What do you want to read about here? What should I write about? PLEASE. I'm confused. No. I'm bored. That's what I meant. Sorry. No editing. :-) Not today!! Mepep. oookay. I meant to capitalize. But no editing!! No erasing! Never! Hm. What shall I write about? Prompts usually gets me giggling... Okay...
[17. Exactly 17. This is important.] Oh great. NKoow Now. Now I have to coem come up with something that useds 17 people. Um. mmmmm m I. I dont; knwo. Oh dear. I 'm starting to regret the no editing rule. :- D-: ARHG IWLEHNGOREIHNGOLEAIHDGA Ok. Whoa. Hi. Next day :-). I really have to think about what I'm going to type. like , ARHG UGH should I put I a smiley face here, yor or after the period? Okeedoke. Lets' uuuuggggghhhh Let's see, playing "Paranoia", and put in some of the questions, lkike have it from one of their POVs, so you know 2 questions (theirs and the person wo who saasks thaem a question.)......... Ugh.
[45.] ine in a potato hat. It I just wrote random words. You tell-- What's a potato hat? You tell me. Maybe it's a pseuodonym. For a glacier> A mushpot? (what is a mushbpot anywoay?)
Oh. Bullets/. Darn. No editing.
- [1] lost on a plant Oh great. I meant planet, but this works too. :-)
- [4-40] stuck in a field trip.
- [2-9] surviving in a desert , blizzard, tornado, hurrincane, etc.
- 4-24] oops. In lockdown.
- [1****oh COME ON. 1 what was I going to say? Darn. :-(] commited a huge crime adn d [1-2] have to convince him/her that... or... haelp them. Or something. How about you just tdo the part with the crim. GAAAHHHH CRIME. K? K.
- Um. Urgh. I have 29 ideas. That was funny onece. Why not now? *Soobbsssss*
- I will be back after watfching fvids. I'm sorry about the editing rule. :-T This is to show how many typos I make on a ... daily, i I guess, buasis. There you go. DCase in point. And point. Which is right? lLLLlllllllllllllllllllL I keep going to r erase things when I type a wrong letter, it's just seceonedhand nature? is that what it is?
I thingk I just learned about how to make a jumpbreak in coding: < !--more-- > spaces cuz I already have one. :-P I like you guys. What? What did I just say? I don't know. Anywhay. Ohm, darn. Sooo. What. erg. uh. aionga owir aposig
- [5-18] trying to plant trees or start an otrchard or whatever. :-P
- [1-8] volunteering somewhere'
I'm gonna stop her. Here. Bye!!
Okay, I have a great quote today: "I'd rather talk to Mickey. Or Oswald." "Would you rather talk to--" sweeps bangs over eyes* "--Blue Gremlin?" "No."
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