
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Groktober 2018 Snippets

Hot take but uhhhhhhhhhnone of the foretellers have blue eyes ٩()۶ - 10/1 10:49 PM

today after class, I hung out with Friend Ko, classmate Ka, Friend Bl, and Known Person Es
We played tag for a while until we were all panting, then i told everyone to sit in a circle and then we played tag like that, just passing it around for like two rounds and then I taught them how to play Picky Shuki and we did that for like half an hour and then i had to go home. Anyway it was Fun™.
Unfortunately, today i'm supposed to lead a discussion socratic seminar on the first 5 chapters of the Odyssey and i'm on chapter 3 (≖ ͜ʖ≖) - 10/3 2:47 AM


It stopped. - 3:39 am

Every Thursday afternoon, like clockwork: "Gosh i'm so doggoned tired i am never doing this again"
Every Wednesday night, at 10-11:00 PM: "Looks Like It's Time to Start a New Project :-DDD"

I'm going to go do video games now and hopefully earlify my routine? - 10/3 10:43 PM

i literally just gave myself an electric shock unplugging the computer gosh this is going to positively ruin my K-D ratio - 10/5 8:32 PM

HEY SO ANOTHER QUESTION when/where/why/how did DiZ get an Org coat? - 10/6 8:33 pm

Hey guys, if you have photosensitive epilepsy or just don't like flashing lights and you're playing kingdom hearts dream drop distance, DON'T PUT A LEADER DISPOSITIONED YOGGY RAM IN YOUR PARTY. my guy changed dispositions and when i went into battle he started using these abrupt, bright flashing attacks. Even when he wasn't on screen, the flashes showed up. I haven't seen these before that i remember, so i think it's pretty specific to the leader disposition (blue eyes) - 10/7 11:18 pm

The attack is, i believe, yoggy sonic and it seems to also be present in the green disposition -- jumper - 11:30 pm

Definitely present in the jumper disposition too! Be careful guys - 11:35 pm

I'm on chapter 5 of the Odyssey whyyy - 10/8 2:48 AM

being a person who avoids spoilers is like, terrible, bc like, after the Thing comes out and you experience it, there's a time of peak ecstasy when you also get to see All Of The Content of the past 6 months to 3 years, but you KNOW that it's only going to be so long until you go back to your cave for however long before the next thing comes out. - 3:14 am hey pi

i'm looking for underwater plants (true plants) and i found this:
Gosh - 10/8 10:37 pm

I finished 33 minutes after the deadline
Since the way we are required to turn our assignments in is by submitting a link to a cloud service, I handed in a link to my Google Slides presentation at like 11:45 or something and then I finished up.
;) little homework tip for all y'all procrastinators out there. . . It's not cheating if I'm only technically half an hour late, right? Anyway. Midnight deadlines huh? - 10/9 12:36 AM

I'm pretty proud of my work too, and i found some BOMB seaweeds look at this!!!
Bushy rainbow wrack, Cystoseira tamariscifolia
??? the tips are irridescent and beautiful???? 
There's like three different parts of this that look like completely different organisms i love??????????
- 10/9 12:42 AM

Spoilers I guess for MLP:FIM Season 8 under the cut if you care