
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, April 17, 2015

Blah, Blah, Blah, Worrying, Blah, Blah, Blah, Game, Blah, Blah, Blah, Writing, Blah, Blah, Blah, Quotes...

Does anyone else suddenly start FREAKING out
about losing ALL of your work? And possessions? And EVERYTHING?? Well guess what? That just started happening to me earlier this week. It doesn't help that Google Chrome stopped working on my computer. :-/ WhenEVER I click on it:
ARRRGHH. And then, when I told Penguin about it, she started worrying about all of our videos just blinking out of existence, or getting lost in cyberspace. Thank you. Very much. So now I am trying to back stuff up, and, like, digitalise my novel and my art, and everything. ;-) I'm fine, really.

We were playing a game earlier and the leader was very eccentric, so we got to a new land and he was like "Ok, so the first thing we need to do is dig a hole" "why?" "To see if the soil is good." And an argument ensued, and then it turned out it was for a den. So then the leader's mate (who was going to have a baby, btw. Leader was an otter, mate was a beaver, and the baby was going to be a bear. :-P) decided that they should make a barrier around the hole. So they had to divide who would stay and build and who would go hunting. "Um, I'll go hunting," says the tabby. "Well that's too bad, because I was about to tell you to stay here and build." replies the leader (and I literally was about to do that). Old goat: "I should stay here because I'm a vegetarian and I won't be good for hunting-" "TOO BAD! Cuz you're going hunting!" And then later a teddy bear came and jumped on top of the leader and he just said: "Excuse me, this is OUR territory; we just conquered it, didn't you see?" And so the bear left, and ate one of the members of the hunting party. Later there was a flood and everyone got crowded onto the raft they'd found. Then the beaver was like "I'm going to have a baby!" And the leader was like "You're going to WHAT?" and all I really know is that another kit died from greencough after being kicked in the head by his dad AFTER slashing the leader's throat (which apparently didn't work..) and when the flood happened, he got to ride on a submarine. Not in it, on it. And the fox has shiny black eyes so at some point the leader was talking to him/her and said "well, SandWing, I should think not." And also neither of us could breath through like the entire thing. It was marvelous.

"Mickey, calm down. Go have a drink of water." (This is only intended to make Penguin laugh. I will not explain the joke to any of the rest of you.)

Who here has the problem of having to write your first draft really well, and every time you go to work on it you reread the last part you wrote to remember where you are but then you notice grammatical errors, and misspellings, and parts that sound really clunky or awkward? Because that happens to me ALL THE TIME!!!!!

"Bambi, what are you doing on this snow day? Bambi? Bambi?!"

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