
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

We did some Roleplaying this Afternoon...

Hyeellllloo.  I AM SO BORED.

We were doing this for an hour:

(RPing, me as Prescott, Penguin as Mickey)
Mickey: Well, did you set something on fire?
Prescott: No! I did not set anything on fire.
Mickey: Well, were there any side effects??
Prescott: (fidgeting uncomfortably) Um.. Weellll... (mumbling) the house burned down..
Mickey: Huh?
Prescott: (still mumbling and fidgeting) the house burned down
Mickey: What?
Prescott: I said the house burned down!
Mickey: WHAT?! No wonder you're not allowed to use ovens!

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