
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chester Wanted a Turn, So...

Huhwo peopews!

Wait, Chester, let me--

You said it was my tuhn.

Yes but--

*big sigh* Guhl...

Stop whining, it'll be like 5 minutes.

Dat is a-eveh.

No it's just 5 minutes... Like the time it takes between asking Lady to make Parmesan bread and the toaster dinging.

Yah. A-eveh.

Whatever. It's going to be longer the more you argue.


Great. So, the dog has sort of an accent/lisp thing? And to him I am the Girl, Mom is Lady, Penguin is Teenager, and everyone else is their name-dash-whichever person they are most similar to (or person, or man) like Grandma-Lady and Grandpa-Man. But he'll say "Yady" instead of "Lady", and "Guhl" instead of "Girl". He says "yah" a lot... sometimes you have to drag it out in your mind so that it's 'yyaaahhhhhh" and he sounds really happy about it. Umm... Oh, for him "depress" and "impress" are switched, so don't get confused if he uses them weirdly.

Is ih my tuhn yeh?

Almost. Also, he usually leaves off the T's, so.. yeah. Okay, your turn.

Yay! Uhkay. Umm... I have not been feeded uhday...

Chester! You got breakfast.

*Nods gravely* Yah. Yesseday.

No, today.

Uuuuummmmmmmmm Nuh. It was yesseday.

*rolls eyes* We do not neglect the dog. He just thinks that after he sleeps-- for any insignificant amount of time-- it is "a-day" and before he sleeps is "yesseday" and any time in the future other than later today is "mowwow".

Yike Kissmus. Dat is mowwow.

Um... Sure. Christmas is actually in a little less than a month but...

Dat is what I SAID. Mowwow. Mehbe I wiw get a dead howse dis yeaw!

For the hundredth time NO! You are NEVER getting a dead horse. Not for Christmas, or any other day of the year.

Ohhh, Guhhll. Dat is mean.

Also true-- Oh, the dead horse thing? I was telling him about Christmas the first year we had him, and to lessen his fear of "Santa-man" I was telling him about presents and how once, Santa had brought me a big dollhouse. "Did it have a puppy in it??" Chester asked excitedly. "No, but there was a horse." "Wiwwy???" He asked in amaze and intrigue. "Um.. Yes." "Can I smehw him?" (at this point I think I probably made a scrunchy trying-to-raise-one-eyebrow face) "I... guess.. probably..." "Whew is he?" "Probably in the box of hard-animals." "You keep him in a boss?" "Yeah..." "Is he yive??" "No, of course not. We don't have room for a live horse." "He was DEAD?!?!" "What? No!" "But you dsuss said he wasn't ayive. So he muss be dead." "Wh-- No, he's a toy!" "Santa-man bwings dead howses!?!?" *facepalm*

I duno' undewstand. Dey aw dead howses.

Sure, Chester.



I dsuss a-membuhd. YADY is going to be BAD YADY.

Really? How?

SSE is going to GEDSWOHW a POINTment. At dhe VEH!!!

Ohh noo *mock scaredness*

Yes. It IS uh nuh a-cause dhe veh PWICKLES me. And POKES me and BAWWASSES me.

But it's just so you stay healthy.

Um... I duh no' fink. Dat is what walking is fow.

But remember when you hurt your leg, and when you walked it hurt it more?

Nuh. Dat was a-cause you wouldn't yet me walk. When evvybody finawy yetted me go fow walk I gotted bettew!

Chester. That was because we didn't let you walk until you were all healed.

I do'no' fink.

Iiii think this is a good place to stop. Bye everybody! Catch ya later!


The Spyro portal

I am Actually Sane Right Now!

My goodness! If you saw any of my latest posts, sorry!
I wrote all of them at like 4 AM after waking up at like noon. O.0 so..


A RANT ABOUT DEATHLY. AKA Deathbringer. Spoilers for all SEVEN BOOKS. Yes I HAVE Winter Turning, and have since the day it came out, and I'm only HALFWAY THROUGH! I KNOW right? Why am I not finished? But anyhoo, on with le becquet!!!

A Short one Today, Plus Something else Wonderful

So apparently this is a thing:

The Dreamvisitor question:

In book      mentioned that the Dreamvisitors had been created long ago by a SandWing Animus, but in Moon Rising, Moon reads that it was Darkstalker, and he confirms this (I... think...)
The NightWings wrote most of the informative scrolls, right? And the dragonets learned... pretty much all of their knowledge from those scrolls, right? So we can conclude that the NightWings may have written the scrolls saying that it was a SandWing animus who'd created the dreamvisitors in order to A) boost popularity of the SandWings (for Blister) [not very likely] or B) cover up their tracks, about Darky and all. The scroll Moon read may have been from the NightWing library, or been written after the war and everything, and had a NightWing author or information grilled out of a NightWing (like... Mastermind? Hm? Starflight's father AND a major knowledge source? not likely, huh? [<<sarcasm])

Wow. I wrote this in..... June. 6/12. Ok. I don't know, I think I just needed the book and maybe a quote.  Oh, no Darkstalker didn't confirm. :-( I don't know which book it was in. Probably book 5, I think that's what people say. I'll check tomorrow. :-)
Meaning, in about 3 weeks. :-P

Actually, almost EIGHT weeks, since the last time I edited was HOLY COW OCTOBER EIGHTH????? Where have I BEEN? Rather, where has the book been, and the answer to that is: Not in the same place as my computer. And besides that, it's not in book 5 it's in book FOUR when Starflight finds the Dreamvisitor, and that one has been not in my house for a while! (Don't worry! I didn't lose it. I lent it to my friend.) But NEVER FEAR! I have it now and... darn it's not in my room. :-( I shall go get it. HERE IT IS. Finally I shall finish this "short one". Haha, me, nice try. Here's the quote:
"He'd only ever read about these. There were supposedly three of them in the world, all lost --- all created hundreds of years ago by a SandWing animus dragon," (Sutherland, 2013, pg 104, The Dark Secret). Trying to fix my bad citation grammar... maybe just made it worse? I think that's all the info I need in there... unless I need the publisher too? Ack. It's Scholastic. Anyway, I'm fairly sure that you all know that I'm not trying to infringe on rights and everything, because I KNOW you all know how much I LOOOOVE Wings of Fire and Tui T. Sutherland and everything. :-)

(By the way, I'm not sure what happened with my font. :-P)

Alright. FINALLY publishing this thing. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I'm going to Write a Bunch of Posts to Publish Throughout November

Because I'll be busy with NaNoWriMo then!!!

Or, I was, but then I didn't finish my 100th post which turned into my 101st post, but whatever.

Go here to get your own dare. :-) I dare you.

Ok, Pupplez, you are not watching Brother Brother Time season 2 finale until you get to 3000 words. >:-| I mean it. But I did watching "Inside Out" and OH MY GOSH it was awesome I'm leaving before I waste all of my writing energy on this. :-) bye

(BTW, I recommend actually watching season one first, and not just watching "what happened... in 80 sec". Especially watch "Thanksgiving's Weak End". It's perfect.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Magazines are Great, but my Self-Control is Not

I like magazines because they are are easy to read and pick up quickly to read one section. But they're hard to   What?

Anyway, I am not good at making myself write all the time... and there is not enough music in my playlists so I get tired of hearing the same Kingdom Hearts tracks over and over and "they don't fit the mood perfectly they have to fit perfectly I won't write it right and everything will be .. *gasp* WRONG!!" *scream track*. And then I can't get ideas and so I go play video games. Perfect career model right there.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Return of Color Reports!! Color Report #3: Green

          {November 7 addition: You may have noticed something special... I've hit 100 posts!! I was going to do something special, but then I watched that episode and had to get my feelings out. Anyway, I'm celebrating post #101!!!!!
Count. I dare you. (I did not draw this. Just using it to accentuate my point.)

           And what better way to celebrate than by bringing back this old, beloved series... I stopped this post when my grandparents borrowed book 3... Isn't that crazy? Escaping Peril is coming out in January!! Addition end}
           There are many different types of green mentioned in the books. And green is mentioned many, many times. So, I will go through each book, and look at each mention of the color green.