
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Friday, December 25, 2015

Quotes for Christmas!!

On our pajama ride, I spotted a store called "My Smoke Shop", so I said:  "Hey! That's My smoke shop!" Penguin looked over, saw the sign, and laughed. Mom gave me a weird look.

We saw some of my younger cousins earlier, not the gummi-dumb one, the others. I know it's confusing. :-) Too bad. Anyhoo, they said some funny things which I jotted down in the margin of my sketchbook. Oh, right, I do have it right here. :-)
Uncle: [asking Cuz T to help Younger Cousin T clean up the toys he pulled out] Do you know where they go?
Cuz T: Yeah; in the room I don't want to stand up to go to.
Perfect comeback reply! :-D

Later, Cuz P and I were playing an imagination game. We were best friends (except I somehow didn't remember anything about her last Christmas... *shrug*).
"I need to go see what's wrong, my sister's crazy."

So, merry Christmas!! Happy winter! Happy Long Night Moon! Happy Hanukkah (y'know, two weeks ago)! Happy Escaping Peril comes out in 4 days-ness!!!!!!!! Oh, did I forget to tell you that the release date got pushed back/forward a week? CUZ IT DID!! 8D

And go check out the FREAKY AWESOME COVER plus other stuff (like an amazing title) here

Anyway, have a good day! And holidays!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Clue 7:

I may or may not take this down after you finish the treasure hunt, Penguin.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Greetings, Nerds!

Today I have a special guest. Here's a vague idea of what she looks like:
Made with the wolf maker on

I am here with Moonbeam. Hello, Moonbeam!


I'm going to ask you some questions, okay?

Yes, I already agreed.

I know. What is your happiest memory?

Isn't this kind of personal?

Duh... Didn't you know it was going to be?

Well, yeah. Of course. My happiest memory is... When I first helped bring down a deer. That was fun.

Cool. What makes you laugh so hard soda shoots out of your nose?

Um... what?

... Nevermind. What don't you want anyone to find out about you?

I... am incredibly nosy.

Oo, that would be a problem, wouldn't it?

*buries nose in paws, blushing* [moaning] Yeeees

Sorry. What is the best part of your personality?

[immediately] That I'm funny.

... *apparently holding back a giggle*


... *laughs*

Okay, okay! I'm not really funny. But I am sympathetic. 

What shoes do you usually..... *sees Bea's face* Name some things that you are not very good at.

Why should I?

*Rolls eyes* Just do, please.

Fine. I'm terrible in paw-to-paw combat, and hunting birds. *Smiles apologetically* And respecting privacy.

*Blinks* *Looks around* What are you doing?

*Looks to the side sheepishly*

*Rolls eyes* *Sighs* Okay, you know what question I'm going to ask next, but I'ma ask it anyway. How would your best friend describe how you look?

Creepy. My eyes. *Gestures*

*Looks closer* *Pulls back in surprise* They're inverted!

I guess?

Cool!! Okay, what irritates you?

When people notice me in their mind... It's not good.

Anything else?

People whose thoughts drag on so slooowwly. Also those that think in pictures? Ver ver weird.

What are you afraid of?

Umm... Well.. Either frogs or.. *eyes widen* Ehhh!

*Holding back a smile/laughter* Like Sora? <haha. Had to do this to someone, right? I mean; how can you be scared of indecisiveness? I guess I'll find out as I write...>

*nods* I can't decide!!! Gaaah!

Calm down. Mind telling me about your family?

Not at all, but you already know them all. Thunderglow's pretty much just a jerk, especially to Ripple. I don't know why.



*raises eyebrows*

Okay, yes, I know but... It's weird. He just... He has a weird philosophy on life. I can't figure out how it started; it's like he's always had it. I can't find anything in his memories or thoughts that references it. Like, what? He thinks that he's above anyone without powers. And I think he thinks that we're all like that too. Or at least that we should. I mean, we all hang out with Ripple. We share our prey with her... We eat the fish she catches, too. I wish he'd be nicer, but I don't think I can get him to without changing him too much or hurting him. But Ripple beats herself up about it. I wish I could help her, too, but I can't very well extinguish her memories, can I? 
Fireburst really wants to love us all, but just hardly cares. He makes a lot of mental jokes<ltrly wrote jobs. Like, What? Really, me? Really?>.  Ha ha. He does that way too often. The "ha ha", not the jokes. Well... That too, to be honest. 
Let's see... Dewcloud... I try to stay out of her head. I want to help her, but I can't go through that. I don't think anyone could do that voluntarily. And it must be nearly impossible for anyone to go through unprecedented. It's gotta take a majorly tough dog to live with those memories, going over them daily. 
And there's Gale. She... She's the one I listen to if I can't focus or everyone's freaking out. Her mind is soothing. She thinks in an even pace, and her thoughts are always friendly. 
Then, of course, there's Frosty and Sootfreeze... They're best friends. Ree is probably the most responsible of all of us, and she's sort of our leader, even though she's the second-youngest. Frostflurry is the youngest, and she's just sort of ... there. I mean, I love 'er, but she doesn't stick out much. 
Starbubble is the oldest, and he's got a great power. He can make a forcefield around anyone but himself. They're always stationary, though, so he can't protect us when we're moving. He's deaf... it's a long story... Anyhow, he found a loophole to the forcefield problem: he can make forcefields all around and be protected, at least from the sides. 
Mistfur is very honest... Moss grows wherever she steps, growing up as her paw leaves the ground. She does all our bedding and stuff. She's pretty friendly, but she has to watch her mouth to keep from giving things away. She's pretty innocent, but she's polite. She doesn't ask many questions. At least out loud.

Is that everyone?

Uh-hu-- Well, there's Mom, but...


Yeah, so...

What does your den look like?

Oh. Uh.. I don't really do anything to it.. So, empty? There's nothing in it but moss. 

What do you think of yourself when you look in a mirror-- er, your reflection?

Uh.. That it's me? I don't know... I have enough people judging me all the time to judge myself, if that's what you're asking.

*nods head to side* I guess that makes sense. What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?





*purses lips* *raises eyebrows* *looks to the side*


*blushing* I... uh. I... I, uh, happened to be... within range when Dapple was thinking about me.. Like, he likes me... I've been trying to be less intrusive. I mean, imagine you stumble upon a notebook. You open it to see whose it is, and on the very first page... there's a heart with "__+__" in it? And one of those blanks is you. How would you react? Especially if you didn't like them.

*nods* Talk about awkward. How about we move on to a more comfortable subject?... Actually, no, I don't have one. Do you have a crush on anyone <Penguin, I think you know what I'm thinking about as I write this. {No, not my crush. I don't have one. It's an inside joke.}>?


Sorry. I have a list of questions I'm supposed to ask. Only one more after this.

I don't know...

That's cool. And now, last question, what do you really, REALLY want most in the world?

Well... I guess I want to help all of my friends get over their problems. At least I wouldn't have to deal with them all the time.

Awesome. That concludes our interview. Thank you so much for your time, Moonbeam!

Thank you for having me. *stands to go*

*also stands* Bye! Say hi to everyone for me!


I don't know what to quote for you guys. I'm sorry, I haven't been doing it lately. I know that Penguin in particular likes them. But I don't know what to do, so sorry.

NEVERMIND!! My lovely sister has provided me with a wonderful quote today, as I played my new game on Kingdom Hearts 2. I scribbled it down on a scrap of paper somewhere (on the arm of the sofa) lemme go grab it...

"Yeah. I just woke up in a lotus. Sup." (Just after becoming Sora; discussing why I feel safer or stronger or something when fighting as Sora than I do as Roxas, considering the possibility of the influence of battle cries.)