
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, March 6, 2015

What I Spent Last Evening Doing

I just realized what I spent last evening doing. Oh. Wow.
So basically I was looking at the Epic Mickey Wikia, and I got distracted looking at art...
and I saw this picture:
So of course I had to read the story that it was based on... and yeah. That basically explains my evening. Yesterday. Umm yeah.

"Thank you for your sage advice- not taking a bath, tying knots in my neck, I want to be an engineer..." -Penguin referencing:

Pen: Should I take a bath?
Me:  No


Pen: [complaining about cold]
Me:  "You know how to keep a head cold from going down to your chest?..."
Together: "...Tie a knot in your neck."~~The Dick Van Dyke Show, "The Brave and the Backache"


Us roleplaying Gremlin Gus and Gremlin Prescott, Gus got Prescott a job interview at the gag factory Prescott wants to do fixing/building stuff for a living, Gus says there's a code and gremlins do that for free.

"We all have regular jobs. I'm a bank accountant-"
"Where did you think I went every day?!"
"I thought you were fixing stuff!! You get calls about fixing stuff in the morning, and then you'd leave to go do stuff for people!! I thought you just kept doing that all day!"
"Well, I'm a bank accountant. Jamface is a carpenter-"
"But I thought we weren't allowed to fix stuff as our job..."

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