
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Monday, April 4, 2016

I have so Many Drafts, but I'm so Stressed with my Writing Class, so this will be Short

Would you like one of those memes where you have a bunch of things to type responses to? What are those? Like:

Favorite character:
Favorite song:

(I don't know)

Would you like to know where I stand on random political things?
Would you like those things (I keep writing thoses? why? do I keep writing thoses?) together?
You wouldn't?
Oh, okay. Just scroll past this then. You didn't even see it. la la la.
Oh, what, you clicked? Oh, great, I wasn't prepared for this. Aaaggghhhhhhh! Okaym okay, that's okay, I was actually planning to make one before I realized that no one cared. . . Except, you care, apparently.. Or maybe you just want to read every word I write, like I do with Tui.
Ah, well, here we go.

What's the biggest political issue right now? Ahhhhhhhhh terrorism? Yeah, probably.

  • Terrorism: I don't feel very well educated on this one... But it's bad? I mean, obviously, but that's pretty much the extent of what I can say, and still feel confident.
  • ISIS: Same. Also: isn't Isis an Egyptian goddess? Just something I've noticed.
  • War: Unnecessarily awful. Just stop please.
  • Trade with other Countries and Territories: Why on Earth would we stop trading with a country because there are terrorists in that country or whyever we stop trade with places? I don't get it...
  • Abortion: Pro-choice. There are enough people in this world, we don't need to protect every single potential life. Like, there are enough kids in the foster system, why force women to go through with unwanted pregnancies?
  • Same-sex Marriage: Why do you care who other people marry? It's against your philosophy? But, it doesn't affect you... Just... You don't have to marry someone the same sex as you, it just means other people are allowed to... Deal with it.
  • Gay Adoption: Apparently this is a thing. Yeah. But... Aren't you allowed to adopt as a single parent? Shouldn't the arguments against gay adoptions stand for single adoption too? I'm not an expert, but... Really?
  • Death Penalty: I mean, it sounds super-awful, but for mass-murderers, is it better for society? If everyone knows the actions that are punishable by death, they know what they're getting themselves into? Such grey area. Argh.
  • Gun Control: In our modern, largely urbanized lifestyle, I say yes, background checks and whatever on anyone buying firearms.
  • Education: Free community college. Do it.
  • Healthcare: Singlepayer. Do it.
  • Immigration: I mean, you should be documented as a citizen, but the process should be easier. And no fence! Maybe a fence, but like, a pretty blue picket fence. :-) Make it look like a giant front yard and the partition between you and your neighbor. :-)
  • Immigration Reform: Why are we still talking about this?
  • Homeschooling: Whoa, this is on this list? Wha-- What are you talking about, it's the best thing in the world! Except, I miss public school... But only second and fifth grade. *sigh*
  • Global Warming Exists: Whyyyy is this a quesstioonnnn?
  • Racial Equality: Why are we still going over this?
  • Medical Marijuana: Yes, legalize it, go!
  • Minimum Wage: Should at least cover basic living expenses. 
  • Gender Identity Discrimination: No. Just call him him and call her her and call xir xir. 
  • Euthanasia: I say yes.
  • Women in Combat: If they sign up, yes.
  • Equal Pay: yeah
  • Farm Subsidies: Heck, yeah. Real farms, I mean. Not stupid industrial farms. 
  • Paid Sick and Family Leave: YES.
  • Muslim Surveillance: NO.
  • Term Limits on Congress: Yes.
  • Stadium Funding: No.
  • Fracking: Well, hello, Fracking, time for you to leave! Good bye!
  • Oil Drilling: Expand? EXPAND?? NO! NO!
  • Wow, I just noticed how long this list is. Man, guys. Half of these 'issues' are no-brainers. Geez
  • National Parks: Are you seriously considering STOPPING PRESERVING NATIONAL PARKS?????? That's preposterous.
  • Stem Cell Research: I don't know, man. Sure. But, like, not full cloning. Actually, no. We don't need to fix all of the sick people. We need natural selection. Let nature do its job.
  • Space Exploration: Not until we figure out this planet. Gee whiz, don't get ahead of yourself.
I skipped all the specific foreign policy stuff because it's all similar and confusing. So yeah. 

"Matt and Eric witness racism at a local retnot" Penguin reads the description of a 7th Heaven episode.

Aren't you proud of me, I wrote this and published it all in one day!!!

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