
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, April 14, 2017


I fell asleep yesterday afternoon... I started this this morning... almost done, will actually post this once I finish. Ok i've finished it, just need to take a pic and put it up on here and also do today's!

Alllllllllright!!! Got the pics now let's upload em.
Wheee!!!! okee dokee i gotta go wake up Penguin so I'll do today's and yesterday's LATER, PEACE.

I don't really have a good one, so I looked on, three of em were ok, this and two others to the same effect, I'm p sure they're all text bubble quotes, whatever, I also really like "Sora, are you feeling okay now? If you're not, then say so." bc it makes me laugh. I always talk to her to make her say that and then say "Oh, yeah, no, I'm great, Kairi!" and then turn to Donald and Goofy and whisper "guys I really don't feel good" or something in that vein... 

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