I have experience with this. Trust me. In 3rd grade, I lived on about 4-6 hours of sleep a night, and slept through a lot of the weekend. When I began homeschooling mid-6th grade, I had much more freedom, but I was using Cava, K-12 whatever; it's an online school-- where I had to go to live events every week-- one for sort of a homeroom kind of thing, and two for math. At around 9 AM. After a month or so, I stopped going to the math events, because they put me at 6th grade level instead of 7th grade which I was at in public school, and I wasn't getting anything out of it.
Then, last year, in 7th grade, we switched to a homeschool charter school, where I had complete freedom over my schedule. And choice of curriculum and stuff, which is very stressful, but anyway.
So this year, I've been taking an online science class, for which I have to get up by 9 every Tuesday -- similar to the homeroomy meet in sixth, but different because I actually learn things, and also because Grandma is in charge of my science class, so she comes over on Tuesdays-- and I have noticed a weird trend:
Pretty much every time I have to be woken up and urged out of bed (often by 9:05 D8), I stumble to the living room with my computer, sit down on the couch and set up the class, and then bundle up in the couch blanket and try to keep my eyes open for class. What? That's odd... Usually I just put the blanket over my lap and draw or something.
That was written sometime in May. Hahahahahahaha But it's TRUE. It still happens! When I wake up too early, I am extra cold. So.