
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, July 28, 2017

The Emoji Movie Comes out Today

DON'T go see it in theaters if you would make fun of them for making a sequel. Because. Guess what. They make sequels when things do well in the box office AKA when lot's of people go to the theater to see them, buy discs, buy merchandise, etc.

(inspired by my mental response to this which I would just respond if I had Twitter but I don't so y'all have to hear it instead)
I'm not saying not to watch it tho, for sure, I'm just saying that IF you make fun of it, or will complain if they make a sequel, spend as LITTLE money as possible on it. How to do that:

  2. no not even ironically
  3. no
  4. instead, wait until it comes out on DVD
  5. don't worry, I'm sure you can wait
  6. I wait that long for movies like Moana and The Good Dinosaur, you can wait for THIS.
  7. then
  8. borrow it from the library (they're gonna get it anyway, and they don't keep track of who borrows things from the library because who has the time for that and also why would they [note: i have no sources on this])
  9. if that's not possible, get it for cheap from walmart or smth (ok not walmart, cuz they're terrible for other reasons, but like. . target? idk how cheap they sell movies at? so idk just. . whatever?)
  10. oh dang no more looking up kh3 on imdb for leaks whoa
  11. oh whoops sorry. I got distracted thinking about buying dvds -> a dog's purpose -> being hype for that for like 5 years -> checking it on imdb despite not really getting anything from that -> checking kh3 on imdb
  12. lol ok
  13. uhhhh oh yeah option 3: borrow from a friend/get the cheapest combo pack you can find and share the discs among your friends/family (we do this with GOOD movies)
  14. pirate it (I didn't tell you to)
  15. Find it on Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime. I'm sure they share statistics or something, but at least you don't directly pay for it (right? i don't have any streaming services so idk how these things work. it's an regular overhead cost, right? at least for netflix?)
  16. Don't watch it at all
  17. There you go that's 17 6 options for you.
Pen (as... mickey?): "what did the goofy say when he crossed the road?"
Pup (as... oswald?): "what did he say."
Pen (as... mickey?): "He said a-hyuck!!!"
I think I've used this one before but it's a good one so hah.

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