
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Can I just Type Something? Color Report #1: Purple

I'm bored and I have a headache, but I'm tiredish.... so for some reason, my fingers are restless and I want to just move them around almost mindlessly. Like for instance, by typing. So I will be typing random things.

Like: can RainWings camouflage their eyes? And their horns? At some point in The Hidden Kingdom, one of the RainWings has "welcoming green eyes" (I'm paraphrasing)...


Purple. As a RainWing color. So. Annoying. So. Usually it's used deliberately, like when Glory turns "a deliberate, violent shade of purple" or "a light, nonthreatening lavender". It also seems to be a popular color on the terms of aesthetics, like during the contest for the throne, one of the former Queens was a dark purple with gold scalloping on each scale. There was also the purplish-orange which Glory accredited to confusion, mentioning that she didn't let herself where that color very often, yet also seeming to not know for sure what it meant. (???) I'm pretty sure that purple signified relief at some point... I still need to check the other books.. Off we go!

Well. I don't know where The Dark Secret is. so. Let's look in The Brightest Night. Ok. "A face materialized on a nearby branch, his scales turning from brown and green to dark purple. The dragon blinked a few times, looking more wary than most RainWings Sunny had ever met," (TBN pg 204). Um. That's it. For now. AHA!!! After writing and publishing this; I am reverting it to draft because I found TDS!!! "Warm pink suffused with purple spread along the edges of her wings. 'Starflight, I think that might be the bravest thing you've ever said,'" (TDS pg 178-179). So, I'm thinking maybe purple, or at least when mixed with warm pink, means pride?

Catch you later, for Color Report #2: White


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