
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Monday, October 1, 2018

Sleeptember 2018 Snippets

when axel and xion are fighting and roxas says "stop!!" and xion does and axel like super doesn't - 9/2 2:30 am

Wow. - 9/3 9:47 pm

i love BMO so much
so much my friends...

we watched the AT finale. i'm so upset that Fern died . . . when we discussed who would die like a month ago,... i'm pretty sure we dismissed fern bc he already died once and was on the way to a redemption. 
also there was a lot of kissing. like. four separate kisses. one of which was on the cheek. 
but princess bubblegum and marceline!!! 
they showed the jiggler in the epilogue too alskaskhdg
bmo tho
bmo. . . . 
- 10:15 pm

actually. I don't think that happened. - 9/4 12:18 AM

excuse me youtube, an unskippable two minute ad? - 12:38 am

I just entered peter pan's hideout, walked up to Cubby, and /immediately/ cast megaflare - 2:49 am

I have not edited this month, so towards the end there are some unmarked spoilers for khxbc, kh days, 0.2, the broad kh story, and ddd, as well as somw vague, utterly non-story related khiii news

Okkk but bmo's an unreliable narrator and so what if that's not what happened? Im don't know what to do cuz with bmo playing such a big role in the victory, he could've been embellishing? - 5:10 pm

I have a feeling that this on again off again mental breakdown about time and relativity or whatever is gonna last like three months. Honestly this is probably the Inciting Event that Inspores Me to Study Quantum Physics or whatever is applicable.

for real thoufh, "i'll always be with you ... In your heart!!" Never helped me ( strangely enough, given my early exposure to it) but "time is an illusion so the past is always happening so we're always together there" hit me like a freaking /train/. Good heavens Rebecca - 9/6 1:53 am

I can't sleep. The only thing in my brain is "wayer bot! I am a water bot! I have a water bODYYY!!"
And over
Oh wait.... Now it's highschool never ends why
Earlier, i got like rapidfire 12 songs in my head in like hald an hour i don't know what to do
{cuz with a good book,and the same as a bad idea what that you can do is the beginning of your life?I have a good day and we had the same as a bad idea what that you can do is the beginning of your life,and the same as the same time the first half hour and that was the same time the first half of your life,and the same as a result of this Cherry hill to fight for your birthday party!I was just exp ing the same as a result in their last month and a milkshake brings you can get it for me to do this one ☝☝☝I think the only one of its not abt the beach and then he did not working out of the pause button slash connector,but the same as the one ☝and you have no problem!Lol ok I'll call him tomorrow night for your home in the other}
Sorry predictive text rabbithole - 9/6 4:53 am

My brain always associates cousin 3 with the year 2008 and every time im like 'ya she wad born in 2008 . . . .... But she's, like, ten, qnd that was only like five years ago... Huh...' - 5:57 am

We spent like the first ten minutes of ASL blowing up balloons. - 6:40 pm

Then classmate bl and i tgrew pencils at a tree, climbed on ghe play structure, played uno, and summoned cthulu. Usual stuff. - 6:41

Omggg my asl teacher... She emailed me and my mom.asking why im late to class. 😑 the class starts at 9:20 am and is about 45 minutes away with good traffic. Also, it's on the day that i have to be there for five hours so i have to bring stuff to do. In order to leave the house at 8:30 i have to wake up at like 8, and ypu /know/ i don't mess with that 😑😑😑 - 9/8 5:25 pm

I want to encourage [Pupplez] to be on time to class. I would like to understand why both last year (a lot of them) and the start of this year [Pupplez] has been late to my classes. I thought with the time change that this would be change. Being on time is important.  Can you tell me what's happening? 

How do i respond? "Im a night owl lol"
 "I understand that punctuality is an important skill to practice, and I will try to improve my timeliness in the future. Unfortunately, I tend to require about 12 hours of sleep every day, and i am not easily woken by alarms or people. In addition, the drive is about 45 minutes long, which means we have to leave by 8:30 at the latest. "
:(((( So sowwy
- 5:29

Im never gonna play vodeo games again i guess :/ - 6:41 pm

i need a computer i have tp go onto Google Classroom fror lit, email my teavher to ask what the heck she wanta me to lead a seminar/seminal/cinnamonrole/sentinal/scimitar abooooooooooit, do my endless asl hw, figure out JOW THE JECK IM SPOSED TO READ THE SYLLABUS, do all my braceweiter hw bc i haven't and i cant write , figure out when im sposed to go volunteer and rsvp maybe its tomorrow MAYBE, and finish my geometry
I HATE my asl teacher i hate her i hate her i hate her - 6:49 pm

Rewatching Days and NOTHING makes sense. I dont undsrstand. Xion "saw a boy who looked like roxas" did she see ven? Did she find the chamber of waking?
Xion's created to copy roxas's power, so if something's wrong with Roxas, maybe she's borrowing a little more than she oughtta be THATS NOT WHAT COPY MEQNs
riku sais "if yoy come with me rifht now we can return soras memoriws" and shes like "ohhh idkkk... My fweendss....."
anyway he didnt saya nything about her not being able to go baxk, sooo
im sjipping through the writting parts ( bc a movie shouldnt periodically stop and let ypu read.a.summary of whatts happeminf offfscreen) and saix was like "you meddled again" and i was legit confused for a minute before i emembered that the thing i skipped was the part where theyre tricked into dighting each other - 9/9 3:52 am also this movie is more than two hours long it has no business being thar long.

also once again diz id the key ruiner of Things
Riku says "come on, sora, i thought you were stronger than that" and roxas says " get real! Look which one of us is winǹing! " and then gasps and from that riku deduces that he can "feel sora" whatever the HECK that means
and the movie's literally 3 hours long - 4:33 am

oh yeah, and i cant gp to the bathroom now bc there's a moth in therrrrree - 4:34 am

hey my mind madee a thought. xion is No. i. i is the square root of -1. so i * i = -1 . so xion * xion is -1 . xion is supposed to mirror roxas, and when she spent enough time with roxas she started to drain his powers, so eventually one of them had to die... anyway this is dumb but maybe i'm onto something back to i-ready - 9/10 2:56 pm

(sorry for all the typos in the bit abt Days, I wrote it on my tablet) - 3:57 pm

so i was writing on _ more good things about KH and i had sort of an epiphany/mental breakdown:
  1. Every single one of the interactions between Axel and Saix in Days.. All of them. Everything about them. I just. . .. they're both using veiled language and double meanings and implying things and making inferences and axel's growing further away from saix but saix is still the same and he's mad at axel bc he doesn't see roxas and xion as people just assets and they pointedly don't look at each other when they're talking they always talk in passing, or right next to each other or just past and facing opposite ways, when saix comes into axels room axel turns to the side, axel gets defensive and saix gets upset and they're both being stoic and hiding they're feelings and being professional and saix uses his position to get axel to do things for him (e.g. dispose of the traitors + zexion, look for the Chamber of Waking, etc) and to keep him from doing other things (i.e. spending time with/helping roxas and xion) and axel tries to do what saix wants bc he's his friend and hopefully he'll let him be for once but eventually gets fed up with it and starts talking back and answering sarcastically and axel stands up for roxas and xion (at least when they're with him) and is able to wheedle favors out of saix (i.e. letting roxas and xion do missions together when xion can't summon her keyblade) bc he knows him and also is a very persuasive jerk and honestly?
  2. also axel's whole thing juggling stories and information, idk how he knows who knows what but as far as i know actually . . . he NEVER tells anyone anything they don't already know or need/want to know. DANG i think i'm ONTO SOMETHING.
    "there were no other reports of replicas from the program gaining a sense of identity, do you concur, axel?" *SILENCE*
    "do you have anything you couldn't bear to lose?" "what do you mean?" (roxas explains) "I think you need a heart for that." "but i bet demyx would be pretty upset if you took his sitar away." "I guess so. Maybe it's got something to do with memories" (or whatever he says)
    "you're a replica. you know that much."
    OK HEADCANON he spent a lot of time with kids before and so he got used to doing the whole "well, why do you think it happens?" and just prompting them to figure things out themselves?
- 9/11 12:42 AM

I ... Was going to play vodeo games but i just spent the last THREE HOURS finishing my book... Dude it was so meta. There were like . . . at least four distinct layers of meta my gosh wow. /Enter Title Here/ by Rahul Kanakia i think. If you wanna check it out. Note to self: EDIT add link to goodreads page or somethin. - 9/11 3:54 am

what about: Darkness, Friendship, Light by Jerk, Idiot, Child? - 9/11 11:30 pm

I actually really really like gmail's update with generated responses to questions? Like, i don't think i'd have chosen to say "sure, sounds good" but that's a very good phrase thank you google. anyway i can't make words good so it's very helpful thank you - 11:47 pm

Baby dog!!!!!!!!!!!!1 - 9/13 11:06 pm

Petition to make weeks longer so I can actually function normally - 9/15 1:20 AM

We went to the art and wine festival today and we got some dragon ear cuffs!!! Excited to wear them. - 9/15 6:20 pm




i understand now
why the ship names for axel and roxas and xion use the bases aku, roku, and shi. . .
it's bc of japanese numbers
1一 (ichi)一つ (hitotsu)一つ目 (hitotsume)
一番目 (ichibanme)
2二 (ni)二つ (futatsu)二つ目 (futatsume)
二番目 (nibanme)
3三 (san)三つ (mittsu)三番目 (sanbanme)
三つ目 (mittsume)
4四 (shi/yon)四つ (yottsu)四番目 (yonbanme)
四つ目 (yottsume)
5五 (go)五つ (itsutsu)五番目 (gobanme)
五つ目 (itsutsume)
6六 (roku)六つ (muttsu)六番目 (rokubanme)
六つ目 (muttsume)
7七 (shichi/nana)七つ (nanatsu)七番目 (nanabanme)
七つ目 (nanatsume)
8八 (hachi)八つ (yattsu)八番目 (hachibanme)
八つ目 (yattsume)
9九 (kyū/ku)九つ (kokonotsu)九番目 (kyūbanme)
九つ目 (kokonotsume)
10十 (jū)

but roku is 6 nd kyu/ku is 9. . so idk if that's really it. tbh it's probably like the japanese names
ok what the heck was i expecting, searching "roxas japanese spelling" and scrlling to hte bottom of the page man
i saw where it has like a list of characters w pics yknow like it has sometimes and saw khiii sora and was like whoop but before i scrolled up i saw kairi and as i scrolled up my eyes stayed on her like calm down you'll see what she looks like in 4 months, eyes, have some restraint. Gosh. spoilers.
- 9/17 12:55 am

she looked like a weird kids cartoon main character smh - 12:56 aam

yo what the ever loving heckles does this literally mean for REAL:

MLP FiM S8E26 The mane 6 get back and Twilight's disappointment of Cozy Glow

yeah that's a youtube video title. there's so much to decipher here. Cozy Glow? "the mane 6 get back"? there's multiple tenses. what the heck - 9/17 1:33 AM


evidently on two separate occasions on two days i misspelled "video games" as "vodeo games" this month lol - 12:22 aM

today penguin said she likes the coca-cola icees bc "they're all soda spicy"
and then this evening we went to our mom's high school best friend's bday party and we had soda and we kept talking about how Soda Spicy it was - 12:24 am


ok but having alyson stoner re-voice some of Kairi's lines from khi is actually genius
they could've recycled audio, literally they've done that before, so it must have been a decision right?
and since those flashbacks are supposedly Xion's 'memories' having her voice saying the lines is like . . . asdkhgkldhg idk just aslkdgh - 12:53 am

wow what is going on in mlp huh?

MLP FiM S8E26 Magic is finally back in Equestria

34K views1 week ago

Rainbow Dash Brings Scootaloo to Spitfire - MLP: Friendship Is Magic [Season 8]

63K views1 week ago


- 9/18 6:35 pm

I smell the blood of an english mun.
- 9/19 1:58 am

I spent like five minutes changing the stuff on tge fridge this is a very fun game
Get some of those poetry magnets
Get some commemorative magnets or somethin, with phrases on em -- for example,  "the national zoo", "world's greatest mom" and the like. Those business card magnets are great too, and those ones woth like "ASAP", "urgent", "can wait" -- or the chore magnets (these are pro bably the !ost versatile)! You know, "feed the pets" , "clean your room", "mow the lawn" -- these will be most of your verbs.
Anyway, then ypu proceed to casually a lter the phrases, for instance: "clean your family", "come clean the national zoo", "world's urgent mom", dress up program/gifted to fido, trivial emergency clinic", we feed the thing, etc.
Just made "no dream| rakin it in | one dream" like the one fear comic meme - 2:07 am

hi, just . just a little thing
i'm getting tired of like close up shots of people holding hands where the girl's hand is super tiny and skinny and the boy's hand is like square. More girls with chunky hands. More boys with slender hands. Thank you for coming to my ted ta - 9/19 6:03 pm

im hungry and all we have to eat is cereal and unsalted ricecakes - 7:17 pm

my room is a furnace and every bone in my body hurts - 9/20 4:47 pm

Im never going to br comfortable again i hate everything 6:11

Me: Stop!! Showing me these videoes!!!!!
Youtube: Lol u literally just added that video to your watch later
Me, crying: YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
- 9/23 11:45 pm

Petition to make things a heck of a lot easier on everyone by meaning the 1900s when we say the 19th century and calling years 0-99 the OG Century? - 9/24 11:52 PM

Do you think anyone's going to appreciate the multitude of kh amv playlists I'm making? I'm just separating my main playlist (currently at 591 videoes) into like . . yknow. who they're about and such. - 9/25 12:44 AM

using my feminine name generator (waddup) and just got Anneanne my dude - 2:48 am

just learned about loxodons which are p much humanoid elephants i love them - 3:13 am

AAA I JUST GOT Georgeus!!!!!! omg - 9/25 3:25 AM

oh my good night - 9/25 3:39 AM

Related image - 9/25 11:07 pm

there are so many songs on rotation rn with the exact same vibes, like, "get along", "everything's gonna be alright", "good girl", and . that other one
ok listen the universe is trying to send me a message but it's incredibly cryptic

like? ok???? listen - 9/26 1:10 AM

everyday from like 2:30 to 4:30 i'm shuper depressed and then it's like aw what's up video games - 9/26 4:57 PM

hey listen the only people we know to have really spent very much time in the Realm of Darkness are Aqua, Mickey, Riku, and DiZ, and none of them turned evil (please consider: DiZ was evil before he got put in the RoD). So why would we assume that the RoD makes people evil? - 9/26 10:54 pm
now, i'm not saying it's a pleasant place to be. Or that it's not depressing as heck. Just, not corruptive. - 10:55 pm

Oh, this is the best image I've seen all day

Asdfdsfhkknbdshj - 9/27 2:30 a

O my  hhhhhhhhhh
So, friend ko told me today that
A) apparently tHeyre going to use Don't Think Twice "like dearly beloved"
amd B) freaking SKRILLEX is going to write the kh3 theme song!?!?!?!!!!??! GUys!!! I live pon this!! You cant make kh3 and NIT ARRANGE ITS OWN DEARLY BELOVED WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS IT MUST BE A PRANK - 9/27 3:28 PM

Oh yeah we played tic tac toe, and then we played tic tac total death, and then we played tic tac toe tacktoe tic in which you put as many pieces on the board as you can . Then friend ko invented a New Game called Game of Cards. He began tossing cards at me, much in the style of throwing money,  when i had stood up to refill my water bottls, and i said "that's called 52 pickup, and stop doing that"
- 9/27 6:49 pm

Oh. my gosh. Ohhh my gosh. Does it just mean that skrillex is doing the remix? The Upbeat version? Like the planitb remix and stuff you know? Oh my gosh. Did friEnd ko get confused and it mrant that the song we heard is the ending song (like Santuary: after the Battle)? ohhUgh. Goshhh. oi. - 9/28 1:09 am

Yo i just beat julius as both sora and riku!!!!  Ok so upon victory, riku says "next time, behave" to which i  started fake laughing and hitting my knee and saying "wow riku what a witty one-liner you're so hilarious" and sora puts his hand on his chest and looks concerned and says "what was that abput" like, he sounds so personally affronted - 9/29 1:27 am
Wildly heartbreaking easter egg i wanna see in khiii: iif we go to the keyblade graveyard, somewhere, the foretellers' keyblafes are all together
I made myself cry just thinking of it - 9/29 10:47 p

Well Hot Dang i dated every paper i did today incorrectly. and todays my homework day bruh - 10/1 3:36 a

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