
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


this cutscene is all OVER the place just . like. look at this
 (spoilers for midway through khII?)
i normally don't watch it bc the part with saïx is like awkward and uncomfortable but anyways just.

ok so

  1. sora donald and goofy chase and catch up with the king
  2. the king is confronting xemnas (maybe)
  3. "That's not my name uwu"
  4. sora asks about kairi and riku
  5. xemnas says he doesn't know where kairi is (telling us that either he's lying or he doesn't know about the kidnapping) and to ask the king about riku
  6. sora looks at the king, who says stop and starts running at xemnas
  7. sora jumps ever so slightly when mickey says stop
  8. mickey jumps into the dark corridor after Xemnas (and for once makes it in; maybe he knows how quick those things close up sometimes)
  9. as usual, sd&g aren't fast enough and are left looking at the shrinking corridor.
  10. sora hits the ground in frustration
  11. goofy comforts him
  12. donald says "sora, goofy" because....?
  13. THEN donald says "wak?!" and the camera shows the view of the castle for like 30 seconds
  14. ok i counted, it's 8 seconds
  15. anyway, goofy says "what's goin' on?"
  17. "way to fall right into their trap"
  18. GASP! An ominous black-coated redhead leaning against the wall!!!!
  19. run towards him. .  . and ready your weapons.
  20. axel: oh come on i am so tired of this really. are you really gonna fight me. ughghgh i can't believe i have to deal with this
  21. blah blah blah it was a set-up (?)
  22. "it's a set-up by organization xiii" like. . ok and we trust YOU because...?
  23. "Xemnus is using you to destroy the heartless. That's his big master plan."
  24. long pause.....
  25. "Xemnas?"
  26. (whoops silly me i guess we didn't know who he was yet? or is don don just being stupid?)
  27. "The guy you just saw. He's their leader. [-- O-our leader.]"
  28. then axel decides to SPELL IT OUT instead of giving us some ACTUAL ADVICE
  29. /helpful intell
  30. /like for instance wheRE IS MY BFF??
  32. /no. just X-E-M, N-A-S
  33. got it memorized?
  34. (also just as he starts to spell, he looks up like he's remembering how to spell XD)
  35. the look of dawning realization on sora's face at 2:19
  36. goofy makes a reasonable deduction based on the information given to him
  37. "man you're slow"
  38. axel points at like. . . the ground? sora's shoes?
  39. oh, he was pointing at the keyblade
  40. (spoiler alert he was not)
  41. (look at the trajectory of his finger)
  42. (maybe it is high enough to be pointing at the keyblade, but even so, it's to sora's left)
  43. (spoiler alert he's right-handed)
  44. i can't mimic a gesture in writing so look at axel as he says "that is what the organization is after" i promise you won't be disappointed
  45. you might be disappointed
  46. then goofy ducks back behind his shield as if that was a death threat
  47. "so what are those guys gonna do with the hearts?" asks donald duck in a casual conversational tone of voice
  48. "I'm n⁰⁺ telling"
  49. "tell us!!!"
  50. "You... you're the one who kidnapped Kairi!" (you deduced this... how?) (You..... you're the one who killed my jammy wammy!!!!")
  51. "bingo" said aggressively
  52. "where is Kairi?"
  53. "[uhhhhmmm you see the thing isss.ighorigoir she dead]"
  54. "Please.. just tell me!"
  55. Axel puts his hands on his hips and leans back like he's not looking forward to saying the next part "[ughhhhh"
  56. "Look, about Kairi. . . "
  57. Then he leans forward, looking mildly upset w sora for asking or something
  58. "I'm sorry"
  59. but like, not "i'm sorry" like, the way he says it is "Dude, I'm sorry but you are way too old to be sleeping with a nightlight" (pb, in 5 more short graybles or even more 5 short graybles)
  60. "Axel!"
  61. Axel puts his hands out and crouches a little and looks to the side like someone who just got caught
  62. (which he is)
  63. a corridor apparates between sora&co and Axel, and Saïx appears in it
  64. "Uhoh"
  65. then Axel looks REALLY MAD
  66. as he opens his own corridor to escape
  67. Sora tries to run to Axel but is blocked by Saïx
  68. Saïx assures sora that "We'll ensure he receives the maximum punishment." 
  69. although it isn't mentioned what FOR
  70. 👀 👀 👀
  71. the last of the corridor disappears
  72. Sora whines "I don't care about any of that😡"
  73. "just let me into the realm of darkness, okay?" said like a true emu
  74. (it's bugging me that it thinks "apparates" is spelled wrong so I looked it up: 
  75.  whoOP i lost my mojo seeya
  76. Oh well dOn'T WOrry abOuT KAiRi we'Re tAkiNG VErY gOod caRe of hEr
  77. look at sora as he says "take me to 'er"
  78. "Is, she that important to youu?"
  79. "Yeah"
  80. "Show me. how important." starts off cheerful and then like gets deeper
  81. sora stands for a minute
  82. then he gets on his hands and knees and says please while donald and goofy jump (bcos he didn't even bow to the multiple kings, princesses, and gods we've met) (Ok, he bowed to aladdin but that was like one time and all friendsy-wiendsy goodnatured; and he bowed to the queen I think, but that was only cuz donald pulled him down)
  83. "Oh, well in that case.. No"
  84. the look of absolute disgust in his eyes here
  85. Sora jumps to his feet fast enough to make a woosh sound
  86. "You rotten!"
  87. Here's the part where Saïx becomes a counselor...
  89. "Pitiful heartless. Mindlessly collecting hearts. And yet they know not. The true power of what they hold." Dude, they're RIGHT there.
  90. Oh, you think my keyblade's angry? Shows what you know
  91. You know, we could just kill him right now, but he's giving exposition so we can't
  92. Oh, uh-huh, the hearts are gonna weave together to make kingdom hearts you say. But I thought kingdom hearts was that place that ansem found in the first game? [spoiler alert there's multiple kingdom heartses and ways to get kingdom hearts]
  93. "when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist" buddy you had your chance. ten years ago, you couldn't help yourself from breaking into the castle, and somehow you got roped into becoming a heartless & nobody. Out of no choice but your own. You could've "truly existed" and you chose not to.
  94. but i'm also going to argue that you are RIGHT HERE, EXISTING
  95. just say what you mean, that you wanna be able to feel sad again. 
  96. bcos your life is SAD
  97. it may have been decent before, but now ur grown up and also ur bff is gone
  98. and also your new bff is an evil apocalypse-chaser
  99. so, tough luck
  100. Oh. Here comes someone new. forgot you existed for a minute there, maleficent
  101. oh kingdom hearts belongs to her now
  102. "The heart of all kingdoms, the heart of all that lives." here's our definition, we're all done here
  103. "A dominion fit to be called kingdom hearts must be fit to be MY dominion!!"
  104. get it she's saying dominion and she comes from Enchanted Dominion?
  105. haha
  106. It's Funny
  107. "Maleficent, no! No more Heartless!" sora says desperately
  108. but you wouldn't know it if you couldn't hear him because he is doing his GENERAL TALKING ANIMATION
  109. "I do not take orders from you!" Great job, sora, now she's gonna do it just to defy you
  110. Saix just stands there as five small fry apparate surrounding him
  111. "Fool.."
  112. ^ Me
  114. let's get some lesser nobodies in here to defend me from these Small Fry™ 
  115. ONE HIT KILL?
  117. I CAN'T DO THAT
  118. GEEZUMS
  119. the dusks all turn and look at him
  120. "Oh no!" he says and blocks his face
  122. which is how we can tell that they're not going to attack; because if they were, he would've blocked with the keyblade (source: when he blocks sabor; when he blocks roxas;)
  123. Maleficent is protecting us now . i . guess
  124. oh. 
  125. no, she's just blocking us at the edge of a cliff. 
  126. by flames
  127. oh
  128. Oh, that sounds great! You keep the nobodies occupied, so WE can go figure out a way to permanently get rid of them, so YOU can in turn take over the worlds with the Heartless! Good plan, villain!
  129. "Maleficent..." Sora, you sound so SAD
  130. SHE'S SO WEAK
  132. "Maleficent!!" oh we care about her now?
  133. "Leave! Now."
  134. AhahahahahHAHAHAHHAHA
  135. he says "I don't take orders from you!"
  136. ahahahhhahahahhah get it?! XD XD
  137. he starts to run towards her {recall, there is a wall of green fire between them} and donald grabs his arm to stop him
  138. and he gets pulled down a little bit
  139. it's so good i'm gonna gif it
  140. (later)
  141. "But-- What about--" 
  142. there's a veritable pile of nobodies and the fire is dying down, it's safe to say she's dead (thank goodness
  144. sora says huh, but the h doesn't come until like partway through the u
  145. and the non-small fry heartless return!
  146. suddenly there's more than were summoned, more types than were summoned, and surrounding sora & co much more quickly than possible
  147. "Which side are you guys on anyway?"
  148. it's what we're all thinking
  149. "The heartless ally with whoever's the strongest" just like the keyblade
  150. unless the heartless care about physical strength
  151. in which case i just took 10 power ups and y'all are MY army now
  152. (but it can't be strength of heart, bcos 1 they'd eat the heart and 2 the nobodies have no hearts [well, not very much anyway. certainly not stronger than MINE.])
  153. also he says "ally" like "a lie"
  157. not on this breed anyway
  158. Saix gets distracted for a moment by the shiny hearts
  159. "Yes, sora."
  160. "extract more hearts." there's an exclamation mark at the end, but he sure doesn't say it with one
  161. ope, goodbye
  162. as the hearts go up into the sky they get all darkness cloudy; are they becoming new heartless?
  163. donald and goofy are backing up and then sora jUMPS backward to land RIGHT BEHIND THEM 
  164. not the best planning
  165. "No. the hearts!" sora says wistfully before swiftly blocking an enormous heartless sword
  166. time for a matter-of-fact existential crisis on a black screen!!!!!
  167. "Maybe everything we've done... Maybe it was all for nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
  168. now we get more panicked!
  169. "What am I supposed to do if I can't use the keyblade?!"
  170. dude, the same thing you usually do when you can't use the keyblade:
    • wooden sword
    • friends
    • magic
    • (aka anti-form?)
    • maybe find a real sword somewhere?
    • or use one of the extra shields or staffs?
    • I know you have some
  171. "Imbeciles!"
  172. (hey you're not allowed in my existential screen!!)
  173. "Youu can't be trusted to do anything!"
  174. "Huh?"
  175. Yeah, huh indeed; how did maleficent get in your mind?
  176. oh nice we got a Secret Ansem's Report

I killed a bug. I was in the bathroom, and I grabbed my book and then there was A BUG ON MY HAND AAA so I shook it violently, and then I shook my whole body (to make sure it hadn't landed on my pants or something) and then I lifted up my feet and looked at the ground for like a minute and I couldn't find him and I put on my glasses and then I saw him -- in the bucket of gray water. He swam to the side (he was a surprisingly good swimmer???) and struggled to get out and then fell back in, and I thought I'm not having him get out of there and live. So I got the closest bottle of soap and squirted some in there!!! 
Then he was able to get a hold on the side and so I nudged the bucket with my foot so the water sloshed up and caught him, and he sank like a rock. ^.^ You're welcome.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Teacher's Pet

Um. So. Teacher's Pet.
spoilers, although really i don't recommend this movie

  1. 3+(?) references to old Disney movies, progressively less obvious
  2. the dog wants to be a human

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

oh my goahegohroihngarelihnlofaehnauofhnonh iijeoingaoln

i just finished darkness of dragons
and i mean
i literally JUST finished it like. a minute ago. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

it's so gooooodddd

oh my that certainly was an excursion. That was all at about 6:26 AM. In my keysmashing I somehow turnt the screen sideways and started laughing SO HARD. I finally came back and searched "rotate" and found where to flip it back so it's all good now! I took some screencaps tho, although they're probably all Normalish. I'll flip them.
ok here:

unfortunately, this one is a ctrl+alt+PrtScr and it didn't capture the whole half-rotatedness of the whole screen. This is one half of the screen, the other half was that same window but rightside up. 
oi. so. that was my day. Also i went to sleep around 3 PM yesterday, woke up at 10:30 ish and have been up since; and we have a party to go to at 2-3 ish so hope i can get a nap or smth. 

July Snippets 2017

So last month was I believe the first snippets where I didn't have to scrimp around with the tags to make it fit? So that's cool. - 7/1 4:57 AM

I'm kinda excited for college, because I can take like four classes and have them be like. .. different days? And if I don't go one day it's not gonna be like dang, now I'm gonna have so much stuff to make up and I'm gonna be lost for the rest of the semester; because half the people in class aren't gonna come except for the final. And I can just leave in the middle of class. I mean, I know I'm homeschooled, but my in-person classes are like .. . if you miss a class, you have to make it up quick before you get completely behind. As in, like what the heck are we talking about? Cuz it's always going to be a day that you're learning something cool/important. - 5:01 AM

I love when people walk into the room and like, look at stuff like, look sadly/musingly at the pile of stuff on my chair/my messy shelves/the table/etc and kinda leave, like, it stresses me out. Are you gonna tell me to clean? Are you gonna ask me "what can we do about ___"? Are you gonna just leave with that implication and go be sad? idk?? - 7/2 8:57 AM

In other news I was up for like 19 hours yesterday, and I woke up at 8:00 this morning. - 9:01 AM

You know, for the longest time, I thought that there were two acceptable ways to spell "axle". Thank you Kingdom Hearts. - 7/2 10:45 PM

i don't care about these characters, do I have to write about them? (the answer is probably no but also probably yes) - 7/3 12:09AM