  • "[Winter] saw one [of the scavengers] point to the ledge where Moon, Qibli, and Kinkajou were sitting in the sun together, resting their wings, black and pale yellow and iridescent blue-purple-green side by side," (pg 133, WT). (This one is useless too.)
  • Squid is green...
  • "' I don't like it here,' Kinkajou said at once. She shivered, flicking her tail and turning a sort of pale jade green," (pg 161, WT). 
  • ... ... ... Seriously? Kinkajou doesn't turn green during the fight? REALLY? Anyway, I stopped after that, because Kinkajou stays white, they don't run into any other RainWings at Possibility, and then Winter and Hailstorm go to the Ice Kingdom.
Okay, I don't have The Dark Secret at the moment, and I don't want to make you wait longer for this post, so I'll just go through now:

Emerald green = displeasure
scales turn pale green -- scared
"She was still lying in relaxed loops around the tree, with waves of emerald green and peacock blue drifting through her scales," (pg 216, TDP). -- is she displeased? Is this a hint?
Muted green like grass dotted with morning dew --
sea green -- unhappy, ?
"more" streaks of pale green, so, sea green = pale green?
Glory looks at Webs w/ dark green zigzags... Grumpy? Unhappy?
pale green stripes zigzagging + ruff flared = fear
emerald streaks = either surprised or irritated, I assume irritated
green scales with sloth -- surprised? Possibly camo? But how would the sloth see her? Did it find her before she comouflaged and knew she was there still? idk
dark green = distress
bright green = horrified
green = displeasure
pale sickly green = panicked/worried/terrified
pale green = frightened (according to Starflight. and me)
green = fear
green = fear
dull green = unhappy
green panic
instantly green = fear (according to NightWings)
white and green = horror/fear
bright yellow and lime green = excited and terrified but more terrified
"fidgeting excitedly and spilling deep purple-blue bubbles through her green scales" take that as you will
pale green = fear and maybe worry/uncertainty
"pale green again" " "
"anxious streaks of green"
lime green... excited and nervous? Like Mangrove?
"green and purple and white and yellow in dizzying spirals" scared, excited... idk
white and green = pain and fear
interesting but useless without more info
pale jade green = displeasure, discomfort

So to conclude: Dark green is displeased. Dull green is unhappy. Pale/sea (sickly) green is scared, varying levels, including panicked and anxious. Lime green is... terrified/excited/nervous ??
Ta-da! Took about ... ... SEVEN MONTHS?! Wow.

Look at this word: komorebi. It means the dappled light that comes through leaves. It's Japanese.

"Goofy, stop mocking the shopkeeper." ~ me playing Kingdom Hearts. Goofy jumped onto the counter next to I think Louie in the Item Shop.

DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVEN'T DONE THE BRIGHTEST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's okay, I have it all marked up... if there are any... I'll add them here:
Yes! I have it! Worry not!

And there's ... ONE?? REALLY? Fine.

  • "[Glory's] scales had turned lily-green and white --- the colors of fear and panic and pain," (pg 280, The Brightest Night).
Done. Ta-da. :-)

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