OK on the way home from grm's we were singin in the car like always and we were singin "candle on the water" and during the part where she says "my soul is there, beside you, let this candle guide you" Dad sang "my soul is there," (*creepy voice*) "inside you.." and we all started laughing. - 11/3 6:59 PM
(one flew over the cuckoo's nest spoilers ⇊↧↡↓⇩⤵⟱⏬)
hey guys i'm still messed up about Mcmurphy. Like, at first he's just having fun and messing with people y'know? You know he's just doing it for a laugh while he's in here. You know because after talking to the lifeguard, he realizes that continuing to screw with the order could keep him there indefinitely because the Big Nurse is in charge of whether or not he's well enough to leave, and he becomes well-behaved. But then he realizes that the patients need him to give them confidence, and so he goes back to being wild. And as you get further in the story you can tell that it stops being just him and his personality, and his boldness becomes a facade. He's getting tired and just trudging through the same way everyone else was trudging through life before he showed up. And he and Bromden get electroshock therapy and he doesn't take the sleeping pills which (i thiink?) ends up keeping Bromden from taking them as well and so when they get there he's just all "it won't be that bad, man" and he grits his teeth and bears ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY just for Bromden. And he ends up getting est endlessly. As soon as he recovers, he gets it again. He won't admit to being wrong because he wasn't wrong. He is literally resisting torture. Eventually they send him back down to the ward, but (i think) still plan to give him est. So the guys make a plan to help him escape. and he says no. He stays because he made a date with Candy for Billy and he's gonna be here for the party. so he stays and plans to leave in the morning, but things fall apart and that doesn't happen. Candy and whatserface-- Sandy?-- escape in the morning while the nurse is talking to the doctor (I think) but McMurphy can't leave. And Billy kills himself after Big Nurse guilts him and threatens to tell his mother about Candy, and while she's talking to the doctor about it (i think?)-- oh no wait I think.. no nevermind--, McMurphy goes and strangles her?
Anyway the point is that it becomes a chore to cheer everyone else up and he gives up so much of himself to keep going and then in the end Bromden kills him to keep his honor, and to take away Big Nurse's new weapon... she's the one playing with lives. When she lashes out at McMurphy for "gambling with lives" it's her own guilt/insecurities talking. She killed Billy, not him. She killed him.
Also i don't really understand the whole Cheswick-committed-suicide thing. I could get it if it was just a thing on sparknotes (i had to look there to find out when it was that he died, bc i didn't remember) saying that it "may or may not have been intentional", but Big Nurse says "first Cheswick, and now poor Billy" or something like that? idk, like, it didn't seem like suicide to me? idk. - 11/4 2:51 AM
I have a watermelon lollipop!! - 11/5 9:03 PM
oh dang it's a "blow pop" - 9:19 PM
Honestly I've never seen Riku look genuinely happy except for when he finishes a Dive. (gif it later). I think that every time I do one, but I keep on forgetting to write it here so here. - 11/7 10:28
lol i watched the khii menu trailer and saw axel dragging kairi out of the Secret Place and i was thinking why doesn't he just pick her up and then i thought, "kairi looks like she weighs like 50 cents" - 11/8 8:30 PM
also penguin is playing ddd and I WANT TO but if i do everyone will yell at me for not doing my stupid homework so i cna't but "uwu just doooo itttt just do it fast youll feel so much better i know it sounds dumb but its' true i'm speaking from experience uwu uwu just do it fast and then itll be done" NO. aoi;goreanhoihrea nrgralje fhrmrmrmmmgendghdnmemfmammdslkz.d/x. - 8:32 PM
PLUS SHE'S AT PRANKSTER'S PARADISE AT THE SAME PART I AM (i heard dad ask about the Dive and popping balloons, and tehn later i heard her talking to my snack about the ferris wheel) SO I HAVE TO TURN UP MY MUSIC SO IF SHE GETS AHEAD OF ME I DON'T HEAR IT lol i cant wait to get tinnitus lol xp - 8:34 PM
hey ok so legit questing why is the keyblade gotten from Prankster's Paradise weaker than the one from The Grid when Prankster's Paradise has a higher Battle Level? thanks. - 11/10 1:27 AM
Btw tomorrow we'll probably finish up the knife discussion (ask our dad about it, and hopefully get a reply from one of Penguin's friends) and then I can upload the videos and start a transcript so look forward to THAT in the future - 1:28 AM
oh whoopsidoodles i just read "axel dragging kairi out of the Secret Place" and ... "thaaatt's not right." The usual spot. Not the secret place. XP - 1:33 AM
i ugess my e-mail is now just a guilt trap now. - 11/11 4:29 AM
i completely forgot that we were supposed to do another no voice lab for next week, the teacher said it in class, aigrnoiangrlsnglrngfea uirhi ho[ijf omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggs my group is the WORSTTTTT
Here's the story:
SO there's two kids in my group, classmate Is and Classmate Ju
and i HATE ju.
ok so in class, she often randomly asks things like "wait-- isn't this (*doing a motion*) the sign for ___?" and interrupts the class briefly while the teacher corrects her motions and form
and also during class she just kinda gets on my nerves with repeating a sign over and over to remember it and making unfunny jokes
so it turns out she is TERRIBLE AT GROUP WORK
at least the kind where we have to coordinate a day, time, and place to meet to do something
last time we all started off with what days we are free and it was pretty good (except that classmate Is keeps sending Stickers randomly in the middle of a conversation for no reason)
classmate Ju sent stickers too but not as much in the middle
she sent this in between suggesting a day and " my mom is asking maybe we could just video chat and do it
would that work?
my mom also said if we all wanna meet up in person we would have to do it at my house because of my bothers and all my classes and class homework":
i said that i didn't know if video chat would work because it lags which wouldn't be good for signing
then she sends this, which contradicts what she said before about having to meet at her house? " yay then i will ask my mom and u guys can ask your parents and we will decide where"
(note that now it is 2 days before the meeting time and we still have no solid plans for WHEN and WHERE)
" K I still need to ask my mom but she is busy getting ready for the Christmas fair" ?????? ok. ok just... whatever ask her soon
(she sends like 3 vidoes of her and her friends goofing off? they're not even funny and they're also not current.)
(that conversation ends at 9:35 AM. I catch up at 1:33 PM and try to get back on track) I mention that my mom suggested we meet at the library
-- sidenote. one of the kids lives close to me and the other lives in Campbell --
Classmate Ju still needs to talk to her mom at 2:35 PM
(she sends 2 more videos)
(the videos were sent after 3:30, and she had said that the Christmas Fair would end at 3)
At 6 o'clock the next day I say " so [Ju] did you talk to your mom? we need to know where we're meeting tomorrow
and what time after 2:30"
classmate ju says her mom would check if the Cambrian library is open
(I have never heard of such a place, and honestly it would make a lot more sense to meet somewhere close to me and classmate Is but i'm not about to tell her we need to meet somewhere else. i figure we'll just let her have her way bc her life sounds hectic and i don't want to argue plus i'm too shy, so we'll just meet wherever her mom wants)
I look it up and it's about 20 minutes away from where I live. whatever.
i ask for clarification on what time, and ju says 2:30. ok.
THE NEXT MESSAGE is classmate Is saying "My tutor leaves at 2:30 so the earliest I can be there is at 3 pm."
i ask if that's good with classmate ju and she says "yup" so we have a plan!! yay!
. . .
the next day, i check my email around 2 to make sure the plans haven't changed.
[Classmate Ju] says: "K
I'm going to be their at exactly 2:30
Now, at this point, I'm not going to remind her that we decided to meet at 3 instead.
but i can't let her go to the library half an hour early unknowingly.
so I say, "[Ju] you're gonna be early 😮
" Yeah
I thought we planned 2:30
And [Classmate Is] was going to be lste
U coming 2:30?"
(NO???!! I'm leaving 2:30 because your meeting place is 20 minutes away from my house and we planned to meet at 3:00!!!!)
" oh i thought we moved it to 3 so [Is] could make it 😫
(emogis definitely help when you want to convey a different emotion from how you actually feel. i might've used 😤
or 😡
or 😰
if i wanted to be accurate.)
i decide to go low-impact route and finagle us to get out the door a little early as compromise. I say we'll probably get there 2:45-2:50.
" Then do u want to meet up earlly or
We are leaving in a few minutes
Takes us 10 min. To get there"
i say i don't know and that it will take us about 20 minutes to get there.
she responds "K" with a thumbs-up and says we can go through the book together while we wait for classmate Is
i don't have the heart to tell her that /i was planning to get there at a similar time as classmate is/
Oct 30, 2:22 PM
K see u there
See u both soon"
[classmate Ju] • Oct 30, 2:23 PM
Oct 30, 2:23 PM
(the oks are my annoyed/frustrated response)
at the end we decide who's going to write up the report. I say that I can't because I will definitely forget (I do, until after ASL class the next day in fact) and they try to figure out who will do it. we finally agree that classmate Is will make a google doc and we will all write in it (although i reiterate that i will most likely forget) and we agree that classmate Is will print the report and classmate Ju will print the pictures (which she thought we should take)
the next day, I get to class a little bit late.
class goes normally, and on my way to ceramics class, i remember that we were supposed to turn in our report.
It's fine though, classmate Is was going to print it and bring it in, she must have turned it in before I got there.
well guess what
If you're decent at picking up dramatic irony/foreshadowing you probably have guessed that
---- note, that day was Halloween, October 31st. today is November 11th ----
NOTICE, during class, the teacher made us aware that there was another NVL due next week.
I, filled with utter despisement of them, say tersely, "I will write it, but we have to meet up for another one for next week."
and get the heck out of dodge.
so just now, i was checking my email and i realized that it looked like there was something new in the Hangouts group.
it all came back to me
[classmate Is]: "I can do Thursday after 10:00 AM or Monday at 3:00 PM.at the same place as last time .
[Classmate Ju]: "I cant"
[Is]: "What day and time."
[Ju]: "Idk"
[Is]: "And where
ask your mom.
[Ju]: "Idk
I know my schedule
It's just........ it's all over the place"
well that's just great classmate Ju thank you for your effort
this all takes place a little after 7:00 on tuesday. 15 minutes later, classmate Is comes back with, "OK
My mom says we do not have to do another no voice lab report.
I need your email address so I can share the NVL google doc with you."
I know i heard the teacher say there was a no voice lab due next week.
now, today, 51 minutes ago, I sent this: "oh crud sorry gusy
what's going on?
so we're planning to not do another NVL ?
because I heard the teacher say we had one due next week" along with my e-mail
now, i'm feeling bad about forgetting about this but "my mom says we do not have to do another no voice lab report"??????????
wthhhhhhhhhh gosh i hate them so much. - 11/11, 4:33 - 5:30 AM
yeah it took an HOUR to explain the story to my friend. - 5:36 AM
hey so i just remembered that death is a thing 👀 - 11/12 7:43 AM
ok idea for a kh video -- the endish scene from khii with sora and riku on the dark beach whatever.
Sora: "You know? Maybe the darkness has gotten to me too."
Riku: "That's a heavy unsettling thing to say, [Sora]"
- 8:00 AM
what???????? that's like the fifth different explanation for the scene i've seen. (Days spoilers):
anyway here how come I never noticed this? Me, the queen of spotting Lefties? (for a righty anyway.)
OK. Legit. You can't give Maleficent a redemption arc.
Reportray her as misguided, or as the good guy. But if your story starts with her as a villain, there's NO way you're going back on that. Once Maleficent is a bad guy she's a bad guy forever.
So I just finished and submitted (the first part of) the final project for Speak and I found a really good artist!! Leonid Afremov. (I love all the rain!!! But his landscapes are great too.) - 5:03 PM
I find that end scene from khi to be highly unrealistic. The kid's 14. You really don't think he'll be cutting across the grass? Especially once they start chasing a dog? - 5:49 PM
IT'S RAINING. it started raining on the way to the car from girl scouts. It's the kind where it rains a WHOLE BUNCH of little tiny drops so it's quiet but you get wet really fast. Not drenched, but like.. all balmy. - 9:50 PM
Ok i can find 2 kh amvs with "These Days" and they're both with sokai. I need to make one with Roxas and Xion (maybe Axel too. idk). bc it's totally perfect... maybe roxas and sora and avoid the romantic context? no.... nvm that's a bad idea. Roxas and his bff/s. "I wake up and teardrops, they fall down like rain" COME ON. ... YEAH i FOUND IT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrtQ4DQNqCg&index=58&list=PLjd7u3ufPaiZWry5O44PeUH6TsmA6wFg3 lemme gif it. - 10:11 PM via GIPHY
- 10:38 PM
Part 2: via GIPHY
Ok does Aced.... EVER look right? as in the direction? hhhhhhhhhhh - 11/14 5:20 AM
oohhhhh he did. FOR A SINGLE FRAME. - 5:40 AM
i love 2006-2008 fluffy low-quality wmm sokai videos - 11/15 5:39 AM
dad!Chester: "and i go chewing chewing chewing swawwwing"
Me: "the dog knows how to eat food, Teenager, this just in"
dad!Chester: what did you think was happening to all that kibble
Penguin: you were absorbing it through osmosis i thinked!!!
Penguin: you are yergic to chocolate basically
dad!Chester: no i am yergic to these lies you are telling me
dad!Chester: are they shaped like mickedy mouse?
Penguin, repeating dad!Chester: "teenager stopped making sense when she stopped sharing with me? so I think sharing with me keeps you sane!"
-- some things i heard just now between penguin and my dad as the dog 7:16 AM
Penguin: "my taste buds have left the building!--"
me: "byye.""
Penguin: "--daddy says i can eat sand"
me: "well someone has to, may as well be someone who can't taste it"
Penguin: "'someone has to' -- THEY REALLY DON'T"
- 7:21 AM
"I saw you crunching--- crunching numberss~~~" - Penguin, after retellling "i thought you absorbed it through osmosis", about seeing the dog eating his kibble in the hall - 7:39 AM
I think part of why i haven't done my math in a while (since october I think?) is because this lesson is teaching us a harder way to do something we already know how to do like 5 different ways. - 7:41 AM
i just did the whole 50-step math problem backwards. of course, with the example it gave, IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE:
if the problem were
would the matrix be
[2 3|9]
[1 4|-1]
or would it be
[2 1| 9]
[3 4| -1]
????? bc for it to be a 1:1 ratio or whatever way to express that, y'know, ?? wouldn't it have to be the second one? so the coefficents for x are in the same row and the coefficients for y are in the other? ughghghhhghghegh it'S NOT MADE CLEAR - 8:28 AM
I mean. . . I cooouulldd do homework. . . . . . . OR I could keep making adorable gifs of Gula... - 11/16 2:09 PM
I am giffing the HECK out of this one scene. Tbf, it's the longest scene in the movie. But still. - 9:23 PM
oh oh so I played dream drop in the perfect order today-- I was playing sora and i heard the "you've got to wake up!" and then i dropped a little later and i played w riku and did a lot of stuff, but i saw the part where he says that and then like he fought ansem three times (and FlapflapMan DIED like thrice, and Trinaural♭♪ died at least once)(i should've switched my dreameaters before going into battle but i didn't realize) and then he said the other thing -- "Sora, you can't chase the dreams! they won't take you anywhere, just an abyss" or something -- and then I dropped and in sora's story I heard that line and also i saved and turned it off in an area called "Nightmarish Abyss" and so i thinkkkkk we're gonna be doin some STUFF SOON ii'm excited. but i have to do math >:( - 11/18 9:23 AM
Note: a shrug does not mean yes. A shrug does not mean no. A shrug means "i don't know" or "maybe". If you are trying to figure out what me shrugging means, asking "is your hair blue" won't help you figure it out -- Obviously my hair is NOT blue, and I will say so. If after that you assume that my shrugging must mean "yes" because I said "no" out loud-- you're wrong.
I may never say "yes" to an offer, but if i like it i'll say "sure" or "okay".
A shrug with a dismissive face might mean "not really but i'm not completely against it" and it might mean "i'm kinda partial to it" -- but if the shrug means the latter, it's in response to an obvious question like "do you want pizza" and also i'll be smiling, or else i don't want to seem greedy or whatever.
don't assume a shrug means yes or no. A shrug means maybe or i don't know. - 11/18 11:11 PM
omg ok so i thought i forgot all about Wolves of the Beyond. and then, while looking at baby names, I saw "faolán". and something rang deep in my marrow... - 3:19 AM
you know when Eric Camden walks into his living room and Rabbi Glass is arguing with Yasmine about their religions and he's about to step in because dude yasmine's like 13 and then it turns out they were arguing about sports teams? That's the height of comedy. That and "I'm on a TUBE, Lauren!!!" - 5:39 AM
oh oh so this one scene? i thought it was an amateurishly edited thing for an amv???? but NO?? it's a legit scene in dream drop distance. It's like. It's not even good. pfffflfftt - 11/19 7:17 PM
ok so i was writing about art for literature class and I wrote "blends" except I wrote "plaegnds"??? - 11/20 8:01 AM
ok so on the way home from grm's house today we saw a dark grey bmw m3? it's license plate was "gray m3". - 11/20 5:16 PM
okkk so i'm on this page and it says it can translate? ok, idk what it's gonna translate but may as well right. so i click to translate and. . .
Then I scroll down some more and...
?? did you translate something. . FROM english . . TO Vietnamese? Click on show original and:
?????????????????? - 11/21 4:05 AM
oh yeahhhhhhhhh i finished dream drop this morning?? the ending tho:
Sora: "I'll be fine. i've just got some stuff to take care of"
a little bit later~~
Sora: (arriving at traverse town) "I'm so glad this world is still here!"
Sora: FINDS UGLY SON AND HUGS HIM AND THEN ALLL THE DREAM EATERS SWARM TO HIM????????????????????????????????????? - 11/21 4:08 PM
oh right dream drop!!! there was some DANG GOOD VOICE-ACTING. i'm talking, SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN DAYS. sheesh days is awful. but anyway. my very VERY favorite part is this: https://youtu.be/IlIUXuArkAo?list=PLqvEDTb8KuNA6qrr4BlfssV-gNrV6fE6K&t=400 IT'S SO GOOD. (lea, not riku.) - 11/22 9:26 AM
oh yeah the whole reason i came here -- I'm writing a grems story and this just happened: "The doorbell (ding-dong-G) rings and Riku and Donald both jump to get it but lea is sitting next to the door and he just opens it. riku eats a cracker and sits back down, and donald bows and offers to get the king and his brother (is oswald a prince??? a count??? co-king?? duke? earl? some kind of military general or something?) drinks
Oswald accepts, asking for water. Mickey pulls out his own water bottle (before you ask, yes, of COURSE it's a rodent water bottle. one of these babies:
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh)." - 9:41 AM (i'll add the pic later bc blogger doesn't like copy+pasted pictures)
Oh gosh it's "female" - 12:01 PM
wth "female"'s back???? - 2:52 PM
i was working on grems
i saved it and i plugged my computer in --- I did not turn it off as avast was running a scan.
I opened my computer up again just now and it was off. I opened grems and it appears to have replaced every character with a space or something
i'm really scared . the paint picture i made as reference (also saved) says it's not a valid bitmap file or the format is unsupported. i made the pic in paint. help guys i'm really scared. - 8:08 PM
earlier i had been looking at some page and i went to a different tab and when i came back it said something about my computer being in danger. it had changed to like a red screen w a popup and stuff it said to like call a number and it had options for "okay" and "cancel" and it seemed like a scam (since it was a webpage telling me) so i just closed the tab and then i started the avast scan
I did the thorough scan and so it wasnt even at 1% when i left and then i came back and it doesn't list in my notifications that it finished a scan today
and also before i started the scan avast said like "you're protected but you need to restart your pc soon"
idk guys i'm terrified - 8:12 PM
ok we recovered most of the first story which was the most important thing. thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much mom and dad. they like . . worked for like hours on it. it was around 11:30 i think when i took it over while it did some kind of recovery scan thing. anyway mom you're a miracle worker and I love you thank you thank you thank you.
rn i'm writing what I remember of the parts we lost. But the funniest parts were the creamcream story and the part with Mickey's water bottle and that I had already copied to here. so THANK YOU past me and THANK YOU mom. - 11/23 1:58 PM (fitting for Happy ThankYou!!!!!! [thanksgiving])
So we played thanksgiving clue.. we played Clul, also known as Ultra Clue --- that's when you take the Clue game board and match it up with the Clue Haunted Mansion board so the Foyer leads to the Hall... then you play as normal, guessing a room, a character, a weapon, and also a ghost. It was enjoyable. Penguin asked dad to put her in the Graveyard and she was giggling about "put me in the graveyard" and he put Reverend Green in the Graveyard lying on his back and she said "Daddy no!" - 11/23 9:04 PM
(KHDDD spoilers) WHY didn't sora answer when riku asked "why are you having a tea party?"?????????????????? IT'S LITERALLY THE ONE THING I WANT OUT OF THIS GAME. SERIOUSLY. i guess sora's been asleep for a while and he's hungry????? but??????????? that's stupid?????????????????????????????? whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and why is sora wearing groucho glasses????????????????????? where did he get them?????????????????? THESE ARE THE THINGS I WANT TO KNOW. - 11/24 1:24 PM
ok so youre lookin at pics of medals like for instance lookin for selphie medals and of course there's like a bunch of kairis and soras and some rikus and random idk paines and then you see merriweather like.. . ew... or fauna is like worse: i mean.. i was lookin at these guys: - 11/24 4:56 PM
aaahhhhhhpparently wakka is really ugly whooohooohoo
ahhhahahhaa - 4:59 PM
It really doesn't help anybody when you set up your question this way: .
- 11/25 2:57 PM
Is this gonna be the best i get. - 3:15 PM
oooo this one might work - 3:16
You wanted sephiroth right? Facing the camera?
Sephiroth with the worst lighting imaginable?
..Wait n--
- 3:18 PM
I'm facemorphing together every kh character (original + Square, no disney) except Fuu and Zexion bc their hair goes over half their faces. - 3:26 PM
Oh right, and Beat bc i CANNOT FIND A PIC OF HIM (you try looking up "beat kh face") or I think Neku bc he has a scarf thing that covers his face. And the foretellers bc they all wear masks constantly. - 3:30 PM
alright so i was just about to start the morphing but i saw saix's faaceeee: SLY DOGGY WTH WHAT IS HE PLANNING - 9:36 PM
ok we now have your three basickh Square Enix face types:
And the ultimatekh Square Enix face type:::::
wow it only took an hour to morph 'em all together. hm. - 10:32 PM
BTW i morphed all the soras together (plus neku) (I used xion in the kairis one, plus aqua, so i couldn't use her again in this one) and it turned out GREAT:
- 10:40 PM
hey hey so I'm making all my documents into google docs and i found this paragraph:
"I like the characters in The Black Cauldron (well, actually mostly just Princess Eilonwy) but no one gets anywhere except GURGI. Gurgi who SACRIFICES HIMSELF. And then COMES BACK ALIVE LIKE SRSLY MOVIE." From 7/20/2015 at 4:12 AM
it's great so I'm sharing it - 11/26 11:38 AM
(one flew over the cuckoo's nest spoilers ⇊↧↡↓⇩⤵⟱⏬)
hey guys i'm still messed up about Mcmurphy. Like, at first he's just having fun and messing with people y'know? You know he's just doing it for a laugh while he's in here. You know because after talking to the lifeguard, he realizes that continuing to screw with the order could keep him there indefinitely because the Big Nurse is in charge of whether or not he's well enough to leave, and he becomes well-behaved. But then he realizes that the patients need him to give them confidence, and so he goes back to being wild. And as you get further in the story you can tell that it stops being just him and his personality, and his boldness becomes a facade. He's getting tired and just trudging through the same way everyone else was trudging through life before he showed up. And he and Bromden get electroshock therapy and he doesn't take the sleeping pills which (i thiink?) ends up keeping Bromden from taking them as well and so when they get there he's just all "it won't be that bad, man" and he grits his teeth and bears ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY just for Bromden. And he ends up getting est endlessly. As soon as he recovers, he gets it again. He won't admit to being wrong because he wasn't wrong. He is literally resisting torture. Eventually they send him back down to the ward, but (i think) still plan to give him est. So the guys make a plan to help him escape. and he says no. He stays because he made a date with Candy for Billy and he's gonna be here for the party. so he stays and plans to leave in the morning, but things fall apart and that doesn't happen. Candy and whatserface-- Sandy?-- escape in the morning while the nurse is talking to the doctor (I think) but McMurphy can't leave. And Billy kills himself after Big Nurse guilts him and threatens to tell his mother about Candy, and while she's talking to the doctor about it (i think?)-- oh no wait I think.. no nevermind--, McMurphy goes and strangles her?
Anyway the point is that it becomes a chore to cheer everyone else up and he gives up so much of himself to keep going and then in the end Bromden kills him to keep his honor, and to take away Big Nurse's new weapon... she's the one playing with lives. When she lashes out at McMurphy for "gambling with lives" it's her own guilt/insecurities talking. She killed Billy, not him. She killed him.
Also i don't really understand the whole Cheswick-committed-suicide thing. I could get it if it was just a thing on sparknotes (i had to look there to find out when it was that he died, bc i didn't remember) saying that it "may or may not have been intentional", but Big Nurse says "first Cheswick, and now poor Billy" or something like that? idk, like, it didn't seem like suicide to me? idk. - 11/4 2:51 AM
I have a watermelon lollipop!! - 11/5 9:03 PM
oh dang it's a "blow pop" - 9:19 PM
Honestly I've never seen Riku look genuinely happy except for when he finishes a Dive. (gif it later). I think that every time I do one, but I keep on forgetting to write it here so here. - 11/7 10:28
lol i watched the khii menu trailer and saw axel dragging kairi out of the Secret Place and i was thinking why doesn't he just pick her up and then i thought, "kairi looks like she weighs like 50 cents" - 11/8 8:30 PM
also penguin is playing ddd and I WANT TO but if i do everyone will yell at me for not doing my stupid homework so i cna't but "uwu just doooo itttt just do it fast youll feel so much better i know it sounds dumb but its' true i'm speaking from experience uwu uwu just do it fast and then itll be done" NO. aoi;goreanhoihrea nrgralje fhrmrmrmmmgendghdnmemfmammdslkz.d/x. - 8:32 PM
PLUS SHE'S AT PRANKSTER'S PARADISE AT THE SAME PART I AM (i heard dad ask about the Dive and popping balloons, and tehn later i heard her talking to my snack about the ferris wheel) SO I HAVE TO TURN UP MY MUSIC SO IF SHE GETS AHEAD OF ME I DON'T HEAR IT lol i cant wait to get tinnitus lol xp - 8:34 PM
hey ok so legit questing why is the keyblade gotten from Prankster's Paradise weaker than the one from The Grid when Prankster's Paradise has a higher Battle Level? thanks. - 11/10 1:27 AM
Btw tomorrow we'll probably finish up the knife discussion (ask our dad about it, and hopefully get a reply from one of Penguin's friends) and then I can upload the videos and start a transcript so look forward to THAT in the future - 1:28 AM
oh whoopsidoodles i just read "axel dragging kairi out of the Secret Place" and ... "thaaatt's not right." The usual spot. Not the secret place. XP - 1:33 AM
i ugess my e-mail is now just a guilt trap now. - 11/11 4:29 AM
i completely forgot that we were supposed to do another no voice lab for next week, the teacher said it in class, aigrnoiangrlsnglrngfea uirhi ho[ijf omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggs my group is the WORSTTTTT
Here's the story:
we're supposed to periodically do "no voice labs" where we meet up with groups of 3-4 people and speak only in sign language for about an hour.
would that work?
my mom also said if we all wanna meet up in person we would have to do it at my house because of my bothers and all my classes and class homework":
and what time after 2:30"
I'm going to be their at exactly 2:30
I thought we planned 2:30
And [Classmate Is] was going to be lste
U coming 2:30?"
We are leaving in a few minutes
Takes us 10 min. To get there"
Oct 30, 2:22 PM
K see u there
See u both soon"
[classmate Ju] • Oct 30, 2:23 PM
Oct 30, 2:23 PM
[Classmate Ju]: "I cant"
[Is]: "What day and time."
[Ju]: "Idk"
[Is]: "And where
ask your mom.
[Ju]: "Idk
I know my schedule
It's just........ it's all over the place"
My mom says we do not have to do another no voice lab report.
I need your email address so I can share the NVL google doc with you."
what's going on?
so we're planning to not do another NVL ?
because I heard the teacher say we had one due next week" along with my e-mail
yeah it took an HOUR to explain the story to my friend. - 5:36 AM
hey so i just remembered that death is a thing 👀 - 11/12 7:43 AM
ok idea for a kh video -- the endish scene from khii with sora and riku on the dark beach whatever.
Sora: "You know? Maybe the darkness has gotten to me too."
Riku: "That's a heavy unsettling thing to say, [Sora]"
- 8:00 AM
what???????? that's like the fifth different explanation for the scene i've seen. (Days spoilers):
from http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Xion well nevermind i can't find the other ones. pffff but Know that There Are More - 12/13 like 4:09 AM or smthThough Naminé states that everyone's memories of Xion will vanish when she dies, Roxas, Axel, Riku, Xemnas, and Saïx manage to retain some memories of her into the next day. By then, Roxas has returned to the World That Never Was in order to set Kingdom Hearts free, which he hopes will reunite him with Xion. However, he is being stalked by a swarm of Neoshadow Heartless, as well as a determined Riku, who has arrived to capture Roxas to finish Sora's memory restoration. Riku looks down upon the Nobody, before Roxas starts his path up the skyscraper.Through him, Xion is able to throw the Oblivion Keyblade to Riku in order to tell him to stop Roxas before he can reach Xemnas, because she believes Roxas is not strong enough to face him yet. In turn, touching the Oblivion causes Riku to recall flashbacks of the time he spent together with Xion, putting him in shock for a moment. The flashbacks then reoccur when he reaches the ground to face the Neoshadows, but this time turn blurred and grainier as they continue, until only film static remains, most likely meaning their total withdrawal from Riku's memories.
anyway here how come I never noticed this? Me, the queen of spotting Lefties? (for a righty anyway.)
It is notable that, when Xion runs with her Keyblade, she grasps it with two hands instead of slinging it over her shoulder like Roxas does. This is identical to how Sora runs in battle with his Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts II. It is also noted that when Xion does hold the Keyblade single-handedly, its held in her left hand, unlike Sora and Roxas. (Source)- 11/13 3:29 PM
OK. Legit. You can't give Maleficent a redemption arc.
Reportray her as misguided, or as the good guy. But if your story starts with her as a villain, there's NO way you're going back on that. Once Maleficent is a bad guy she's a bad guy forever.
So I just finished and submitted (the first part of) the final project for Speak and I found a really good artist!! Leonid Afremov. (I love all the rain!!! But his landscapes are great too.) - 5:03 PM
I find that end scene from khi to be highly unrealistic. The kid's 14. You really don't think he'll be cutting across the grass? Especially once they start chasing a dog? - 5:49 PM
IT'S RAINING. it started raining on the way to the car from girl scouts. It's the kind where it rains a WHOLE BUNCH of little tiny drops so it's quiet but you get wet really fast. Not drenched, but like.. all balmy. - 9:50 PM
Ok i can find 2 kh amvs with "These Days" and they're both with sokai. I need to make one with Roxas and Xion (maybe Axel too. idk). bc it's totally perfect... maybe roxas and sora and avoid the romantic context? no.... nvm that's a bad idea. Roxas and his bff/s. "I wake up and teardrops, they fall down like rain" COME ON. ... YEAH i FOUND IT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrtQ4DQNqCg&index=58&list=PLjd7u3ufPaiZWry5O44PeUH6TsmA6wFg3 lemme gif it. - 10:11 PM via GIPHY
- 10:38 PM
Part 2: via GIPHY
Ok does Aced.... EVER look right? as in the direction? hhhhhhhhhhh - 11/14 5:20 AM
oohhhhh he did. FOR A SINGLE FRAME. - 5:40 AM
i love 2006-2008 fluffy low-quality wmm sokai videos - 11/15 5:39 AM
dad!Chester: "and i go chewing chewing chewing swawwwing"
Me: "the dog knows how to eat food, Teenager, this just in"
dad!Chester: what did you think was happening to all that kibble
Penguin: you were absorbing it through osmosis i thinked!!!
Penguin: you are yergic to chocolate basically
dad!Chester: no i am yergic to these lies you are telling me
dad!Chester: are they shaped like mickedy mouse?
Penguin, repeating dad!Chester: "teenager stopped making sense when she stopped sharing with me? so I think sharing with me keeps you sane!"
-- some things i heard just now between penguin and my dad as the dog 7:16 AM
Penguin: "my taste buds have left the building!--"
me: "byye.""
Penguin: "--daddy says i can eat sand"
me: "well someone has to, may as well be someone who can't taste it"
Penguin: "'someone has to' -- THEY REALLY DON'T"
- 7:21 AM
"I saw you crunching--- crunching numberss~~~" - Penguin, after retellling "i thought you absorbed it through osmosis", about seeing the dog eating his kibble in the hall - 7:39 AM
I think part of why i haven't done my math in a while (since october I think?) is because this lesson is teaching us a harder way to do something we already know how to do like 5 different ways. - 7:41 AM
i just did the whole 50-step math problem backwards. of course, with the example it gave, IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE:
so... it could LITERALLY BE EITHER WAY. here's what I mean:Consider this system of linear equations.Compare this to these two column matrices:We took the left hand sides of the system of equations and made one matrix, and the right hand side made the second matrix. Now, check this multiplication problem:Our system of equations is equivalent to this matrix multiplication equation:If we could transform our matrix equation into the form then we would know that and therefore, and
if the problem were
would the matrix be
[2 3|9]
[1 4|-1]
or would it be
[2 1| 9]
[3 4| -1]
????? bc for it to be a 1:1 ratio or whatever way to express that, y'know, ?? wouldn't it have to be the second one? so the coefficents for x are in the same row and the coefficients for y are in the other? ughghghhhghghegh it'S NOT MADE CLEAR - 8:28 AM
I mean. . . I cooouulldd do homework. . . . . . . OR I could keep making adorable gifs of Gula... - 11/16 2:09 PM
I am giffing the HECK out of this one scene. Tbf, it's the longest scene in the movie. But still. - 9:23 PM
oh oh so I played dream drop in the perfect order today-- I was playing sora and i heard the "you've got to wake up!" and then i dropped a little later and i played w riku and did a lot of stuff, but i saw the part where he says that and then like he fought ansem three times (and FlapflapMan DIED like thrice, and Trinaural♭♪ died at least once)(i should've switched my dreameaters before going into battle but i didn't realize) and then he said the other thing -- "Sora, you can't chase the dreams! they won't take you anywhere, just an abyss" or something -- and then I dropped and in sora's story I heard that line and also i saved and turned it off in an area called "Nightmarish Abyss" and so i thinkkkkk we're gonna be doin some STUFF SOON ii'm excited. but i have to do math >:( - 11/18 9:23 AM
Note: a shrug does not mean yes. A shrug does not mean no. A shrug means "i don't know" or "maybe". If you are trying to figure out what me shrugging means, asking "is your hair blue" won't help you figure it out -- Obviously my hair is NOT blue, and I will say so. If after that you assume that my shrugging must mean "yes" because I said "no" out loud-- you're wrong.
I may never say "yes" to an offer, but if i like it i'll say "sure" or "okay".
A shrug with a dismissive face might mean "not really but i'm not completely against it" and it might mean "i'm kinda partial to it" -- but if the shrug means the latter, it's in response to an obvious question like "do you want pizza" and also i'll be smiling, or else i don't want to seem greedy or whatever.
don't assume a shrug means yes or no. A shrug means maybe or i don't know. - 11/18 11:11 PM
omg ok so i thought i forgot all about Wolves of the Beyond. and then, while looking at baby names, I saw "faolán". and something rang deep in my marrow... - 3:19 AM
you know when Eric Camden walks into his living room and Rabbi Glass is arguing with Yasmine about their religions and he's about to step in because dude yasmine's like 13 and then it turns out they were arguing about sports teams? That's the height of comedy. That and "I'm on a TUBE, Lauren!!!" - 5:39 AM
oh oh so this one scene? i thought it was an amateurishly edited thing for an amv???? but NO?? it's a legit scene in dream drop distance. It's like. It's not even good. pfffflfftt - 11/19 7:17 PM
ok so i was writing about art for literature class and I wrote "blends" except I wrote "plaegnds"??? - 11/20 8:01 AM
ok so on the way home from grm's house today we saw a dark grey bmw m3? it's license plate was "gray m3". - 11/20 5:16 PM
okkk so i'm on this page and it says it can translate? ok, idk what it's gonna translate but may as well right. so i click to translate and. . .
Then I scroll down some more and...
?? did you translate something. . FROM english . . TO Vietnamese? Click on show original and:
?????????????????? - 11/21 4:05 AM
oh yeahhhhhhhhh i finished dream drop this morning?? the ending tho:
Sora: "I'll be fine. i've just got some stuff to take care of"
a little bit later~~
Sora: (arriving at traverse town) "I'm so glad this world is still here!"
Sora: FINDS UGLY SON AND HUGS HIM AND THEN ALLL THE DREAM EATERS SWARM TO HIM????????????????????????????????????? - 11/21 4:08 PM
oh right dream drop!!! there was some DANG GOOD VOICE-ACTING. i'm talking, SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN DAYS. sheesh days is awful. but anyway. my very VERY favorite part is this: https://youtu.be/IlIUXuArkAo?list=PLqvEDTb8KuNA6qrr4BlfssV-gNrV6fE6K&t=400 IT'S SO GOOD. (lea, not riku.) - 11/22 9:26 AM
oh yeah the whole reason i came here -- I'm writing a grems story and this just happened: "The doorbell (ding-dong-G) rings and Riku and Donald both jump to get it but lea is sitting next to the door and he just opens it. riku eats a cracker and sits back down, and donald bows and offers to get the king and his brother (is oswald a prince??? a count??? co-king?? duke? earl? some kind of military general or something?) drinks
Oswald accepts, asking for water. Mickey pulls out his own water bottle (before you ask, yes, of COURSE it's a rodent water bottle. one of these babies:
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh)." - 9:41 AM (i'll add the pic later bc blogger doesn't like copy+pasted pictures)
Oh gosh it's "female" - 12:01 PM
wth "female"'s back???? - 2:52 PM
i was working on grems
i saved it and i plugged my computer in --- I did not turn it off as avast was running a scan.
I opened my computer up again just now and it was off. I opened grems and it appears to have replaced every character with a space or something
i'm really scared . the paint picture i made as reference (also saved) says it's not a valid bitmap file or the format is unsupported. i made the pic in paint. help guys i'm really scared. - 8:08 PM
earlier i had been looking at some page and i went to a different tab and when i came back it said something about my computer being in danger. it had changed to like a red screen w a popup and stuff it said to like call a number and it had options for "okay" and "cancel" and it seemed like a scam (since it was a webpage telling me) so i just closed the tab and then i started the avast scan
I did the thorough scan and so it wasnt even at 1% when i left and then i came back and it doesn't list in my notifications that it finished a scan today
and also before i started the scan avast said like "you're protected but you need to restart your pc soon"
idk guys i'm terrified - 8:12 PM
ok we recovered most of the first story which was the most important thing. thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much mom and dad. they like . . worked for like hours on it. it was around 11:30 i think when i took it over while it did some kind of recovery scan thing. anyway mom you're a miracle worker and I love you thank you thank you thank you.
rn i'm writing what I remember of the parts we lost. But the funniest parts were the creamcream story and the part with Mickey's water bottle and that I had already copied to here. so THANK YOU past me and THANK YOU mom. - 11/23 1:58 PM (fitting for Happy ThankYou!!!!!! [thanksgiving])
So we played thanksgiving clue.. we played Clul, also known as Ultra Clue --- that's when you take the Clue game board and match it up with the Clue Haunted Mansion board so the Foyer leads to the Hall... then you play as normal, guessing a room, a character, a weapon, and also a ghost. It was enjoyable. Penguin asked dad to put her in the Graveyard and she was giggling about "put me in the graveyard" and he put Reverend Green in the Graveyard lying on his back and she said "Daddy no!" - 11/23 9:04 PM
(KHDDD spoilers) WHY didn't sora answer when riku asked "why are you having a tea party?"?????????????????? IT'S LITERALLY THE ONE THING I WANT OUT OF THIS GAME. SERIOUSLY. i guess sora's been asleep for a while and he's hungry????? but??????????? that's stupid?????????????????????????????? whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and why is sora wearing groucho glasses????????????????????? where did he get them?????????????????? THESE ARE THE THINGS I WANT TO KNOW. - 11/24 1:24 PM
ok so youre lookin at pics of medals like for instance lookin for selphie medals and of course there's like a bunch of kairis and soras and some rikus and random idk paines and then you see merriweather like.. . ew... or fauna is like worse: i mean.. i was lookin at these guys: - 11/24 4:56 PM
aaahhhhhhpparently wakka is really ugly whooohooohoo
ahhhahahhaa - 4:59 PM
It really doesn't help anybody when you set up your question this way: .
Determine which elementary row operation was performed on the matrix: A. row switching, B. row multiplication, or C. row addition.
| |
| |
Is this gonna be the best i get. - 3:15 PM
oooo this one might work - 3:16
You wanted sephiroth right? Facing the camera?
Sephiroth with the worst lighting imaginable?
..Wait n--
- 3:18 PM
I'm facemorphing together every kh character (original + Square, no disney) except Fuu and Zexion bc their hair goes over half their faces. - 3:26 PM
Oh right, and Beat bc i CANNOT FIND A PIC OF HIM (you try looking up "beat kh face") or I think Neku bc he has a scarf thing that covers his face. And the foretellers bc they all wear masks constantly. - 3:30 PM
alright so i was just about to start the morphing but i saw saix's faaceeee: SLY DOGGY WTH WHAT IS HE PLANNING - 9:36 PM
ok we now have your three basic
And the ultimate
wow it only took an hour to morph 'em all together. hm. - 10:32 PM
BTW i morphed all the soras together (plus neku) (I used xion in the kairis one, plus aqua, so i couldn't use her again in this one) and it turned out GREAT:
- 10:40 PM
hey hey so I'm making all my documents into google docs and i found this paragraph:
"I like the characters in The Black Cauldron (well, actually mostly just Princess Eilonwy) but no one gets anywhere except GURGI. Gurgi who SACRIFICES HIMSELF. And then COMES BACK ALIVE LIKE SRSLY MOVIE." From 7/20/2015 at 4:12 AM
it's great so I'm sharing it - 11/26 11:38 AM
recent plates: BO0STER, MCCREE, JUSJOHN (or JUS JOE, JUSJACK?), I saw REDBURD again today, uhh... oh, we saw a grey M3 model car w license plate "GRAY M3"... ugh i thought there was another one... oh well - 11/28 1:13 AM
GuYS dIdD yOU KNoww tHatt kaIEi Is OOn thE SCreNS iN DEEp dIVe?????//?? -11/29 9:58 AM
ive got a neaw bed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/29 7:07 PM
GuYS dIdD yOU KNoww tHatt kaIEi Is OOn thE SCreNS iN DEEp dIVe?????//?? -11/29 9:58 AM
ive got a neaw bed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/29 7:07 PM
oh dang i just realized that my subconscious plan was to sleep in the living room. . . . the bed is not just a replacement sofa, Pupplez. sihg- 11/30 1:10 AM
oh oh so my lit teacher was like, i was reading the book and i saw this phrase in spanish and i didn't know what it meant, so i looked it up and it's actually an idiom, and this word means like "guy" or "dude" it actually ame from the word for, like, ox, and so it's actually an idiom and i had fun doin that
and i'm lie
me: (i read the boook?????????????? i just figured the spanish phrases wre restatements of the previous or the following sentence lol like in most bilingual books. i understood it fine.)
her: so i'm gonna wanna know about like what questions your gonna look up
and i'm like???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? dudde i finished the book - 11/30 7:53 pm
oh oh so my lit teacher was like, i was reading the book and i saw this phrase in spanish and i didn't know what it meant, so i looked it up and it's actually an idiom, and this word means like "guy" or "dude" it actually ame from the word for, like, ox, and so it's actually an idiom and i had fun doin that
and i'm lie
me: (i read the boook?????????????? i just figured the spanish phrases wre restatements of the previous or the following sentence lol like in most bilingual books. i understood it fine.)
her: so i'm gonna wanna know about like what questions your gonna look up
and i'm like???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? dudde i finished the book - 11/30 7:53 pm
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