
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, July 17, 2015

I Just Tried to CRACK my EYEBROWS um what

Yup, that did just happen!!!!! Hehe. I have no idea why. :-P

I know I said I'd do my Frozen ≈ and/or ≠ Dead post after reading Winter Turning, and that I have indeed read Winter Turning, so I should be turning that out any day now, but I haven't felt into it lately, and have been quite busy staring at empty search bars with small, blinking, vertical lines in them, muttering "I'm... Bored... *sigh*" repeatedly in my head (like Pyrite kinda). :-)

Ah, summer.

Wrote this at the top of a Google Doc for a mini-magazine me and a few other girls are working on for our ME-dia journey for Girl Scouts:

Hihihihihihihihihihihihi again :-) I woke up early today (like noon or something hi) so what I don’t know what is… lost my train of thought hmm…. Mom is sad that we “didn’t get closer to completion today”. And so I said “You can’t rush. art.” in an attempt at an imitation of that guy from Toy Story 2 who fixes Woody. And that’s how I lost my train of thought. Or maybe it was the Backson. The backson, the backson. We don’t like the backson. :-) Anyhoo, as I was sayying: I don’t really know what I’m saying so… I think this is probably funny.

XD idk anymore bye

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