
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April 2018????????????? Snippets

I had so much to say this month that my snippets are in two parts. Check out part 2 HERE.

i just about choked on mY oWN BrEatH reading these old screencaps of portions of characters' lines ~~
"(DiZ sits at the computer with the cloaked man standing behind him) \\ ?????: Was that Namine made of data? \\ DiZ: No. Namine hijacked the data herself. Look what she's done now... She's totally beyond my control! \\ (DiZ slams the desk with a fist) \\ ?????: Calm down."
A selection of Kairi's lines from KHII: "Riku!? \\ Riku . . .You're really here . . . \\ Sora! \\ Sora! It's really you! \\ You leave Sora alone! \\ Sora---! \\ This time . . . I'LL fight. You know Sora's completely hopeless without us! C'mon, Riku! \\ Oh? \\ You and Riku never came home, so I came looking for you. \\ This is real . . . \\ Riku, don't go! \\ Riku. \\ Sora, come here. Say something to him."
"Yuffie: So where've you guys been all this time? \\ Goofy: We were sleepin'. \\ Cid: Where? In cold storage? \\ (Sora, Donald, and Goofy act nervously)"
"Sora: Who's gonna fix Agrabah? \\ Sora: I guess Agrabah's all right now."
Another selection of Kairi's lines from KHII: "Riku! \\ Sora! Riku! \\ Sora! Where are you? \\ Look at that! \\ Thank you, Namine. \\ We'll be together every day. Right, Sora? \\ Sora! Riku! \\ We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. \\ And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky---one sky, one destiny. \\ Sora! Riku! \\ Sora! Riku! \\ Look."
"Goofy: Did ya get 'im? \\ Sora: Hmm... Oh---he's gone. \\ Donald: What!? You lost him? \\ Sora: Anyway... What now?"
"(Donald looks around and sees Xemnas inside the moon)"
"(Demyx acts all scared)"
"(Sora, Donald, and Goofy are feeling a little bashful)"
"(He pictures Roxas smashing the computer to pieces)"
"Sora: Hay! Check us out. \\ Sora: This place is kinda creepy, though. \\ Sora: Heartless? \\ Sora: Yeah, that's right! \\ Sora: Um...we didn't bring anything to eat. \\ Sora: I dunno what that was about, but I'm glad it's over! \\ Sora: Everything's harder on four legs... \\ Sora: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? \\ Sora: Stay back! \\ Sora: Definitely Heartless. \\ Sora: Did you see any other Heartless around here?"
"Sora: Huh? \\ Sora: Dead end? \\ Sora: Kairi... We're almost there. \\ Sora: Kairi! Where are you? \\ Sora: Where's Kairi? \\ Sora: What do you mean!? \ Sora: I'm supposed to believe that? \\ Sora: But---Kingdom Hearts! \\ Sora: Kairi! \\ Sora: What's going on!? \\ Sora: Show yourself!"
"Jack Sparrow: Perhaps I got a tough o' somethin' from that monster what attacked us. et, why's the skin restin' right on you three? \\ Donald: 'Cause we're not greedy! \\ (Sora and Goofy stare at Donald) \\ Donald: What're you looking at? \\ Sora: That still doesn't solve the mystery. \\ (Jack walks out of the moonlight and regains his human form) \\ Goofy: Gawrsh... Maybe the reason we're all okay is because we're not from this world. \\ Donald: There must be different laws."
"DiZ: There's no knowledge that has the power to change your fate. \\ Roxas: Even if it doesn't, I wanna know. I have the right to know! \\ A Nobody doesn't have a right to know. Nor does it even have the right to be. \\ Roxas: But what IS a Nobody!? \\ (Ansem still hooded appears) \\ Ansem: DiZ, we're out of time. Too many Nobodies!"
"Donald: Yeah, that must be why we didn't see him! \\ Sora: Huh? \\ Donald: You must be tired, Sora."
"Sora: Open up! \\ Sora (banging on the door): Open up!"
"Sora: Rats! \\ Sora: Wait! \\ Sora: Oh, no! She can't breathe like that! \\ Sora: Looks like it's going pretty well!"
"Sora: Huh? \\ Sora: Uh...yeah! \\ Sora: Riku... C'mon. \\ Sora: What? \\ Sora: Riku! \\ Sora: That doesn't mean YOU'RE eternal! \\ Sora: Riku! \\ Sora: Riku! \\ Sora: We did it!"
"Sora: Riku? \\ Sora: Riku! \\ Sora: Riku, you gonna take that off? \\ Sora: What was that? \\ Sora: Lie? And just who were you trying to fool? Huh? Huhhh? \\ Sora: Riku... C'mon, man! Why did you try to do so much on your own?"
A selection of Namine's lines from KHII: "'s strange. \\ I always though [sic] Nobodies were doomed to fade back into darkness... \\ So, we can be together again!"
"(Goofy and Donald are slightly shocked at Sora)"
a picture of a document. we can see hte bottom of "[some 3-digit number]. Look sharp." then the heading "SORA", followed by a numbered list: "A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up--yours and mine. \\ Whoa! \\ Give me a break, Kai--! \\ Wh-who's there? \\ What? \\ I \\ Who are you? \\ Oh...Where am I? \\ What happened to my home? My island? \\ Riku! Kai--! \\ Who are you?" The numbers reach to 11. The scroll bar on the side is not quite halfway down. Sora has more lines than the rest of the characters combined.
"Sora: What's going on? \\ Sora: How's Tron doing? \\ Sora: We'll go check on Tron."
"Donald: Well, which way should we go? \\ Sora: Riku!  Kairi!"
"(The Beast remembers)"
"Sora: The Heartless. \\ Sora: Not the Heartless, huh... \\ Sora: How will we know for sure?"
A cut-off part of a sentence, reading: "--im to come to the I/O tower? Tha--". This is from my realization that I/O is like the Power button
"(The wizard calms Donald down)"
"(Tigger bounces Pooh)"
Cut off to read: "Sora: You okay? \\ Axel: I kidnapped Kairi, --"
"DiZ: Roxas, to the mansion! The time has come! \\ Roxas: Hayner! Pence! Olette! \\ (Roxas runs to Market Street)"
A numbered list, running from 838 to 841. "Sora: What's wrong? \\ Sora: Belle? What's with them? \\ Sora: Hey. What's with you? \\ Sora: What, that? He took it?"
"Sora: A new pathway has opened. \\ Sora: Which means... \\ Sora: This place is... \\ Sora: Something's up! \\ sora: Only one way to find out. \\ Sora: Hey!"
"(Sora flips the handle around and offers the Keyblade to Jack Sparrow) \\ Jack Sparrow: Hold on! That was far too easy. What's the rub? \\ Jack, slightly hesitant, takes the Keyblade and holds it up. The blade vanishes from his hand and reappears in Sora's. Jack points at him with both hands) \\ Jack Sparrow: There, you see? \\ Sora: Well, you've always got the Pearl, Jack."
partially out of anger at kairi's lines but also . . "are feeling a little bashful". "what's wrong? what's with them? what's with you?" etc - 4/2 8:41 AM

I know 2 words in japanese: hikari (light) and terebi (television) and idk what to make of that - 4/4 12:27 AM

who's the stupid.. snail from starwars? yknow.. boba fett. . . jujube... uhh the snail. mmmmmmm who is he i can't remember who he is im pretty sure he's the same as boba fett. am i wrong. prove me wrong. - 1:55 AM

also whOO is jabba the hutt? are they from star wars? are they the snail guy? ??? i know his name starts with j. jooizzzzzzzy guy? juice snail. is he jabba the hutt? that can't be right/ -- 3:54 AM

oH YEAH Can we talk about that time riku said (in dream drop) "i know the way. consume the darkness. return it to light." bc ??????????????????????? what is he implying??????? i dont wanna spell it out but he eats the darkness??????? and i guess it unifies with his body, becoming light // he is Literally An Air Purifier // he's Shaymin // he Is light thus by eating the darkness it now belongs to light // he eats it and then it's part of his body which belongs to the light so now the darkness belongs to the light // ???? light  (i wrote light there at some point in the last five minutes but i don't recall it)wth??? i assume it's a translation issue? but then again in jpn the line "i'm what nightmares fear" was originally "i eat nightmares" or smth, so??????/ HWY IS THERE SO MUCH EATING THINGS  IN THE MEDIA????//???/?????//// - 4/5 12:21 AM

(also dream drop spoilers in the grey) guys im hyperventillatigan from laughing guys xemnas isnt holding mickly eagnsig one of the jcahrs, he's just holdddddding himmm laliedhgl
guys in tryin g to find a better shot of it i am hearing master xehanort's insuuffERABLY SELF SENETERSD PLAN "it was decided."
"on this day my twelve selves would welcome me here" BOY YOU KNO WHAT
yes mickey should have known that HTIS GUY KNWOS TIME TRAVEL
 yeeessssss... >:]
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;lerln i mdnk nkdligyoiiongeio nlieagoihn4lgxv
the prize i seeeeeeekk.....
likle the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the names Lea
(slightly spoiler image below)

"ok quinton you have to sound super ruhghghhghgh uhhmmmmm whats the word dang owarhw;lhndl hum not snobby umm  not mysterisou . . ughghhghghhhmhmmhm haughty maybe? alihgslkd lks taunting, and alwrkshglakdsj sdcokcy. ok?"
"wait but like, is that in character? shouldn't i be more snarky and mean?"
"no ur reformed now. just... tuant them but dont' do it well ok"
now HERE they did the VA right!!! laooakkk  it sounds so good. . .. so natural . .  largrohald kl honestlyyy - 1:01
it's been like 15 minutes since i started this bit loll
if u go frame by frame, the reason lea didnt get caught is bc he has better reflexes than anyone, even when carrying a 16 year old boy.
the goofy yell here ... is astounding...
"we are out of time :(" he says liek hes' adjourning al meeting laeijkewalkewipd jiewohdi9 ha
he sounds so disappointed and resigned aldplidginailrel oini m i m  d y  i  n  g .
- 1:10 AM

i knew i was right not to trust owls
potoos are real and they are coming for me
dont look up a picture the're the most terify ng creature ive ever seen - 6:31 AM

they're not owls but they are nocturna l and terrifying. - 6:52

me: "how much sleep did you get last night?"
Penguin: "All."
- 4/6 1:48 AM

penguin, looking at pictures of short hair for reference: "I don't think I could pull off short hair."
me, pausing and then looking at penguin, my SISTER, who has SHORT HAIR: ".. pENGUIN."
"yesterday? I wasnot alive yesterday"
~ 4/6 11:27 PM

im so upset that all the kh merch is KHII. they're all cuter in khi. also what about mgirl aqua or mboy ven? or mgirl xion?? or namine? get on your gAMe, merch makers. you have all of sora's drive forms. how botu 1 (one) Xion? a nami? please i begy ou - 4/7 4:47 AM

wellll this is the worst thing i've ever seen Image result for kingdom hearts figure aqua
- 5:03 AM

boy, sure would be nice if NOT EVERYTHING WAS A BLIND BAG

i know, i want em too, but they idea sucks its just a stupid money grab and it needs to end. askghdlk hls gosh
look at these they're so cute but they're bLIND BAGS
ughghghghhhhh g
i mean, idk why everyone has the same face but terra and roxas (and don don and gooby) (like if you're gonna do that, maybe don't give xion and nami the same cutesy smils?) (just a suggestion, i mean they spend their respective games -- actually all of their appearances -- in like some real troubling dilemmas so) (of course i think i could do better but yknow go with what you got) (and what you got is three total even slightly official namine figures)
boys im in love
im sorry to tell you this but there are zero ventus figures. unless you count this Image result for kingdom hearts figure ventuswhich i don't. - 5:16
have i MENTIONED how much i love the keyblade keychains?
no im not takling abt the keychains on the keyblade in the game
ahhh haoh weohtao ighwi  i want them a l l
but  especially gula's and lea's and invi's ~~
i have an oathkeeper, its not from the same line (it's pewter) but i love it so much and i want more
i love gula's keyblade
and also invi's
which is great bc they're my favorite foretellers
anyway these things are so beatuifl im going to cry - 5:32 AM

one little PROBLEM they don't have the keychains 👀👀 - 5:34 AM


i absoLUTELy need a kh amv with break up in the end - 6:05 AM

rolling over and having to move over your whole pillow structure - 4/8 4:52 AM

hey guys i just realized that both the tron worlds in kh end with tron falling down a pit
what does this mean - 4/8 8:37 AM

"Hey pupplez, why does this organization member have pink highlights on their coat?"
"huh?? . . oh! haha"
". . . .  . and glOWING RED EYES?"
"that's the anti-black coat nightmare."
"i dont like it." .. [reading]: "anti-black coat nightmare..."
~ yesterday while i was going to sleep and penguin was playing dream drop in the other room~ - 8:40 AM


The roots of a polynomial are values that make the polynomial equal ___.





this is just weird. why is the 1 in a different font, like the equation font? - 10:47 am

The points where the graph of the polynomial crosses the x -axis are called ___ number roots.






The value of a polynomial at x=7 is the ___ when the polynomial is divided  by x-7.





it's the real - 11:01 am

It is often useful to find the ___ of a polynomial in order to find its roots.






say it with me: it 👏 is 👏 often 👏 useful 👏 to 👏 find 👏 the 👏 synthetic 👏 of 👏 a 👏 polynomial 👏 in 👏 order 👏 to 👏 find 👏 its 👏 roots 👏 - 11:15 AM

A shortcut method of dividing a polynomial by a linear polynomial by using only the coefficients of the terms of the polynomial is called ___ division.





C O N S T A N T   D I V I S I O N   - 11:18 AM

when you're eating and a bit of slightly flavorful food touches the sore on ypur lip - 4/12 2:23 PM
summer.... the time of no hunger... mugginess... staying up lae but miserable... bugs... watermelon... pasta salad... swimming... dehydration... it approacheth. . . - 4/13 2:10
im writing an explanation for what order to play the kh games in and honestly kh is just ridiculous. A lot of it is "this is when it takes place, this is when it came out, this is what it mentions and affects, have fun" - 4/13 3:17 PM
Hi I'd like to thank the Wii for allowing me to play video games while eating a popsicle _ 4/13 6:20 PM
Im really glad that being in the RoD didn't make Aqua evil, instead just whittling away her hope and strength with endless Heartless and stuff, making her paranoid and depressed. Im . . really glad the RoD doesn't just make people evil.. - 4/15 10:04 AM
guUUUYyyYyyssss . . look at this Scar guuyyyyyss... - 10:09 AM
Let's talk about the foretellers' elements/attributes i guess is the word we use in kh. Invi's summoning energy is green and she uses water }GIF{Aced is pretty obviously earth but when he's fighting Invi he appears to use some kind of gravity attack.Ava's summoning energy is pink, and she seems like a flower gal, but im not sure with evidenceGula's keyblade looks like lightning plus he's yellow, so lightning is a reasonable guessIra?????????? doesn't do anything of notice????? his costume is white which makes me think ice but that's pretty close to water and also eh.No one seems to use fire which is weird.- 10:28 AM
then you have the similarities to the apprentices+ -- aced is aeleus/lexaeus, ira is saix/isa, MoM is braig/xigbar, gula is ienzo/zexion? or even?/vexen? Ava could be ienzo cuz she's the youngestwhoa wait i should explain themaced and aeleus/lexaeus -- both are heavy hitters and big, strong, stocky boys. and they'er both associated w the color brown and red 
MoM is braig/xigbar bc they're lITERALLY THE SAME PESRON
 ira is saix/isa -- bc laihaowihs ira is wrath and saix has berserk mode thing so that's a thing, also they look exactly hte same
 1) they both have blue hair 2) 

 Lauriam is Marluxia. . 1) they are L I T E R A L L Y the same person 2) they both have pink hair 3) they both have flower stuff 4) death
Ven is roxas (do i need the pics?)
Gula is ????? somene? ienzo, or vexen bc he does deduction and stuff, science right
lets say even bc then ava can be ienzo?
 then ava is ienzo -- 1) the youngest of the group
then i guess invi is xaldin. . ehhhhhh -
Luxu is Xehanort bc. . well..
 ephemer is roxas tho
maybe ienzo they both have grey hair
hdgalkshgdklh alkhi
blaine is ienzo. - 11:06 am

oh no.... there's a band called the wombats... im legally obligated to listen to all of their songs and get obsessed with them .... sigh fine - 4/15 6:18 PM

well that took a really weird . . turn at the end. - 6:20 PM

If the highest exponent of a polynomial function is ___, then the range of the function is always all real numbers.





The ___ of a polynomial function is sometimes all real numbers.





hmm - 10:32 PM

Oliver twist au where everything's the same except in food glorious food they sing made up foods bc whoever told them about pease pudding decided to screw with them - 11:46 pm

dad explaining the mickey domeboy: "...wearing sora's outfit, must've murdered sora,..."
I .. absolutely .  lOVE the japanese translations of the unversed mission unversed names: Flame Box - Lost Runner - Survival Bottle - Diet Tank - Ringer Pot - Jelly Glee Tea - Element Cluster - Shade Jelly - Launching Plant  XD also Crown Unlimit  . ~ sometime while i was working on the kh play order thing

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