
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Groktober 2018 Snippets

Hot take but uhhhhhhhhhnone of the foretellers have blue eyes ٩()۶ - 10/1 10:49 PM

today after class, I hung out with Friend Ko, classmate Ka, Friend Bl, and Known Person Es
We played tag for a while until we were all panting, then i told everyone to sit in a circle and then we played tag like that, just passing it around for like two rounds and then I taught them how to play Picky Shuki and we did that for like half an hour and then i had to go home. Anyway it was Fun™.
Unfortunately, today i'm supposed to lead a discussion socratic seminar on the first 5 chapters of the Odyssey and i'm on chapter 3 (≖ ͜ʖ≖) - 10/3 2:47 AM


It stopped. - 3:39 am

Every Thursday afternoon, like clockwork: "Gosh i'm so doggoned tired i am never doing this again"
Every Wednesday night, at 10-11:00 PM: "Looks Like It's Time to Start a New Project :-DDD"

I'm going to go do video games now and hopefully earlify my routine? - 10/3 10:43 PM

i literally just gave myself an electric shock unplugging the computer gosh this is going to positively ruin my K-D ratio - 10/5 8:32 PM

HEY SO ANOTHER QUESTION when/where/why/how did DiZ get an Org coat? - 10/6 8:33 pm

Hey guys, if you have photosensitive epilepsy or just don't like flashing lights and you're playing kingdom hearts dream drop distance, DON'T PUT A LEADER DISPOSITIONED YOGGY RAM IN YOUR PARTY. my guy changed dispositions and when i went into battle he started using these abrupt, bright flashing attacks. Even when he wasn't on screen, the flashes showed up. I haven't seen these before that i remember, so i think it's pretty specific to the leader disposition (blue eyes) - 10/7 11:18 pm

The attack is, i believe, yoggy sonic and it seems to also be present in the green disposition -- jumper - 11:30 pm

Definitely present in the jumper disposition too! Be careful guys - 11:35 pm

I'm on chapter 5 of the Odyssey whyyy - 10/8 2:48 AM

being a person who avoids spoilers is like, terrible, bc like, after the Thing comes out and you experience it, there's a time of peak ecstasy when you also get to see All Of The Content of the past 6 months to 3 years, but you KNOW that it's only going to be so long until you go back to your cave for however long before the next thing comes out. - 3:14 am hey pi

i'm looking for underwater plants (true plants) and i found this:
Gosh - 10/8 10:37 pm

I finished 33 minutes after the deadline
Since the way we are required to turn our assignments in is by submitting a link to a cloud service, I handed in a link to my Google Slides presentation at like 11:45 or something and then I finished up.
;) little homework tip for all y'all procrastinators out there. . . It's not cheating if I'm only technically half an hour late, right? Anyway. Midnight deadlines huh? - 10/9 12:36 AM

I'm pretty proud of my work too, and i found some BOMB seaweeds look at this!!!
Bushy rainbow wrack, Cystoseira tamariscifolia
??? the tips are irridescent and beautiful???? 
There's like three different parts of this that look like completely different organisms i love??????????
- 10/9 12:42 AM

Spoilers I guess for MLP:FIM Season 8 under the cut if you care
w. . . wh. what's going on in mlp. . . . seriously what's happening there's two suggested videoes, one is " 'Spike, I'm your father' / Sludge's Story - MLP: Friendship is Magic [Season 8]"
and the other is "Sludge and Spike Spend Time as Father and Son - MLP: Friendship is Magic [Season 8]"
oh hang on they're both uploaded by the same person
no wait one of them has that guy animated. but the thumbnail is in like a wierd art style see
????????????????????????????????????????????????? DUDE I DON'T LIKE THAT - 10/9 3:49 AM

note to self: find a way to make jke abt computer password or smth: violence is never the answer, or pun, violins is never the answer - 8:04 pm

It's so shocking to actively check the years of KH AMVs bc I'm making a playlist of old ones since they have a specific aesthetic and tone (aka low [image] quality, slightly grainy sound, very square format (due to old Youtube format), generally no on-screen lyrics [? not sure why this is, but it seems accurate], and also either Invented Story or Sora- or Sokai-based [due to .. y'know.. khi khii and com, what else you gonna do?]) and the year i picked was 2009 and there's some videos out there with like Days and also BBS?????? In 2009???? What is even time???? - 10/10 12:06 AM

and then there's ppl like GodHrz whose kh videos use almost exclusively khi and ii footage but are from 2011-'12 - 12:09 AM




yo i'm only 60 away from sorting my whole playlist
the playlist has 592 videos in it this is an achievement.
maybe this isn't where my energy is suposed to be going this Fall Break but . . . - 10/13 12:57 AM

this whole game was worth it for this
- 10/14 1:14 AM

jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell clock
jingle bell rhyme in jingle bell time
jingle around the rooooock
mingle and a-mix in the jinglin feet!
hat's the jingle bell clooockk!!!!
- 10/14 3:18 AM
edit: whoa wth... i was trying to mix it up and i think i messed up lol

oh cram i just realized
possibly for the second time
that when Xehanort says "you've been here many times. your first journey. your voyage through memories. in the datascape. even in your dreams" he's talking about khi, CoM, Coded, and ddd - 10/14 10:54 pm

guys. it is a monumentous occasion. I have Finished Sorting my AMVs. - 10/17 12:28 AM

I prepared a thing but first i have to say... That when i wrote that... I thought monumentous was a real correct word and was vaguely confusec at the red underline. - 10/18 1:56 am

This is what our teacher told us we'd need like a month before class started.
This is what our teacher told us we'd need three days before class started.
This is what ive accrued as necessary math instruments by necessity or her command.
Youre also gonna need a workbook but dont worry abt that now ill email ur parents in a coupl weeks
Like a month and a half into class: yoy will need graph paper next class
On the third day of class: does everyone have a compass? Oh ok well .. Get on that then
- 10/18 2:04 am

My parents are currently saying sentences with "really" in the dog's voice but instead of really saying ziti - 10/19 9:14 pm

Oh. How have i missed it for so long? Seven foretellers (incl. MoM and Luxu). Seven guardians of light. - 10/22 7:39 pm

Broke: any evidence supporting the notion that Tulio and Miguel were gods was purely coincidental
Woke: the armadillo was the god who was supposed to arrive
Bespoke: While Miguel is not a god ("gods do not bleed"), Tulio (who shouted 'stop' when the volcano  stopped erupting) is
-- Did u ever notice that broke/woke/ bespoke is juzt a text version of the spiritual meditation mind thing? - 10/23 9:51 pm
Edit: *galaxy brain

Playin 20q and wondering what people think geckos are???
You were thinking of a gecko.
Is it brown? You said Usually, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Does it have four legs? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Can it jump? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is Doubtful.
Does it have a long tail? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Can you see it in a zoo? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Can you find it in a house? You said Sometimes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Is it awake at night? You said Usually, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Does it lay eggs? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Do people own it as a pet? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Does it jump? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is Doubtful.
Can it climb? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Contradictions Detected
The opinions of the 20Q A.I. are its own, and are based on the input of players. 20Q's answers reflect common knowledge. If you feel that 20Q is in error, the only way to correct it is to play again! 

?????? - 11:16 pm

Today some kid burned friend Es soo good good
Kid ran up and held out her sunglasses, Es took them and put them on and kid was talkin bout how she'd been talkin to this teacher
Es told her to not tell him bad things about her, and the kid was like uhhhok.. And Es was like "I'll give you ur glasses back if u promise not to say bad things about me 2 teacher" and the kid said "no you can keep them"
And my burn sensor was on soups good bc i started going "oooooohhhh" befor i even processed what she said lol - 10/23 11:19 p

You were thinking of a gecko.
Is it brown? You said Usually, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Can you see it in a zoo? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Does it have physical substance? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Is it pleasurable? 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Is it awake at night? You said Usually, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Is it cold blooded? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Does it have four legs? You said Yes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Does it like to be petted? 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Can you find it in a house? You said Sometimes, 20Q was taught by other players that the answer is No.
Why??? - 10/23 3:22 p

Nudibran ch s are like my favorite animal and i didnt know they could be A QUARTWR OF AN INCH LONG B A B I E S S S S!!!!!?????
LOOK UP "nudibranch size hand comparison" omg
- 10/26 5:28 pm

Yo just watched The Incredibles II  and Might I Say, a Fine movie, a Fabulous movie, Very Very Good. Superb. A Masterpiece. Hot dang. Love that. Good stuff. - 1:18 pm 10/27

Frozone, Babey - 3:49 p

p sure im getting a cold nbut mom says its allergies...
ugghghhh either way i don't wanna go to school 2morrow - 10/29 12:52 AM

I have to do everything around here.
7 deadly sins as adventure time quotes
1. Glut tony. "Who's hungies??" " I'm /hungry/. "
List: "whoa. Youve gone crazy mad with power lust... AND IM LOVIN IT! "
Sloth: "i wanna marry my bed." " Me toooooooo"
Envy: "jeeeaaalllllous?? " "shut up." OR "im not jealous! Im WEIRD! "
Wrath: "festering's always bad, man! There's no good kind of festering!!!"?
10/29 3:47 pm

The New deadly sins:
  1. Ignorance
  2. Greed
  3. Apathy
  4. Arrogance
  5. Cruelty
  6. Envy
  7. Spite
3:54 pm

Wanting food
Wanting stuff
Wanting your stuff
Deadset on havin somethin
Wanting sleep
Already got things
Wanna hit something
Seven deadly want s
4:01 pm

Things my cousins have said
gluttony: Grandma said theres npo serving sizes tonight
lust????: Take off your clothes and put on a swim suit. 
Envy: That time she topk a letterboard feom my sister, removed five of the letters, and returned to teaching class, and when i asked if she was still using it she said no
Pride: Youre not allowed to draw spongebob in class, only the teacher!
Sloth: "okay, cuz 2's not holding anything" *he takes off his hat and holds that* "ya l iar!"

4-5:59 pm

kh characters as things our cousins (and me and penguin) have said (some of the things are incomplete sorry i forgot that november was in like 2 days rip) :
you just have to ACCEPT that you cant get MAD at me! - terra

Iiii killed the conversation 😓 - ven? riku?

 When cuz 2 stuffed an onion in his eye - sora or roxas

The TRuth??? isnt? Ok to say?????????? - aced or vanitas

ya liar! - ephemer

No... With a fire hose!! - axel

MEN ARE STUPID!!! - olette

like, if i said my friend was black--- *stands up* *walks over to pool* *turns around* I was gonna jump in the pool because of ~ racism ~ - s o m e o n e ??

Anyone who has bare feet has to go to the school dungeon - saix?

We dont brag in the classroom - Ira
i do - MoM

[Master], youre being kinda crazy - luxu
(As though out of the game) no im not - MoM

BEhave! Or youll have to be a person. - xemnas? diz?

No taking notes in class - eraqus

Go to the white house - marluxia lol get it

Youre not allowed to draw spongebob in class, only the teacher. No sponges or bobs. - diz (to namine)

Youll find out.. In the story... - sora and yen sid or riku

(Playing vide9 games) im doing something PRODUCTIVE - sora or lea

things you can recycle - invi
water bottle - ava
cereal boxes - ira
Mmm... Oops i hesitated lol - aced

dad freaking out upon seeing us - MoM
my reaction - ava
penguin's reaction - luxu

can i have the turquoise one? - riku
itIt's TEAL!!! - kai

dont touch my pretzel! - xehanort
*swi mming off on pretzwl* - eraqus

i wouldnt mind being eaten by a creature after i died. Well, unless it was a loved one. Although i guess id be dead, so... - blaine

your hand is bigger than my arm, so you could do some real damage - ventus @ terra w aqua

DRink! The pool water!!! You have to. - xemnas
you know, in class today we learned about fascism - xion

i know you enjoy your murder fantasies... - axel or riku
Oh! Its not a fantasy... - roxas

*mmrmr* that was [luxu] singing! Did you hear? - MoM
No! Thats NOT [luxu] singing! .. [Luxu]! Sing it to show him! - Ava

Ive been anxious la tely gahhhhh also i dont feel good :-( - 11:21 p

class! is! tomorrow!!!!!!
Please!! prepare us!! e a r l i e r r r ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 11/1 1:12 AM

also yesterday.. our lit teacher told us we had no class this week and then on like friday sent out an email that was literally just..

the subject line: "Class this week." and no body SO i naturally assumed she sent a reminder that there was no class this week, and went on my Merry Way. BUT NO. APPARENTLY THERE WAS C L A S S YESTERDAY on the way out the door penguin mentioned that i didn't have class and mom had to wake me up and tell me that we did in fact have class and i was mad and slept through it. tbf i haven't been feeling good and was tired but also partly it was bc i was mad. gosh.
also our google classroom is full of our teacher desperately asking us to complete assignments and it's kinda depressing - 1:33 AM

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