this isn't CORRECT
THERE'S NO "submit problem fix" OR ANYTHING
I'M DONE WITH ECONOMICS!!! - 5/11 2:04 am
There's another episode of re:mind? THERES STILL ONLY NINE SAVE SLOTS OVER HERE - 5/11 3:55 am
Iiiiii'm a Man!! - 5/11 3:58 am
W... Whoa wait the nameless star sisnt strelitzia???!!????? - 5/11 4:00 am
We know ansem!riku could open portals, right?
When kairi is confronted by axel pn the beach, antother corridor opens behind her, and *pluto hears mickry whisyle*, so can mickey open daek corridors himself? Wjy is he so quick to jump through xrmnas' and wjy do they need namine to make one for them tp get home?
If he can't then he and riku must have been tohetger at that time! ALSO RIKU SHOWS UP IN THE BETWIXT WHEN KAIRI TURNS TO LOOK BEHIND HER SO 👀👀👀 DEFFO HIM
i was going to bed but i had this thought so voila - 5/12 5:20 am
I pulled out we love katamari the other week and have since gotten 100% of the friends!! In the zoo level!!!!! 300 friends!!! Lads i did it!!
Ob the same night i got dazzling in the fireflies level!!! Dang you might say!
- 5/21 10:40 pm
Also i got a new phone so im downloading khux for the third time in my life and i forgot again how long it takes 😩 - 5/21 10:42 pm
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