
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Saturday, May 19, 2018

It's Almost as if I'm Completely Ignoring all the Things I have to Do.

But here I am, answering a KH ask meme because come on what else am I gonna do? (don't tell me)

Whoa ok what's up with this formatting? Annyway I got it from here.
(there's 99)
Hey haven't touched this since 7/10/17 whaddup palindrome
  •  1. What does Kingdom Hearts mean to you? Let's go fight monsters, yell at Goofy, and cry!! (Also flipping nostalgia)
  •  2. Which game of the series is your favorite? OKay you know this already but KHI
  •  3. Have you cosplayed any of the characters? No // Edit: Dressed up as Kairi for Halloween last year
  •  4. Who do you ship and why? idk do you mean romantic ship cuz no one. I ship Sokai (sora+Kairi) and Rokushi (Roxas+Xion) as qpp though. Because they are so adorable and obviously care about each other. Sora and Kairi obviously have a strong emotional connection and they've been friends for years and stuff, and Roxas and Xion are just... really good friends? And I think they have a bit of a closer emotional connection than basic friends, like either of them with Axel. Also it helps that Xion is based on Sora's memories of Kairi so yada yada the feelings bleed over. I broship p much everyone. Except like. Xehanort and anyone (other than like Saix/Isa and Xigbar/Braig. And maybe Eraqus.). Y'know. The obvious stuff. 
  •  5. What do you think is going to happen to Lea and Isa? I'm a little behind but... Probably Isa's gonna die (seeing as he's a nort). Maybe Lea'll be sad, mayble Lea'll do it? (I'm totally not fixing "mayble")
  •  6. Are we ever going to see Sora's mother? You wish.
  •  7. Who is your favorite character? COME ON that's rude. Kairi, Xion, Ventus, Aqua, Sora, mmmmmnnnnnn Axel, ..... Vanitas.... idk // Edit: Also GULA and INVI and AVA my BABIES
  •  8. Who is your least favorite character? Riku // AND DIZ???
  •  9. Who is the biggest jerk in Organization XIII? vexEN and also .... Xemnas and Saïx. // Saïx
  •  10. What is your favorite world? Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Wonderland. . . // Symphony of Sorcery,
  •  11. Favorite Final Fantasy character? Cloud and Leon. And YUFFIE almost forgot yuffie woops // why cloud? wth?
  •  12. Do you prefer Heartless, Nobodies, Dream Eaters, or Unversed? Heartless. And also Unversed cuz they're adorbs. look at these guys:

  •  13. Biggest accomplishment in the game? Platinum trophy? lol umm otherwise defeating Sephiroth all secret bosses. // Edit, does this mean biggest thing I'VE accomplished? hhhh Maybe gathering 99 coconuts, beating Riku 100 to 0 (50 fighting, 50 racing), and listing the # green coconuts dropped by each of the palm trees to get averages? Or beating the.. the what's it called... Eraqus' Armor?
  •  14. Which character's outfit would you wear every day? oh come on. uhhhhh.... brb. (i could cheat and say The Avatar bc then I could wear whatever I want but I won't do that) not khii kairi, khi riku looks stupid, none of sora's, maybe khi Kairi? hm ... Not Aqua (like, nothing about her outfit appeals to me?) .. Maybe Ven, although he's got too many shirts. .. not org xiii, cuz Summer. ... Not Vanitas/Riku-Ansem/Rikuplica (is that a bodysuit or your skin? idk?) ... Terra's got the Legit Coolest Pants but also that skintight shirt and way-too-much gloves... Definitely not Namine, for everyday. ..  Oh wait maybe young sora? .. Maybe Olette, not Pence or Hayner though. Not Roxas' casual. .. Not aeleus tho he's got the meanest boots. .. not ddd riku (i don't like jeans)... not khii riku (thought maybe cuz of the super baggy pants but he's got like two open vests, like overkill much? he's so Extra) or baby riku... Not baby kairi (everyone who wears a dress/skirt has it way too short what's up with that) ... oh whoops sorry he's got the bottom vest (which is black) zippered almost all the way down. still dumb. ... Even the school uniforms are freaking barely decent?? (although I assume they're skorts) .. Lea, no. too many coat and bandana. .. not Isa, look at that turtleneck.. Eraqus has too much armor for everyday wearage..  omg Ansem SoD has like a perfectly placed ab-gap in his clothes XD... Invi's flipping adorable, but I couldn't wear any of the Foretellers' hoods&masks every day...  Hey, someone tell old master xehanort that he's wearing Too Many Coats(tm).. don't even consider diz... Not Kairi's grm. like... an apron and a shawl? not my things. .. Braig looks utterly stupid... Even and older ienzo wear basically the same thing (labcoat) and no. .. Dilan is p much the same as braig and aeleus. .. young xehanort looks uncomfortable so No. .. No, not the brown cloaked figure (***I***8 ansem SoD*******G*)...  Ansem the wise is wearing a dumb scarf so no. I think I'm going with either Olette or baby Sora. Oh right, or Roxas' pjs. They look comfy. But the stars are stupid so idk.
  •  15. Have you ever had sea-salt ice cream? No. I wanna try it tho. 
  •  16. What kind of music does [insert character name] listen to? lolol idk. I'm NOT doin this for everyone.
  •  17. Do you think Terra is going to be saved in KH3? Yeah prolly, I mean, ... honestly...
  •  18. Be honest, who is your NOTP and why? AkuRoku I guess (Axel+Roxas) cuz... idk they're friends and it rubs me the wrong way. Also Venqua and Terraven (Ven+Aqua/+Terra) cuz they're basically his parents lol. slash siblings. Ok aqua's his parent and terra's his brother, basically. sorta. kinda. anyway. also RoxasXSora and NamineXKairi cuz. . . . uhhhhh they're the SAME STOPPPIT. Also Rikushi (Riku+Xion) and like... the stupid stuff like SoraXAriel and like MarluxiaXNamine???? And AxelXKairi? Ok I have a lot. I just don't like shipping, you guys.
  •  19. Do you depend on magic heavily? Only Curaga and Thunder.
  •  20. Did you save all 99 of the Dalmatian puppies? hECK YEAH (not as a cchild tho. but i tried.)
  •  21. Do you enjoy the Gummi Ship missions? in khii? they're okay. They're fun when you wanna zone out. 
  •  22. Who do you want to see norted? wth i guess riku XD no. Marluxia? probably? maybe .. . idk. Ienzo is fun to think about but honestly no. Vanitas? then we'd get to see silver-haired sora XD (or is vanitas already... idek know guys, I really need to get 2.8) // no explanations in there, not sure we'll see him norted tho. or even w/o his mask. ehhhuh
  •  23. What's your take on Vanitas? He's really good at what he does (evil total jerkface).  Honestly I mean this tho, like have you seen him? Look at this drama queen: 

  •  24. How did you react to KH2 Atlantica? Not too badly, since it was a nice safe place as a child (although I never got past Swim This Way and also I love Swim This Way I sing it all the time)(not really but I do love it)(sometimes I go to atlantica voluntarily to listen to it)
  •  25. Which worlds are going to be in KH3? Corona (Tangled), San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6), Mount Olympus (Hercules), (btw isn't it funny that the one world that's been in [what was it, all but 1?] kh games has no sequels?), Castle Oblivion/Land of Departure (to save Ven), Hollow Bastion (come on, it's totally gonna be there), Twilight Town, Keyblade Graveyard. Speculation: Frozen, Atlantis, Treasure Planet, Wreck-it Ralph, Monsters Inc., Jungle book (I mean, it was cancelled from BBS, and Pridelands got into KHII), ... idk. // Edit to add: Andy's Room+, Monsters Inc. for sure, and... no i think thats' it.
  •  26. How is KH3 going to end? ??????? how??? should I know??? (we'll probably fix kingdom hearts, seal it or whatever.)
  •  27. When did you cry? I teared up when Sora found Riku but Penguin was playing and so I didn't cry. I cried in Re:Coded when Namine showed us the people we need to save. I cried a tiny bit at the end of Ven's story (haven't finished the others' yet). I cry during AMVs sometimes. // I cried when watching the 358/2 Days movie [even though penguin was there/], I believe I misted up at the end of 0.2 .. no check that i think i cried. a bit. I may have misted up at XBC. also change that "sometimes" to "a lot"
  •  28. Favorite Disney character? His Majesty. Also uhh..... idk
  •  29. If you could draw anything and make it look good, what would it be? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DON'T GIVE ME THIS KIND OF POWER (sad things probably) (HUGS!!! I just remembered I could draw hugging so, hugging. :-)) // (SO MANY HUGS! EVERYONE HUGGINH!! AND ALSO doing things like . like i would draw Axel, Roxas, and Xion playing on the beach!! And Namine getting to play outside, maybe with Kairi or Xion or Aqua or someone)
  •  30. Do you like the mmd's? some are good. My personal favorites are Too Many Ansems [not changing, but I forgot
    that he's not really handsome he just went around telling everybody that he was] and This One [oh my WORD you guys it literally took me about an hopupr to find the link to this one. I couldn't find it in my "The Best" playlist on YouTube (where I thought it would be) but there was one deleted video, so I was worried, so I wanted to find where I found it from (this, when looking for gifs) but man if I couldn't search it up or remember anything about it other than "terra's holding some people (aqua and ven probably but idk) and walking funny. Axel's there." so. Do you know what I did. I looked through alllll the pictures in my "khii cutscene pics" folder (which is where I keep everything nowadays) and I couldn't filter by gifs (i was looking through on the upload to search by image thing on google so I could search it) so I pulled up the May Snippets (bc I remembered putting the gif there, I didn't know whether I kept it or not, but may as well check) and once it loaded, glanced through for anything with a caption other than "add caption" [also I made myself stressed bc I remembered that I have to caption all those gifs :-))))] and none of them were it so. I opened the "add picture" thing and let that load (bc even if I took it out of the post, it should still be uploaded on the "from this blog" tab?? right????), and while that loaded, I pAINSTAKINGLY looked through ALLLL the pics (I skimmed over areas that I knew wouldn't have it, but still) and then looked through AGAIN and I COULDN'T FIND IT. So I went back to the blog. It had finally loaded alll the files I have ever uploaded on here (hoo boy) so I scrolled through those. And guess what. I found it. It is called "WHAT IS THIS.gif" and hoo boy is it funny. Anyway, then I searched that up and whaddaya know? I finally found the post where I originally saw it]. 
  •  31. Favorite Keyblade? Ultima weapon, obvs. Otherwise . . . destiny's embrace // also!! ... wait... i don't .. have one.. oh yeah, oathkeeper! Also Rainfell and Wayward Wind... I like Bond of Flame...
  •  32. Why are Sora's shoes so big? He's got big feet, don't be rude
  •  33. Would your favorite character like you? i hope so? but also that's reaelly weird to think about i don't like it. they're all like 2 inches tall.
  •  34. Prettiest synthesis item? idk??????? {LOOKK AT THEM}
  •  35. Ever meet any of the voice actors? nah they're outta my league
  •  36. How do you feel about [insert character name] in a tootoo? (give me a character) (but probably either "adorable" or "they're gonna murder someone")
  •  37. What's the strangest thing you've ever encountered from the fandom? ummm... idk. Maybe when people were theorizing about Ventus being from chi period before it was revealed? (where do you even get that what the heck?)
  •  38. Do you have any KH merchandise or accessories? I have a t-shirt, and a keychain. // Plus we have a keyblade replica, and I have a Heartless hat!! 
  •  39. What would your weapon choice be? um? probably boomerangoid chakrams???? (if that's an option, I mean, come ON) // Otherwise, if we're talkin full on hypotheticals in which i could be proficient with anything? I guess maybe a keyblade, since it'd be easy to find someone to teach about it, or maybe a sword of some sort ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe a quarterstaff/
  •  40. Do you wish you could meet anyone? uh. you mean like just in general?
  •  41. Who do you think is the most attractive character? ??????like???conventionally or?????
    // Like Kairi's gorgeous/ and like. . Gula and Invi are alkdslgsldkn stunning, but honestly i think it's mostly the clothes + animation quality
  •  42. Ever dream about them? ummmm?????????????????????/
  •  43. Have you written KH fanfiction/do you wish you could write KH fanfiction? does grems count XD
  •  44. Is [insert character name] a cat person or a dog person? (need a character)
  •  45. If there was one thing you could change about the game, what would it be? less flipping time travel
  •  46. Easiest boss battle? um. Mimic master? Also.. hm. idk, it depends how leveled up you are XD i don't have trouble with many of the Story Bosses
  •  47. Hardest boss battle? sephiroth? No, wait, the phantom, the phantom! (ehh. both.)(I haven't played the final mixes yet, I'm playing through I.5+II.5 in Order) // also unknown and julius. and no heart. 
  •  48. Any tips on the [insert name] boss battle? level up. Seriously, if you stay on Destiny Islands until you're at leVEL NINETEEN you can beat anyone. Also, Penguin is playing KHI final mix and she somehow had 8 power ups and 8 defense ups when we were preparing to fight Clayton (before she had been to Wonderland) and ummm she's way OP now so do that as well. Note, I have NO idea where or why or how she got them. It may be a glitch.
  •  49. Are there any worlds that only appear once that you wish you could visit again in later games? pridelands (just cuz of open areas and dash)(and being a lion, of course), deep jungle (kind of. I like the difference of it, but it is frustrating. i feel like if it showed up in later games more well developed with less zigzagging it would be great)
  •  50. What annoys you most? why did LEA       get a keyblade?!?!?!? also time travel
  •  51. Do you know where Pluto is? lol what
  •  52. Does anyone know where the heck Pluto is? no. Unless he ended up back at Disney Castle?
  •  53. Any AU's you think are interesting? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 54. In a zombie apocalypse, who is resourceful and who is a fighter? ummmm i'll get back to you
Okee doke:
  1. Ienzo/Zexion
  2. Namine
  3. Roxas
  4. Larxene
  5. Luxord
  6. Master Yen Sid
  7. Vexen/Even
  8. Ansem the Wise
  9. Cid
  10. Aerith
  11. Merlin
  1. Riku
  2. Sora
  3. Terra
  4. Aqua
  5. Xion
  6. Marluxia
  7. Lexaeus/Aeleus
  8. Ansem SoD
  9. King Mickey
  10. Donald
  11. Goofy
  12. Leon
  13. Yuffie
  1. Axel/Lea
  2. Ventus
  3. Isa/Saïx
  4. Braig/Xigbar
  5. Young Master Xehanort
  6. Kairi
  7. Eraqus
Who dies straight off so it barely matters:
  1. Namine
  2. Xemnas
  3. Old Master Xehanort
  4. Goofy
  5. Ansem the Wise
  6. Aerith
  •  55. Is Kairi really that important? yES SHUT UP??
  •  56. When does Kingdom Hearts stop being about Sora? when it's birth by sleep or chi/"""union cross"""
  •  57. Who looks the most awkward in a flower crown? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Xemnas) (and DiZ/Ansem the Wise)
  •  58. Is SoKai canon? uhh kinda. 
  •  59. Did you like Riku with longer hair or shorter hair? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ shorter i think. with longer he looks like a slacker (plus that stupid slouch walk) // DEFINITELY SHORTER WTH PAST ME. he's literally always had short hair except when he was away for like a year spying on and killing kids
  •  60. Do you like Donald or Goofy more? donald will heal you so. (shush go into settings/customization/whatever it's called)
  •  61. In a Final Fantasy AU, what class would [insert character name] be in? uhm . . . class?
  •  62. What is [insert character name]'s favorite game? (ewhich character) // (if it's terra aqua or ventus probably command board ;P
  •  63. What do you think Xehanort is going to do next? lol who knows. Change the plot again? kill everyone? reinstate the keyblade war? Find Kingdom Hearts and realize it's just a really messed up video game and he did so many dumb things for a VIDEO GAME??!?!?!?! and then he goes to kill everyone? 
  •  64. Are Roxas and Ventus going to meet? lol
  •  65. Is Xion coming back? yeah probably // yes
  •  66. What are the princesses going to do during KH3? hopefully Something
  •  67. Which drive form do you prefer to use? Wisdom form!!! Slidin around and quick-cast magic for the WIN
  •  68. Favorite line from the game? i'll get back to you
  •  69. Who do you blame most when you die? Donald who else? sometimes goofy though, if he used up all the potions.
  •  70. Which character would be hardest to deal with on a sugar rush? sora? 
  •  71. If [insert character name] had a Tumb1r, what would they post? (need character)
  •  72. What is [insert character name] going to be for Halloween? " "
  •  73. What's your aesthetic? ???
  •  74. Do you ship yourself with anyone? wth no?????
  •  75. How often do you play Kingdom Hearts? All the Time™
  •  76. What do you think Riku's Nobody would look like? XD a dusk
  •  77. Who is creepier, Master Xehanort or Vexen? vexen. Master Xehanort is evil and obnoxious, but Vexen is DEFINITELY creepy.
  •  78. Have any of your friends mistaken a character for being another gender? Uhhhhhh I mistook Marluxia for a girl a few times, I think Penguin did too. Idk what else... (coughcoughIguesseveryonedidXionatsomepoint??????[i didn't tho cuz when i first learned about her it was on the wiki and stuff) // DAD ALWAYS MESSES UP TERRA. also i'm almost certain he's messed up Marluxia a Few Times. Oh, yeah i am bc of when i was complaining about Lauriam. Also he messes up the foretellers. OH YEAH and penguin's weird thing where she calls Xion "he" when she's in boss form but otherwise she's fine XD
  •  79. What do your parents think of Kingdom Hearts? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (that's both me and them)(as in idk really what they think and I think that's what they think) // Dad: *tries to remember stuff about it but fails a lot hilariously* Mom: O.o "ooo-kay."
  •  80. When was the last time you re-watched that scene that made you cry? lol idk, which one? probably 6-7 months ago? if it's the one in re:coded that really made me cry while playing. // A month or so ago i rewatched the Xion Battle cutscene..
  •  81. If you could ask Nomura for anything, what would it be? Let. Kairi. Be. A Guardian of Light. For Pete's sake.
    (also let her be playable k thnx bye)
  •  82. Suppose you get to another [one of the] world[s]. What would you do there? "I hadn't really thought about it." (PLAY)(or eat ice cream)(also it depends on what world I end up on)
  •  83. Was there another way to leave the island, besides by raft? well... they did it. (also their boats?????)(also Riku could've swum...)
  •  84. Whose side do you think Maleficient is on? come on, please go away Maleficent, you were a nice plot twist in the first game, but you're really overstaying your welcome)
  •  85. How do you feel about DDD Sora? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ haven't played, no opinion. (he's adorable) // I LOVE HIM. HE'S SO HAPPY. except at the end when his memories/dreams/whatever are messing him up. and i Do Not Approve of his "I know the keyblade didn't choose me, and i don't care. i'm proud to be a small part of something bigger. The people it did choose!" bECAUSE NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WERE "CHOSEN", SORA IS THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS ACTUALLY CHOSEN BY THE KEYBLADE.
  •  86. What summons are going to be in KH3? how should I know? Uhhh let's see... Genie, . . . uhhh... idk // Ariel, Ralph (Wreck-it Ralph), Stitch maybe?
  •  87. Did Xion, Roxas, and Axel ever get to go to the beach? ??? why are you asking? No? (except what was that thing where they were on the paopu tree someone PLEASE explain that whole day to me???) // Roxas and Xion got to... cuz.. in Sora's heart... they're on Destiny Islands... I hope they get to have fun there together...
  •  88. Explain the whole concept of time traveling to me? No
  •  89. How did everyone get their Keyblades? shut up //
    Aqua: Passed down from Eraqus
    Terra: Eraqus
    Ventus: Passed down from Xehanort or possibly someone from the past
    Invi: MoM
    Gula: MoM
    Luxu: MoM
    Ira: MoM
    Ava: MoM
    Aced: MoM
    MoM: Made it???
    Xehanort: Passed down from Luxu in the past, not directly probably
    Eraqus: His and Xehanort's Master
    Riku: Terra/his sword evolved
    Sora: Ven's Heart/Riku's Keyblade Migration
    Kairi: Aqua/Riku
    Mickey: Yen Sid
    Lea: Yen Sid
    Roxas: Sora's prerequisite, possibly Ven
    Xion: Sora's and/or Roxas' prerequisite

    Everyone in Chi: I assume from their Union Leaders, or maybe there are shops. Keyblades are pretty common
  •  90. Who would make the best parent? . . . . Aqua. // And Riku
  •  91. Is Organization XIII really made of Nobodies? uhhh uhhhh *sweats*
  •  92. What would be a cool new spell to use in KH3? idk about a new spell but khi aero? and gravity? // Maybe a water spell? considering the Water damage type in Dream Drop
  •  93. Who do you think is going to die in KH3? Riku?? (i can dream, can't I?) (no it's not just me being malicious, it would make sense storywise) Anyway. Xehanort/Xemnas/AnsemSoD/Isa/Saix/Braig/Xigbar/Whoever else gets norted. Ansem hte Wise for good? 
  •  94. If Roxas meets Lea in KH3, how would he feel? ???? idk??? how do you think he'd feel? probably angry? he was angry last times he saw Axel so? // Nah prolly super happy. lol i was a Fiery Child last year, wasn't i
  •  95. Why is "who else will I have ice cream with" such an important line? I DON'T KNKOW I'VE BEEN ASKING THAT FOR YEARS. (I guess because it shows that he's still upset with Axel and isn't considering him, as he assumes they're not friends anymore? and that Eating Ice Cream with Xion(tm) was always more important than Eating Ice Cream with Axel(tm), and what would be the point of eating ice cream without Xion?????) // lol also bc that's the only thing he does with his friends so Eating Ice Cream = Friendship
  •  96. Is there any symbolism you like? do not ask me about symbolism please . (Riku cutting his hair i guess? and all the stars? thalassa shells? [btw that literally means there's a kind of sea shell in the kh universe called a Sea Shell]) // do Parallels count? if so, check the Good KH Things page Here.
  •  97. If Namine wasn't born in Castle Oblivion but somewhere else instead, how do you think Re-Chain would have played out? um
  •  98. What's your favorite thing about the gameplay? irnga'lrn i don't know
  •  99. Favorite track on the OST? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dearly beloved, hikari orchestra/instrumental(AKA Sora's Sacrifice)/original/PlanitB remix/Ray of Hope mix/anything else), ventus' theme, Rage Awakened, Hand in Hand, Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion, Schzerio denotte or whatever it is lol, Sanctuary, Roxas' Theme, Namine's Theme, the Other Promise, Vector to the Heavens, Link to All,

"All I know about Ice Age is that the squirrel needs to stop." - Me, when discussing movies and stuff after going to grm's house today, 6/27/17

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