
Kairi and Sora... holding hands...

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Augustus Gloop Snippets 2018

i started writing a story on grems but it turned into an actual fanfiction help me if i stop writing i'll never finish - 8/2 12:44 am

i'm writing this kind of like an episode script. so like, i'm saying what they're doing and saying but as penguin put it "with minimal narration" - 1:08 am

biggest problem with The Greatest Showman is that that's not???? opera??????? - 2:02 am

(Days and KHII spoilers)
ok but axel and xion both pursued more information. They both snuck around and read things they weren't supposed to find, and went places they weren't supposed to be, bc they felt that there was more to know. But roxas didn't. Roxas assumed everything was fine, and took everything at surface value, which yeah, is a result of circumstances, but also i think it's an important thing.
like, like throughout days, he seeks knowledge, but it's pretty shallow, like "what does terminated mean?" and "what are hearts?" and "what's the difference between friends and best friends?" and yeah he does ask about why he and xion are "special" and why they don't have memories from before they were nobodies and why they're collecting hearts but when he doesn't receive adequate answers, or if he doesn't understand something, he doesn't attempt to figure it out.
when axel tries to explain "best friends" to him his response is basically to go "i don't get it but whatevs" and go on with life.
He doesn't know where he came from, and he's pretty much fine with that -- well, actually, he may not be "fine with that" but he doesn't see any way to learn more about it so he just doesn't try. And yeah, maybe there is less of a way for him to find out where he came from than for xion, given her nature as an experiment which would obviously have records, but he doesn't try.
Xion breaks into the computer, and sneaks off to Castle Oblivion. Axel snoops around and reads some books. Roxas goes on missions, eats ice cream, and goes to bed, presumably.

In twilight town, he expresses interest in understanding what's happening, but really doesn't make any effort to investigate until he's told what to do (by DiZ or by Namine or by his friends). Like... He rebels against DiZ and Axel but not until he's confronted by them and they're telling him to do things that conflict with his own motivations.
"merge with sora" um sorry that's freaky and also i don't wanna die??
"come back with me to where you used to work" ummm you're scaring me and I don't think i should trust strangers plus i'm fine right here thanks
"roxas go to the mansion" nothin better to do the world is frozen so sure
"roxas use the keyblade" the what? oh . sure what else am i gonna do, just let these dusks beat me up?
"we're going to the beach meet me at the station" ok
"let's go to the beach on a whim, go earn 500 munny doing odd jobs" ehh ok
Honestly he just sort of takes everything at face-value and doesn't seem to think about the future at all it's wild - 3:37 am

Did DiZ create parents for roxas in data-Twilight Town - 6:20 am

please imagine me screaming

thank you - 8/2 7:52 AM

Sometimes it seems like the people at the gas station aren't saying actual words. It sounds like English but half the time i caant hear any words - 3:22pm

back to roxas
maybe it is just naivete, but still: the fact that it doesn't even occur to him that things might not be as simple as they seem; that summoning kingdom hearts might not be the best plan of action, that xion isn't a normal nobody (and saix and xigbar arent just arbitrarily treating her differently.. not like it's okay, but they didn't just randomly choose to call xion "it" and act like it's weird when she has free will and not any of the others), that people might lie to him. He just accepts whatever people tell him, until he's solidified his own understanding of the world and people say things that disrupt that understanding. Which probably is a result of his basically-newborn state at the beginning of the game/his existence? but like the big thing is that Saix and Xigbar obviously treat xion differently and he just assumes they're jerks. It makes sense? but like Axel (who yes given has extra contact with Saix and knows him better and for longer, and is privy to more inside information due to his position) sees that and figures out why. xion (who yes given, is driven by a desire to understand herself which is surely more powerful than any desire roxas might have to understand his friend) is constantly running away, or sneaking into places, or getting outside information (riku). despite his immense worry for xion (namely when she's comatose and when she loses her ability to summon her keyblade), roxas doesn't actively do  a n y t h i n g  about it. - 5:30 pm

"One keyblade is enough... for any friendship" Aqua.. sweetie, think of the power imbalance tho - 5:41 pm

thaaaaaaat's what was wrong with terra's pants in 0.2 ...

- 5:55 pm

i gotta finish CoM so I can play khii so I can watch the re:Coded movie - 6:32 pm

Computer is again out of commission. Sigh. - 8/3 6:39 pm


Oh my gosh... Riku.. He was reassuring rikuplika as he was dying omg... Rikuplika... OMg... Idk what im feeling rn but.. Oh boy... - 1:18 am

NaminΓ© just straight up offered to put Riku in an indefinite coma so that Ansem will never be able to take over riku again. Because apparently Ansem is in rikus heart and there's nothing else they can do about it i guess - 1:25 am


OH so namine wanted him to choose to face the darkness huh? THEN WHY DID SHE IMPLY THAT THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF ANSEM IS TO GET RID OF RIKU,; rather than presenting it as a choice between two actions she made it sound like it was a choice between action and inaction like bruh - 1:30

RIku just said "you and kairi smell the same" and penguin thought i was dying - 1:34

Riku: *opens doors and sees mickey mouse on the other side*
Mickey: "gosh. I guess yoy decided not to go to sleep"
1 :40

mickey put like 3 syllables in DiZ 1:40

idiot 1:41

Riku: hey. Who're you?
DiZ, a complete idiot with no respect for anyone who only cares about his own reputation as being Cool and Aloof and Mysterious: I could be nobody, or anybody

"Ir is up to you whether you choose to believe in me or not" what the heck he's not santa claus - 1:44

are you supporting me? Or are you abandoning me?
Riku what kind of false dichotomy 1:46

DiZ's "solution" to "the organization will pursue you" is to have riku dress up in their uniform - 1:48


so hey ive seen other people give riku clothes multiple times and im pretty sure if they didnt he'd never get new ones

and shut up about sora - 1:52

I πŸ‘ HATE πŸ‘DIZ πŸ‘ - 1:54

Sidekick: Together ❤ we can do it ♥ !!
Angsty Hero: sorry 😒 im an idiot and i have to do this Alone™ 😒😒😒
Everyone: πŸ’

this is so freaking funny riku was like "if ansem's the victor, hes going to enslave me" and then he said if that happens for mickey to destr--- o 'course! I'll be right there to save ya.
No, thats not it. I want you to destr--- no way!! 😁😁

oh and then mickey implied tgat if riku didnt believe mickey would come through for him, the promise to save him was redacted im literally going to die - 2:02

Boyyyyyy guys this amv is freakin MAGICAL
8/5 2:01 am

Sure is Fun maxing out Riku's level when I've maxed his HP since level 68 and attack from before that im on ldvel 80 im so tired
but it is infinitely better than leveling in bbs bc i played for half an hour and i got 4000 exp. I started at 16000 to next level. Given, for about half of that i was just exp walker-ing - 5:33 am

Do you know how utterly baffled my brain was when i had to read one of those glossy-paged skinny paperback books for school about George Washington Carver? Do you know what kind of hoops my little baby mind went through to consolidate these two george washingtons? Yikes - 6:15

Chester was barking at the gate that mom put up so he'd stop waking her up itching, so i put him on a chair w a blanket and now he's sleebing - 8/6 4:20 ayyyym

I beat a wyvern in a duel and when ir said "successful" i thought it said stressful xD - 8/7 3:21 am

When you pass off Captain Dark to your Command Board opponent who's ahead by like 2000 GP:
Heck yeah eat the rich - 4:42 am

Yo!! I just noticed the Secret Board is shaped like their thing
the likecsymbol.. Yknow??

5:00 am

Me: why am i so hungry?? I JUST ate, lije, *checks clock* ... 3.. hoyrs ago...
 - 8/7 10:16 am

Penguin is fighting final xemnas and he was saying "here!" And we made fun of that and then he did it again and penguin said "beer! Beer!". 4:24 pm

I woke up and my lower legs hurt like crazy why - 8/8/18 3:23 AM

seriously yesterday i just played videogames for 8+ hours then went shopping w mom and penguin could any of that have done it. 3:31 am

Hey if 100% humidity = raining, how can we be at 99% humidity with 0% chance of precipitation? - 5:30 am


Brainstorming ideas for 3x3 grid memes - 10:55 pm

Why am I so anxious ~~ I've been taking my medicine 8/9 1:07 AM

And so the 3-day wedding marathon befins, with a 3.5 hour trip to Golfland for the bachelorette party, complete with flower girl saying 1) that she'd like to come stay with us forever, and 2) drawing a map on the scorecard so we can find her house (whish is in another state) and 3) aasking several times to ensure that we /will/ come vist her at her house, right
We were told to come at 3, got there at 3:25, and waited half an hour for the bride to show up lol. Also i had an online class the second i woke up (5 minutes, same dif) which ended five mins before we were supposed to leave, although if my aubt had called a little earlier to tell us she was running late it wouldn't have been a rush. Neither here nor there. We paused after 9 holes because it was hot and we were all melting, and four other ppl showed up. Yeah, at first it was just me, penguin, mom, and my aunt. Phlehh then we went to jack in the box and gotburly fries and a milkshake so that was nice - 8/9 9:48 pm

l9okin over the timetable for the  wedding
Bride and bridesmaids to be hidden
Oh yike we gettin kidnapped - 11:30 pm
iPod should be activated for pre-ceremony music
iPod should be activated for pre-ceremony music
But yanno, if it's not, like, that's fine - 11:34

 First reading: Song of Solomon
Aw nuts i hate that one - 11:36

{Gif of immortal maize walker saying "homily homily homily"}

 ~~~ Pauses for bites of food and water as needed ~~~
What?? you dont freaking GIVE A SPEECH while eating - 11:40

 ~~~Times for events during reception approximate~~~
Wait so the times for setup and the ceremony are exact? - 11:41

I think the only thing i have to do is stand and look pretty for half an hour and then pose for pictures - 11:46

Cramberries my earbuds BROKe one ear just came out of the pause button slash connector this is unbelievable
Now i have to use the swag earbuds from my sister which wind up in a case like a measuring tape,but the case isvin the miiiuddle of the wire SO they're effectively half as long bc it pulls the buds out of my ears, or i can use the sucky swag earbuds from my school which are basically prebroken, as i discussed here, or i can use the almost dead headphones which have a three mile long cord. Bleehhhhhhhhhhh - 8/11 12:54 am

Ok, no on the sister swag buds, they make everything echoey and tinny. - 12:57

Headphones it is then HECK - 1:00 am

Two birds send Donald Duck a box of presents including a personalized documentary about Latin American birds, a book of Blue Skidoo pages also containing one of the gifters, and the other gifter who WILL show up with guns blazing. The gifters are in love with Donald Duck. The movie is The Three Caballeros. 8/12 12:05 am

Me at the reception, getting a bag of candy for souvenir: yeah, this'll last me like two months, at least
Me now, eating hershey's kisses like a madman: yum yum corn
- 12:12 am

Yo YouTube is playing while I'm on another tab wth!! - 8/12 10:24 pm

Things i learned todau about drawing: everything's bigger than you think. The hair will go off the head. Not that big. Adding the jawline literally is mandatory. 1:25 pm

i just had an existential crisis about mirrors how's your day also i didn't do my homework - 8/16 2:03 PM

i hate writing i can't do it - 8/17 12:34 am

i am a delicate flower and my care instructions say "water frequently" and "Keep out of direct sunlight" "full shade" if i am in the sun for five minutes i start to wilt - 12:36 am

Hey guess what??? I jussst finished chain of memories!!!!!!!!! Yayyy!!!!! Ansem didn't even have a second form it was duper easy. ok i died the first time but next try i did okya.
and i have Some Questions about when Roxas was created??? So we see him at the mansion, with xemnas giving him the name Roxas. We also see him seeing the Twilight Town gang. and then they run off and axel comes and claps him on the shoulder and then sorta shake his head like "this guy, huh" and then axel and roxas eat ice cream on the tower. Axel says "that first day -- you were like a zombie" and "we came here and ate ice cream" so that's supposedly this day. OK but
Did axel name roxas
Did xemnas name roxas and then leave and let Axel find him
In this vein, does Xemnas name all the nobodies, in which case sending members of the organization to find them seems dumb, he could just recruit them when he names them.
So if it isn't xemnas naming roxas, who is it.
Is it the God of Nobodies? Is there one of those in whatever KH pantheon there is, who names nobodie?
I'm confuse!!!
Also then there's freaking Namine.
- 8/17 11:28 p,

I hate talking to my grandparents bc idk what to tslk about. Like, with friends and peers i can fall back on storirs about my cousins or make media references, but like, sometimes they'll show me a n animal video and ii don't know how to respond!!! 😬 the other day my grandpa showed me a video of a person with a pet tortoise and all that happened was she rubbed his head a bunch! For like 2 minutes!! And he was standing next to me holding out the iPad while i watched!
and sometimes ppl will start talking about things and say something like "apparently they're saying you shouldn't give them [dogs] garlic?" ( random exaggerated example) like yeah!! I knew that ten years ago!!!
or even like, friend ko will be like "and apparently that game comes before khi" and im like yess 😭 I've said that thirteen times 😫
or like someone will talk abt one of my interests, sometimes something i introduced them to, and be like "did you know that all the nobodies' names are the namesbthey had before tjey were nobodies mixed up with an x" and i have to be like "yeah! Well, except for NaminΓ©, but like, she's not part of the organization, so" but internally I'm like πŸ˜‘ yes. Everyone knows this. But thank you for making sure. Or they'll be like "i heard this theory that *insert popular headcanon here*" and im like " yeah, i heard that! ... . "
Also they ask questions (e.g. Abt kh or wof) that i know the answer to but then i feel like i have to explain everythinv like "yeah this is what happened after clearsight came over but like, still two thousand years later.. It ties intko the main series bc in the last book, at the end, moon and qibli met a dragon from the lost continent?" But its worse with kh but sometimes the questions are mechanical like "and that one /is/ playable on the ps4?" And the n i feel like im disappointing them by saying "no, that one's just cutscenes. These two are cutscenes, the ones that were originally for tge ds --well, technically coded was ORIGINALLY a phone game, but anyway-- chain of memories and birth by sleep are playable, and khi and ii are basically jusr ports" and ill probably go longer thsn that but typing on this isbhard.
Anyway also one of my grandmas is like kinda conservative but also againstfracking and pollution but apparently doesn't believe in climate change but will talk about how the weather is getting worse its been so hot and all those fires you kno w the American Indians used to burn forests sometimes and it was good for the land cuz then plants could grow better and whatecer she said about it i dont remember. But like the onLy things we talk abt at their house are
1 books -- mom amd her talk abt books i dont bc i dont know any of the books she reads
2 the garden all this is is "i saw a few tomatoes up on the fence" as mom says a couple times until she hears "i saw a hole it dug" or somethin
oh yeah she's protesting bboppa not getting a hearing aid by not getting one fotr herself until he gets one but she still sighs and say sv"he can't hear me πŸ˜’"
3 we can watch a moviw
4 we can play a game (mostly cribbage, uno, knock, or chinese checkers)
5 we cab talk abt making plans to do something with the cousins (aka a ___ party, eg an origami party, or a board game party, etc)etc
6 chester
7 mom will bring up stories abt life or some scientific study she read about or some story about a dog (thebone aboutvthe foxtail?)
etc i like talking to penguin
- 8/19 4:34 am


Thank the heavens for fettster777 on playstationtrophies bc i could not have completed the bumble buster minigame without their strat
I spent 35 minute s adding cards to my deck one at a time to "revise my dexk 500 TIMES" yikes

Re: KHII tutorial: When did theu go through the preliminaroes. On day 1, they ok first off, they're going to go to the beach, but on the way to figure out munny, they the struggle poster. THe n haynet saysv"you and i have to make it to the finals" so it hasnt happened yet. But the next day, as soon as roxas wakes up, he sees the note from hayner about gping to the beach. He goes outside and runs intp pence and olette who are evidently ON THEIR WAY TO GO SHOPPING. Roxas follows namine, gets chased by some dusks, ends up knocked out, visits the Stations in dive to tje heart. Wakes up to seifer and gang taking pics. They say that they got those "outsiders" to leave, implying that roxas had not been out very long. Then, hpo show up, hayner huffs and leaves upon seeing roxas with seifer and co EVEN TJOUGH they literally live in the same town which evidently has five areas to walk arounf in, and roxas is standing separately from the gang, they are in a face-off position, not a hanging out position anyway rox follows hpo back to the usual spot somehow leaving them enough leetime to pick up ice cream, and is like "how was the beach? Wasnt thar todau?" And they're all " we didnt go. Wouldn't be the same without you " like okayy y'all went SHOPPING i dont see how /i'm/ to blame but ok then next fay is the struggle and roxas wakes up, next we see hes outside the usual spot and some guy is like "hurry up your almost late" so i think roxas' house is above the ususl spot, so he goes to the sandlot and the announcer is like "these four kids battled theor way through the preliminaries" WHEN? WHEN WERE THE FREAKING PRELIMINARIES. W H E N .  - 7:31 am

Literally took me 32 minutes from entering The Land Of Dragons to leaving i can't sit through these cutscenes and im veru upset with khii - 8/20 4:39 am

1) i wanna listen to Chikai/Oath so bad i can't wait for January
2) i drew a couple cute pictures of ava and gula and i made a really cute design for ava's hair
3) we found our old Zoo Tycoon disc it's very fun. "Chimpanzee 72 just wamts to have some fun and wpuld like a toy" penguin put a drink machine in with the tigers and when i came bacj she told me she'd done something but not what, and like 15 minutes later i checked.on the tigrrs bc they weren't happy, and in the notes, i was reading out loud and it said "bengal tiger 92 doesn't like the Drink Machine  --' Penguin!"
 - 8 /22 2:10 am

Me, not having played kh in a while: yea khii is ok, i like khi better tho
Me, playing bbs: this is good, I'd actually rate it above khii i think
Me playing khi: this is the best game ever was
Me, playing ddd: neat. Idk if it's better than khii, definitely not as good as khi or bbs
Me, playing 0.2: 😨 oh.. My gosh.. It's beautiful... 😍
Me, playing CoM: ughhhhh this is so tedious at least in khii grinding doesn't suck so bad
Me, playing khii: Wow, Thid Is The Worst Game I've Ever Played!
- 8/23 12:57 am

WHAT THE HECKOLA PECOLA??? YOU CAN'T PAUSE DURING A SONG IN ATlantica. Precisely, you can pause, but from there you can't continue. - 4:00 am

the Answering Questions tutorial just says "to answer a question, tap your answer. then tap the Done button" THAT'S IT - 8/23 6:03 pm

wow i think iReady is asking me new questions? Unheard of! - 6:11 pm

oh yay!!!!!!!! a brain break!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THOSE!!!!!!! :-)))) (/s) - 6:14 pm

Im on my second revisit to twilight town, nobodies are there and such... There's no people anywhere, nor is the tram running, and I can go everywhere but the sandlot which leads me to believe that the people are being kept there, the entrances to the area are probably being guarded by the Twilight Town Disciplinary Committee. But like, when i run at the entrance, it says "we have to hurry to the mansion" although we never said we should hurry for any reason, an d from the tunnel s, i can go to sunset terrace. So.. - 8/25 5:50 am

reminder to look up and parse the scene of roxas fiighting sora to see if that was a new thing or not. Also the timeline tjere yikws also i need food i think , i. Shaky - 8/27 12:04 am

Oh friends this makes me INCREDIBLY happy
- 8/27 4:55 am

I painted my nails, washed my hair and face, brushed my teeth, and put on my kh shirt im all ready for my Week of First Days of School. - 4:56 am

Chester stole my blanket by trying to nest in his empty bed and then sitting and looking at me. He's asleep now. - 8/29 2:27 AM

Yo i prooobably just woke up the whole county but i got the Executive's Ring which gives you          T H I R T Y  A P . WHAT!!? - 8/29 3:00 am

no offense, but like, i can't believe this moment's come.........
i mean, it's so incredible,, that we're alone..
and like, there's so much to be said and done.. . it's impossible not to be overcome.......
so like, will you forgive me if i feel this way?
Cuz, you know, we just met... tell me that's okay
hey so maybe ,,,, take this feeling?/  and make it grow??? and never let it .. . never let it go
(don't let go of the things you believe in) you give me something that i can believe in~
no,, don't let go of this moment in time~~~~~
- 8/30 7:12 pm

today i had my first 5-hour day. ASL at 9:20 am to 10:20 then waiting around until 1:40 when geometry starts. Luckily!! Classmate Bl had to wait for a class at 12:50, and after friend Ko's second class, he hung out with us too until about 1:15. We played Go Fish and mucked around the playground. It was not the most boring day I've had even though I didn't sleep last night (not for lack of trying) - 7:14 pm

Me: penguin, what's your name?
Penguin: me? Right now?
i don't.. I don't know
*lauguing* you don't know your namr?
i mean, my name's penguin...
- 9/1 3:58 am

Accidental "Taps" Parody

Bath is done
Gone the suds
From the drain, from the tub, from the ???
All is well
Time to rest
Clean and dry